diff --git a/add_mesh_pipe_joint.py b/add_mesh_pipe_joint.py
index 46249ec9ae1ae6fd3a7ab6a9729c7b2581a8f346..3f47a89e93cc7c70745f5125cdac175f14e7ccd0 100644
--- a/add_mesh_pipe_joint.py
+++ b/add_mesh_pipe_joint.py
@@ -31,103 +31,6 @@ bl_info = {
     "category": "Add Mesh"}
-Pipe Joints
-This script lets the user create various types of pipe joints.
-You have to activated the script in the "Add-Ons" tab (user preferences).
-The functionality can then be accessed via the
-"Add Mesh" -> "Pipe Joints" menu.
-Note: Currently only the "Elbow" type supports odd number of vertices.
-Version history:
-v0.10.6 - Removed "recall properties" from all functions.
-    Updated various code for new API.
-    API: mathutils.RotationMatrix -> mathutils.Matrix.Rotation
-    API: xxx.selected -> xxx.select
-    API: "invoke" function for each operator.
-    Updated for new bl_info structure.
-    New code for the "align_matrix".
-    made script PEP8 compatible.
-v0.10.5 - createFaces can now create fan/star like faces.
-v0.10.4 - Updated the function "createFaces" a bit. No functional changes.
-v0.10.3 - Updated store_recall_properties, apply_object_align
-    and create_mesh_object.
-    Changed how recall data is stored.
-    Added 'description'.
-v0.10.2 - API change Mathutils -> mathutils (r557)
-    Fixed wiki url.
-v0.10.1 - Use hidden "edit" property for "recall" operator.
-v0.10 - Store "recall" properties in the created objects.
-    Align the geometry to the view if the user preference says so.
-v0.9.10 - Use bl_info for Add-On information.
-v0.9.9 - Changed the script so it can be managed from the "Add-Ons" tab in
-    the user preferences.
-    Added dummy "PLUGIN" icon.
-v0.9.8 - Fixed some new API stuff.
-    Mainly we now have the register/unregister functions.
-    Also the new() function for objects now accepts a mesh object.
-    Corrected FSF address.
-    Clean up of tooltips.
-v0.9.7 - Use "unit" settings for angles as well.
-    This also lets me use radiant for all internal values..
-v0.9.6 - Use "unit" settings (i.e. none/metric/imperial).
-v0.9.5 - Use mesh.from_pydata() for geometry creation.
-    So we can remove unpack_list and unpack_face_list again.
-v0.9.4 - Creating of the pipe now works in mesh edit mode too.
-    Thanks to ideasman42 (Campbell Barton) for his nice work
-    on the torus script code :-).
-v0.9.3 - Changed to a saner vertex/polygon creation process (previously
-    my usage of mesh.faces.add could only do quads)
-    For this I've copied the functions unpack_list and unpack_face_list
-    from import_scene_obj.py.
-    Elbow joint actually supports 3 vertices per circle.
-    Various comments.
-    Script _should_ now be PEP8 compatible.
-v0.9.2 - Converted from tabs to spaces (4 spaces per tab).
-v0.9.1 - Converted add_mesh and add_object to their new counterparts
-    "bpy.data.meshes.new() and "bpy.data.objects.new()"
-v0.9 - Converted to 2.5. Made mostly pep8 compatible (exept for tabs and
-    stuff the check-script didn't catch).
-v0.8.5 - Fixed bug in Elbow joint. Same problem as in 0.8.1
-v0.8.4 - Fixed bug in Y joint. Same problem as in 0.8.1
-v0.8.3 - Fixed bug in N joint. Same problem as in 0.8.1
-v0.8.2 - Fixed bug in X (cross) joint. Same problem as in 0.8.1
-v0.8.1 - Fixed bug in T joint. Angles greater than 90 deg combined with a
-    radius != 1 resulted in bad geometry (the radius was not taken into
-    account when calculating the joint vertices).
-v0.8 - Added N-Joint.
-    Removed all uses of baseJointLocZ. It just clutters the code.
-v0.7 - Added cross joint
-v0.6 - No visible changes. Lots of internal ones though
-    (complete redesign of face creation process).
-    As a bonus the code is a bit easier to read now.
-    Added a nice&simple little "bridge" function
-    (createFaces) for these changes.
-v0.5.1 - Made it possible to create asymmetric Y joints.
