From 653ccca3171d69d9b49f340f405de6ce5f981661 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nathan Vegdahl <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 20:17:34 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Rigify: drivers now get transfered from the metarig to the
 generated rig.

This is the last piece that should allow some pretty extensive custom rigging
in the metarig, if advanced users choose to do so.
 rigify/ | 76 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 rigify/    | 13 ++++++++
 2 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rigify/ b/rigify/
index 735524420..a2ac6f7a7 100644
--- a/rigify/
+++ b/rigify/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #======================= END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ========================
 import bpy
+import re
 import time
 import traceback
 import sys
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ from rigify.utils import ORG_PREFIX, MCH_PREFIX, DEF_PREFIX, WGT_PREFIX, ROOT_NA
 from rigify.utils import RIG_DIR
 from rigify.utils import create_root_widget
 from rigify.utils import random_id
+from rigify.utils import copy_attributes
 from rigify.rig_ui_template import UI_SLIDERS, layers_ui, UI_REGISTER
 from rigify import rigs
@@ -158,25 +160,53 @@ def generate_rig(context, metarig):
         # Constraints
         for con1 in bone.constraints:
             con2 =
-            # Copy attributes
-            keys = dir(con1)
-            for key in keys:
-                if not key.startswith("_") \
-                and not key.startswith("error_") \
-                and key != "is_valid" \
-                and key != "rna_type" \
-                and key != "type" \
-                and key != "bl_rna":
-                    try:
-                        setattr(con2, key, getattr(con1, key))
-                    except AttributeError:
-                        print("Could not write to constraint attribute '%s'" % key)
+            copy_attributes(con1, con2)
             # Set metarig target to rig target
-            if "target" in keys:
-                if getattr(con2, "target") == metarig:
-                    setattr(con2, "target", obj)
+            if "target" in dir(con2):
+                if == metarig:
+           = obj
+    # Copy drivers
+    for d1 in metarig.animation_data.drivers:
+        d2 = obj.driver_add(d1.data_path)
+        copy_attributes(d1, d2)
+        copy_attributes(d1.driver, d2.driver)
+        # Remove default modifiers, variables, etc.
+        for m in d2.modifiers:
+            d2.modifiers.remove(m)
+        for v in d2.driver.variables:
+            d2.driver.variables.remove(v)
+        # Copy modifiers
+        for m1 in d1.modifiers:
+            m2 =
+            copy_attributes(m1, m2)
+        # Copy variables
+        for v1 in d1.driver.variables:
+            v2 =
+            copy_attributes(v1, v2)
+            for i in range(len(v1.targets)):
+                copy_attributes(v1.targets[i], v2.targets[i])
+                # Switch metarig targets to rig targets
+                if v2.targets[i].id == metarig:
+                    v2.targets[i].id = obj
+                # Mark targets that may need to be altered after rig generation
+                tar = v2.targets[i]
+                # If a custom property
+                if v2.type == 'SINGLE_PROP' \
+                and re.match('^pose.bones\["[^"\]]*"\]\["[^"\]]*"\]$', tar.data_path):
+                    tar.data_path = "RIGIFY-" + tar.data_path
+        # Copy key frames
+        for i in range(len(d1.keyframe_points)):
+            d2.keyframe_points.add()
+            k1 = d1.keyframe_points[i]
+            k2 = d2.keyframe_points[i]
+            copy_attributes(k1, k2)
     t.tick("Duplicate rig: ")
@@ -267,6 +297,18 @@ def generate_rig(context, metarig):
   [bone].use_deform = False
+    # Alter marked driver targets
+    for d in obj.animation_data.drivers:
+        for v in d.driver.variables:
+            for tar in v.targets:
+                if tar.data_path.startswith("RIGIFY-"):
+                    temp, bone, prop = tuple([x.strip('"]') for x in tar.data_path.split('["')])
+                    if bone in \
+                    and prop in obj.pose.bones[bone].keys():
+                        tar.data_path = tar.data_path[7:]
+                    else:
+                        tar.data_path = 'pose.bones["%s"]["%s"]' % (make_original_name(bone), prop)
     # Move all the original bones to their layer.
     for bone in original_bones:[bone].layers = ORG_LAYER
diff --git a/rigify/ b/rigify/
index 4add7a150..44f3e2498 100644
--- a/rigify/
+++ b/rigify/
@@ -375,6 +375,19 @@ def create_root_widget(rig, bone_name):
 # Misc
+def copy_attributes(a, b):
+    keys = dir(a)
+    for key in keys:
+        if not key.startswith("_") \
+        and not key.startswith("error_") \
+        and key != "is_valid" \
+        and key != "rna_type" \
+        and key != "bl_rna":
+            try:
+                setattr(b, key, getattr(a, key))
+            except AttributeError:
+                pass
 def get_rig_type(rig_type):
     """ Fetches a rig module by name, and returns it.