diff --git a/add_curve_ivygen.py b/add_curve_ivygen.py
index 26770fdaf14737b22abba8042e207e809b0e5232..ab38d253620eed591e60e1b76888a9a409533c64 100644
--- a/add_curve_ivygen.py
+++ b/add_curve_ivygen.py
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def createIvyGeometry(IVY, growLeaves):
                     node = root.ivyNodes[i]
                     nodeNext = root.ivyNodes[i + 1]
-                    # Find the weight and normalise the smooth adhesion vector
+                    # Find the weight and normalize the smooth adhesion vector
                     weight = pow(node.length * prevIvyLength, 0.7)
                     # Calculate the ground ivy and the new weight
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ class Ivy:
         self.maxAdhesionDistance = maxAdhesionDistance
         self.maxLength = 0.0
-        # Normalise all the weights only on intialisation
+        # Normalize all the weights only on intialisation
         sum = self.primaryWeight + self.randomWeight + self.adhesionWeight
         self.primaryWeight /= sum
         self.randomWeight /= sum
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ class Ivy:
             # Set the primary direction from the last node
             primaryVector = prevIvy.primaryDir
-            # Make the random vector and normalise
+            # Make the random vector and normalize
             randomVector = Vector((rand_val() - 0.5, rand_val() - 0.5,
                                    rand_val() - 0.5)) + Vector((0, 0, 0.2))
diff --git a/io_mesh_ply/__init__.py b/io_mesh_ply/__init__.py
index c9bb53182528ca013de51e41d5dd3a19d195a154..623900c9bb5aaffc774046c34a7aff9b834195b3 100644
--- a/io_mesh_ply/__init__.py
+++ b/io_mesh_ply/__init__.py
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ class ImportPLY(bpy.types.Operator, ImportHelper):
 class ExportPLY(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
-    """Export a single object as a stanford PLY with normals, """ \
-    """colours and texture coordinates"""
+    """Export a single object as a Stanford PLY with normals, """ \
+    """colors and texture coordinates"""
     bl_idname = "export_mesh.ply"
     bl_label = "Export PLY"
diff --git a/mocap/__init__.py b/mocap/__init__.py
index f754333f36fb8fe33d4bae4a75b45ad0e16877c0..e6a00f18e8b899c0d36b73a0736a268b785af6bd 100644
--- a/mocap/__init__.py
+++ b/mocap/__init__.py
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ class OBJECT_OT_RetargetButton(bpy.types.Operator):
     # has an action for retargeting
     """Retarget animation from selected armature to active armature"""
     bl_idname = "mocap.retarget"
-    bl_label = "Retarget active action from Performer to Enduser"
+    bl_label = "Retarget active action from Performer to End-user"
     bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
     def execute(self, context):
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ class OBJECT_OT_SaveMappingButton(bpy.types.Operator):
     #Operator for saving mapping to enduser armature
     """Save mapping to active armature (for future retargets)"""
     bl_idname = "mocap.savemapping"
-    bl_label = "Save user generated mapping from Performer to Enduser"
+    bl_label = "Save user generated mapping from Performer to End-user"
     def execute(self, context):
         enduser_obj = bpy.context.active_object
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ class OBJECT_OT_LoadMappingButton(bpy.types.Operator):
     """Load saved mapping from active armature"""
     #Operator for loading mapping to enduser armature
     bl_idname = "mocap.loadmapping"
-    bl_label = "Load user generated mapping from Performer to Enduser"
+    bl_label = "Load user generated mapping from Performer to End-user"
     def execute(self, context):
         enduser_obj = bpy.context.active_object
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ class OBJECT_OT_GuessHierachyMapping(bpy.types.Operator):
     #Operator which calls heurisitic function to guess mapping between 2 armatures
     """Attempt to auto figure out hierarchy mapping"""
     bl_idname = "mocap.guessmapping"
-    bl_label = "Attemp to auto figure out hierarchy mapping"
+    bl_label = "Attempt to auto figure out hierarchy mapping"
     def execute(self, context):
         enduser_obj = bpy.context.active_object