diff --git a/io_scene_x3d/export_x3d.py b/io_scene_x3d/export_x3d.py
index 7f5972c0ed9076423319754c8e79c0cc8ce82802..79afa5d856b80261745d4116602acaabf7e3da09 100644
--- a/io_scene_x3d/export_x3d.py
+++ b/io_scene_x3d/export_x3d.py
@@ -327,15 +327,17 @@ def export(file,
     def writeViewpoint(ident, obj, matrix, scene):
         view_id = quoteattr(unique_name(obj, 'CA_' + obj.name, uuid_cache_view, clean_func=clean_def, sep="_"))
-        loc, quat, scale = matrix.decompose()
+        loc, rot, scale = matrix.decompose()
+        rot = rot.to_axis_angle()
+        rot = rot[0][:] + (rot[1], )
         ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
         fw('%s<Viewpoint ' % ident)))
         fw('DEF=%s\n' % view_id)
         fw(ident_step + 'centerOfRotation="0 0 0"\n')
         fw(ident_step + 'position="%3.2f %3.2f %3.2f"\n' % loc[:])
-        fw(ident_step + 'orientation="%3.2f %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f"\n' % (quat.axis.normalized()[:] + (quat.angle, )))
-        fw(ident_step + 'fieldOfView="%.3g"\n' % obj.data.angle)
+        fw(ident_step + 'orientation="%3.2f %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f"\n' % rot)
+        fw(ident_step + 'fieldOfView="%.3f"\n' % obj.data.angle)
         fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
     def writeFog(ident, world):
@@ -349,8 +351,8 @@ def export(file,
             ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
             fw('%s<Fog ' % ident)))
             fw('fogType="%s"\n' % ('LINEAR' if (mtype == 'LINEAR') else 'EXPONENTIAL'))
-            fw(ident_step + 'color="%.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % clamp_color(world.horizon_color))
-            fw(ident_step + 'visibilityRange="%.3g"\n' % mparam.depth)
+            fw(ident_step + 'color="%.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % clamp_color(world.horizon_color))
+            fw(ident_step + 'visibilityRange="%.3f"\n' % mparam.depth)
             fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
@@ -372,12 +374,14 @@ def export(file,
-        loc, quat, sca = matrix.decompose()
+        loc, rot, sca = matrix.decompose()
+        rot = rot.to_axis_angle()
+        rot = rot[0][:] + (rot[1], )
-        fw(ident_step + 'translation="%.6g %.6g %.6g"\n' % loc[:])
-        # fw(ident_step + 'center="%.6g %.6g %.6g"\n' % (0, 0, 0))
-        fw(ident_step + 'scale="%.6g %.6g %.6g"\n' % sca[:])
-        fw(ident_step + 'rotation="%.6g %.6g %.6g %.6g"\n' % (quat.axis.normalized()[:] + (quat.angle, )))
+        fw(ident_step + 'translation="%.6f %.6f %.6f"\n' % loc[:])
+        # fw(ident_step + 'center="%.6f %.6f %.6f"\n' % (0, 0, 0))
+        fw(ident_step + 'scale="%.6f %.6f %.6f"\n' % sca[:])
+        fw(ident_step + 'rotation="%.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f"\n' % rot)
         fw(ident_step + '>\n')
         ident += '\t'
         return ident
@@ -413,14 +417,14 @@ def export(file,
         ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
         fw('%s<SpotLight ' % ident)))
         fw('DEF=%s\n' % lamp_id)
-        fw(ident_step + 'radius="%.4g"\n' % radius)
-        fw(ident_step + 'ambientIntensity="%.4g"\n' % amb_intensity)
-        fw(ident_step + 'intensity="%.4g"\n' % intensity)
-        fw(ident_step + 'color="%.4g %.4g %.4g"\n' % clamp_color(lamp.color))
-        fw(ident_step + 'beamWidth="%.4g"\n' % beamWidth)
-        fw(ident_step + 'cutOffAngle="%.4g"\n' % cutOffAngle)
-        fw(ident_step + 'direction="%.4g %.4g %.4g"\n' % orientation)
-        fw(ident_step + 'location="%.4g %.4g %.4g"\n' % location)
+        fw(ident_step + 'radius="%.4f"\n' % radius)
+        fw(ident_step + 'ambientIntensity="%.4f"\n' % amb_intensity)
+        fw(ident_step + 'intensity="%.4f"\n' % intensity)
+        fw(ident_step + 'color="%.4f %.4f %.4f"\n' % clamp_color(lamp.color))
+        fw(ident_step + 'beamWidth="%.4f"\n' % beamWidth)
+        fw(ident_step + 'cutOffAngle="%.4f"\n' % cutOffAngle)
+        fw(ident_step + 'direction="%.4f %.4f %.4f"\n' % orientation)
+        fw(ident_step + 'location="%.4f %.4f %.4f"\n' % location)
         fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
     def writeDirectionalLight(ident, obj, matrix, lamp, world):
@@ -442,10 +446,10 @@ def export(file,
         ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
         fw('%s<DirectionalLight ' % ident)))
         fw('DEF=%s\n' % lamp_id)
-        fw(ident_step + 'ambientIntensity="%.4g"\n' % amb_intensity)
-        fw(ident_step + 'color="%.4g %.4g %.4g"\n' % clamp_color(lamp.color))
-        fw(ident_step + 'intensity="%.4g"\n' % intensity)
-        fw(ident_step + 'direction="%.4g %.4g %.4g"\n' % orientation)
+        fw(ident_step + 'ambientIntensity="%.4f"\n' % amb_intensity)
+        fw(ident_step + 'color="%.4f %.4f %.4f"\n' % clamp_color(lamp.color))