-    Renamed the 2 Wye Joints to something more fitting and unique.
-    One is now the Tee joint, the second one remains the Wye joint.
-v0.5 - Added real Y joint.
-v0.4.3 - Added check for odd vertex numbers. They are not (yet) supported.
-v0.4.2 - Added pipe length to the GUI.
-v0.4.1 - Removed the unfinished menu entries for now.
-v0.4 - Tried to clean up the face creation in addTeeJoint
-v0.3 - Code for wye (Y) shape (straight pipe with "branch" for now)
-v0.2 - Restructured to allow different types of pipe (joints).
-v0.1 - Initial revision.
-More links:
-Use a rotation matrix for rotating the circle vertices:
-rotation_matrix = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(-math.pi/2, 4, 'x')
 import bpy
 from math import *
 from bpy.props import *
diff --git a/object_cloud_gen.py b/object_cloud_gen.py
index ab8eba9b5ca8f5a296394a35b4b791f3542bff5f..4054a90c478f1c717849768e36bde5b356a74666 100644
--- a/object_cloud_gen.py
+++ b/object_cloud_gen.py
@@ -31,25 +31,6 @@ bl_info = {
     "category": "Object"}
-Place this file in the .blender/scripts/addons dir
-You have to activated the script in the "Add-Ons" tab (user preferences).
-The functionality can then be accessed via the Tool shelf when objects
-are selected
-Rev 0 initial release
-Rev 0.1 added scene to create_mesh per python api change.
-Rev 0.2 Added Point Density turbulence and fixed degenerate
-Rev 0.3 Fixed bug in degenerate
-Rev 0.4 updated for api change/changed to new apply modifier technique
-Rev 0.5 made particle count equation with radius so radius increases with cloud volume
-Rev 0.6 added poll function to operator, fixing crash with no selected objects
-Rev 0.7 added particles option and Type of Cloud wanted selector
-Rev 0.8 fixed particles by commenting out add cloud texture force field
-Rev 0.9 Added smoothing and explosion material
-Rev 1.0 Added ability to convert object with particle system to cloud and auto resizing of bound box
 import bpy
 from math import *
 from bpy.props import *
diff --git a/space_view3d_spacebar_menu.py b/space_view3d_spacebar_menu.py
index 66de6018282b7ba1dc8eb193127ad9a7b0f00a52..4c631868d8edbc90650196906e54200451758cf4 100644
--- a/space_view3d_spacebar_menu.py
+++ b/space_view3d_spacebar_menu.py
@@ -33,39 +33,6 @@ bl_info = {
     "category": "3D View"}
-Dynamic Menu
-This adds a the Dynamic Spacebar Menu in the View3D.
-*  This script gives a basic menu with common simple tools for easy access.
-*  Very similar to the Spacebar menu in 2.49
-*  Context sensitive for Object, Edit, Sculpt, Pose, Weight/Texture/Vertex
-       Paint modes.
-* Object sensitive based on object selected in edit mode.
-Version history:
-v1.7.3 - (JayDez) - Wrong operator names for deleting in editmode
-v1.7.2 - (JayDez) - Adding proportional editing menu to where it was missing
-v1.7.1 - (JayDez) - Fixing up lattice menu and a wrong operator in curve menu
-v1.7 - (JayDez) - Fixing up animation menu and Metaball Add Menu
-v1.6.1 - (JayDez) - Added Add Menu to Curve and Surface (respectively)
-v1.6 - (JayDez) - Fixed a couple wrong names. (Thanks Bao2 and Dennis)
-v1.5.1 - (JayDez) - Changing formatting to be more uniform.
-v1.5 - (meta-androcto) - adding context sensitive menus.
-v1.3 - (JayDez) - Changed toggle editmode to an if statement, so that
-    if you are in editmode it will show change to object mode but
-    otherwise it shows change to edit mode. Also added separate icons
-    for change to edit mode and to object mode.
-v1.2 - (JayDez) - Editing docs, changing 3D cursor to dynamic menu,
-    reorganizing menu.
-v1.1 - (meta-androcto) - added editmode menu
-v1.0 - (meta-androcto) - initial final revision (commited to contrib)
-v0.1 through 0.9 - various tests/contributions by various people and scripts
-    Devs: JayDez, Crouch, sim88, meta-androcto, Sam
-    Scripts: 3D Cursor Menu, Original Dynamic Menu
 import bpy
 from bpy import *