+        fw(ident_step + 'intensity="%.4f"\n' % intensity)
+        fw(ident_step + 'direction="%.4f %.4f %.4f"\n' % orientation)
         fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
     def writePointLight(ident, obj, matrix, lamp, world):
@@ -466,12 +470,12 @@ def export(file,
         ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
         fw('%s<PointLight ' % ident)))
         fw('DEF=%s\n' % lamp_id)
-        fw(ident_step + 'ambientIntensity="%.4g"\n' % amb_intensity)
-        fw(ident_step + 'color="%.4g %.4g %.4g"\n' % clamp_color(lamp.color))
+        fw(ident_step + 'ambientIntensity="%.4f"\n' % amb_intensity)
+        fw(ident_step + 'color="%.4f %.4f %.4f"\n' % clamp_color(lamp.color))
-        fw(ident_step + 'intensity="%.4g"\n' % intensity)
-        fw(ident_step + 'radius="%.4g" \n' % lamp.distance)
-        fw(ident_step + 'location="%.4g %.4g %.4g"\n' % location)
+        fw(ident_step + 'intensity="%.4f"\n' % intensity)
+        fw(ident_step + 'radius="%.4f" \n' % lamp.distance)
+        fw(ident_step + 'location="%.4f %.4f %.4f"\n' % location)
         fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
     def writeIndexedFaceSet(ident, obj, mesh, matrix, world):
@@ -627,10 +631,10 @@ def export(file,
                             ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
                             fw('%s<TextureTransform ' % ident)))
-                            # fw('center="%.6g %.6g" ' % (0.0, 0.0))
-                            fw(ident_step + 'translation="%.6g %.6g"\n' % loc)
-                            fw(ident_step + 'scale="%.6g %.6g"\n' % (sca_x, sca_y))
-                            fw(ident_step + 'rotation="%.6g"\n' % rot)
+                            # fw('center="%.6f %.6f" ' % (0.0, 0.0))
+                            fw(ident_step + 'translation="%.6f %.6f"\n' % loc)
+                            fw(ident_step + 'scale="%.6f %.6f"\n' % (sca_x, sca_y))
+                            fw(ident_step + 'rotation="%.6f"\n' % rot)
                             fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
                     if use_h3d:
@@ -743,26 +747,26 @@ def export(file,
                         fw('%s<Coordinate ' % ident)
                         for x3d_v in vert_tri_list:
-                            fw('%.6g %.6g %.6g ' % mesh_vertices[x3d_v[1]].co[:])
+                            fw('%.6f %.6f %.6f ' % mesh_vertices[x3d_v[1]].co[:])
                         fw('" />\n')
                         if use_normals or is_force_normals:
                             fw('%s<Normal ' % ident)
                             for x3d_v in vert_tri_list:
-                                fw('%.6g %.6g %.6g ' % mesh_vertices[x3d_v[1]].normal[:])
+                                fw('%.6f %.6f %.6f ' % mesh_vertices[x3d_v[1]].normal[:])
                             fw('" />\n')
                         if is_uv:
                             fw('%s<TextureCoordinate point="' % ident)
                             for x3d_v in vert_tri_list:
-                                fw('%.4g %.4g ' % x3d_v[0][slot_uv])
+                                fw('%.4f %.4f ' % x3d_v[0][slot_uv])
                             fw('" />\n')
                         if is_col:
                             fw('%s<Color color="' % ident)
                             for x3d_v in vert_tri_list:
-                                fw('%.3g %.3g %.3g ' % x3d_v[0][slot_col])
+                                fw('%.3f %.3f %.3f ' % x3d_v[0][slot_col])
                             fw('" />\n')
                         if use_h3d:
@@ -777,7 +781,7 @@ def export(file,
                                         fw('numComponents="2" ')
                                         for x3d_v in vert_tri_list:
-                                            fw('%.4g %.4g ' % x3d_v[0][slot_uv])
+                                            fw('%.4f %.4f ' % x3d_v[0][slot_uv])
                                         fw('" />\n')
@@ -799,7 +803,7 @@ def export(file,
                         # --- Write IndexedFaceSet Attributes (same as IndexedTriangleSet)
                         fw('solid="%s"\n' % ('true' if mesh.show_double_sided else 'false'))
                         if is_smooth:
-                            fw(ident_step + 'creaseAngle="%.4g"\n' % mesh.auto_smooth_angle)
+                            fw(ident_step + 'creaseAngle="%.4f"\n' % mesh.auto_smooth_angle)
                         if use_normals:
                             # currently not optional, could be made so:
@@ -852,7 +856,7 @@ def export(file,
                                 fw('DEF=%s\n' % mesh_id_coords)
                                 fw(ident_step + 'point="')
                                 for v in mesh.vertices:
-                                    fw('%.6g %.6g %.6g ' % v.co[:])
+                                    fw('%.6f %.6f %.6f ' % v.co[:])
                                 fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
@@ -864,7 +868,7 @@ def export(file,
                                     fw('DEF=%s\n' % mesh_id_normals)
                                     fw(ident_step + 'vector="')
                                     for v in mesh.vertices:
-                                        fw('%.6g %.6g %.6g ' % v.normal[:])
+                                        fw('%.6f %.6f %.6f ' % v.normal[:])
                                     fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
@@ -872,7 +876,7 @@ def export(file,
                             fw('%s<TextureCoordinate point="' % ident)
                             for i in face_group:
                                 for uv in mesh_faces_uv[i].uv:
-                                    fw('%.4g %.4g ' % uv[:])
+                                    fw('%.4f %.4f ' % uv[:])
                             del mesh_faces_uv
                             fw('" />\n')
@@ -880,7 +884,7 @@ def export(file,
                             fw('%s<Color color="' % ident)
                             # XXX, 1 color per face, only
                             for i in face_group:
-                                fw('%.3g %.3g %.3g ' % mesh_faces_col[i].color1[:])
+                                fw('%.3f %.3f %.3f ' % mesh_faces_col[i].color1[:])
                             fw('" />\n')
                         #--- output vertexColors
@@ -938,11 +942,11 @@ def export(file,
             ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
             fw('%s<Material ' % ident)))
             fw('DEF=%s\n' % material_id)
-            fw(ident_step + 'diffuseColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % clamp_color(diffuseColor))
-            fw(ident_step + 'specularColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % clamp_color(specColor))
-            fw(ident_step + 'emissiveColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % clamp_color(emitColor))
-            fw(ident_step + 'ambientIntensity="%.3g"\n' % ambient)
-            fw(ident_step + 'shininess="%.3g"\n' % shininess)
+            fw(ident_step + 'diffuseColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % clamp_color(diffuseColor))
+            fw(ident_step + 'specularColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % clamp_color(specColor))
+            fw(ident_step + 'emissiveColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % clamp_color(emitColor))
+            fw(ident_step + 'ambientIntensity="%.3f"\n' % ambient)
+            fw(ident_step + 'shininess="%.3f"\n' % shininess)
             fw(ident_step + 'transparency="%s"\n' % transp)
             fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
@@ -1078,7 +1082,7 @@ def export(file,
                         lamp_obj_id = quoteattr(unique_name(lamp_obj, 'LA_' + lamp_obj.name, uuid_cache_lamp, clean_func=clean_def, sep="_"))
                         lamp_obj_transform_id = quoteattr(unique_name(lamp_obj, lamp_obj.name, uuid_cache_object, clean_func=clean_def, sep="_"))
-                        value = '%.6g %.6g %.6g' % (global_matrix * lamp_obj.matrix_world).to_translation()[:]
+                        value = '%.6f %.6f %.6f' % (global_matrix * lamp_obj.matrix_world).to_translation()[:]
                         field_descr = " <!--- Lamp DynCo '%s' -->" % lamp_obj.name
                         fw('%s<field name="%s" type="SFVec3f" accessType="inputOutput" value="%s" />%s\n' % (ident, uniform['varname'], value, field_descr))
@@ -1107,7 +1111,7 @@ def export(file,
                     frag_uniform_var_map[uniform['varname']] = lamp_obj
                     lamp = lamp_obj.data
-                    value = '%.6g %.6g %.6g' % (lamp.color * lamp.energy)[:]
+                    value = '%.6f %.6f %.6f' % (lamp.color * lamp.energy)[:]
                     field_descr = " <!--- Lamp DynColor '%s' -->" % lamp_obj.name
                     if uniform['datatype'] == gpu.GPU_DATA_3F:
                         fw('%s<field name="%s" type="SFVec3f" accessType="inputOutput" value="%s" />%s\n' % (ident, uniform['varname'], value, field_descr))
@@ -1126,7 +1130,7 @@ def export(file,
                     if uniform['datatype'] == gpu.GPU_DATA_3F:
                         lamp_obj = uniform['lamp']
-                        value = '%.6g %.6g %.6g' % ((global_matrix * lamp_obj.matrix_world).to_quaternion() * mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0))).normalized()[:]
+                        value = '%.6f %.6f %.6f' % ((global_matrix * lamp_obj.matrix_world).to_quaternion() * mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0))).normalized()[:]
                         field_descr = " <!--- Lamp DynDirection '%s' -->" % lamp_obj.name
                         fw('%s<field name="%s" type="SFVec3f" accessType="inputOutput" value="%s" />%s\n' % (ident, uniform['varname'], value, field_descr))
@@ -1194,7 +1198,7 @@ def export(file,
                             #for i in range(0, 10, 4)
                             #value = ' '.join(['%d' % f for f in uniform['texpixels']])
-                            # value = ' '.join(['%.6g' % (f / 256) for f in uniform['texpixels']])
+                            # value = ' '.join(['%.6f' % (f / 256) for f in uniform['texpixels']])
                             #fw('%s<field name="%s" type="SFInt32" accessType="inputOutput" value="%s" />%s\n' % (ident, uniform['varname'], value, field_descr))
                             #print('test', len(uniform['texpixels']))
@@ -1273,34 +1277,34 @@ def export(file,
         fw('DEF=%s\n' % world_id)
         # No Skytype - just Hor color
         if blending == (False, False, False):
-            fw(ident_step + 'groundColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % grd_triple)
-            fw(ident_step + 'skyColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % grd_triple)
+            fw(ident_step + 'groundColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % grd_triple)
+            fw(ident_step + 'skyColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % grd_triple)
         # Blend Gradient
         elif blending == (True, False, False):
-            fw(ident_step + 'groundColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g, %.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % (grd_triple + mix_triple))
+            fw(ident_step + 'groundColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % (grd_triple + mix_triple))
             fw(ident_step + 'groundAngle="1.57, 1.57"\n')
-            fw(ident_step + 'skyColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g, %.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % (sky_triple + mix_triple))
+            fw(ident_step + 'skyColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % (sky_triple + mix_triple))
             fw(ident_step + 'skyAngle="1.57, 1.57"\n')
         # Blend+Real Gradient Inverse
         elif blending == (True, False, True):
-            fw(ident_step + 'groundColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g, %.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % (sky_triple + grd_triple))
+            fw(ident_step + 'groundColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % (sky_triple + grd_triple))
             fw(ident_step + 'groundAngle="1.57"\n')
-            fw(ident_step + 'skyColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g, %.3g %.3g %.3g, %.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % (sky_triple + grd_triple + sky_triple))
+            fw(ident_step + 'skyColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % (sky_triple + grd_triple + sky_triple))
             fw(ident_step + 'skyAngle="1.57, 3.14159"\n')
         # Paper - just Zen Color
         elif blending == (False, False, True):
-            fw(ident_step + 'groundColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % sky_triple)
-            fw(ident_step + 'skyColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % sky_triple)
+            fw(ident_step + 'groundColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % sky_triple)
+            fw(ident_step + 'skyColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % sky_triple)
         # Blend+Real+Paper - komplex gradient
         elif blending == (True, True, True):
-            fw(ident_step + 'groundColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g, %.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % (sky_triple + grd_triple))
+            fw(ident_step + 'groundColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % (sky_triple + grd_triple))
             fw(ident_step + 'groundAngle="1.57, 1.57"\n')
-            fw(ident_step + 'skyColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g, %.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % (sky_triple + grd_triple))
+            fw(ident_step + 'skyColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % (sky_triple + grd_triple))
             fw(ident_step + 'skyAngle="1.57, 1.57"\n')
         # Any Other two colors
-            fw(ident_step + 'groundColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % grd_triple)
-            fw(ident_step + 'skyColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % sky_triple)
+            fw(ident_step + 'groundColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % grd_triple)
+            fw(ident_step + 'skyColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f"\n' % sky_triple)
         for tex in bpy.data.textures:
             if tex.type == 'IMAGE' and tex.image: