# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### bl_addon_info = { 'name': 'Object: Cloud Generator', 'author': 'Nick Keeline(nrk)', 'version': '0.6', 'blender': (2, 5, 3), 'location': 'Tool Shelf ', 'description': 'Creates Volumetric Clouds', 'url': 'http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/' \ 'Scripts/Object/Cloud_Gen', 'category': 'Object'} """ Place this file in the .blender/scripts/addons dir You have to activated the script in the "Add-Ons" tab (user preferences). The functionality can then be accessed via the Tool shelf when objects are selected Rev 0 initial release Rev 0.1 added scene to create_mesh per python api change. Rev 0.2 Added Point Density turbulence and fixed degenerate Rev 0.3 Fixed bug in degenerate Rev 0.4 updated for api change/changed to new apply modifier technique Rev 0.5 made particle count equation with radius so radius increases with cloud volume Rev 0.6 added poll function to operator, fixing crash with no selected objects """ import bpy import mathutils from math import * from bpy.props import * # This routine takes an object and deletes all of the geometry in it # and adds a bounding box to it. # It will add or subtract the bound box size by the variable sizeDifference. def makeObjectIntoBoundBox(object, sizeDifference): # Deselect All bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Select the object object.selected = True # Go into Edit Mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') mesh = object.data verts = mesh.verts #Set the max and min verts to the first vertex on the list maxVert = [verts[0].co[0], verts[0].co[1], verts[0].co[2]] minVert = [verts[0].co[0], verts[0].co[1], verts[0].co[2]] #Create Max and Min Vertex array for the outer corners of the box for vert in verts: #Max vertex if vert.co[0] > maxVert[0]: maxVert[0] = vert.co[0] if vert.co[1] > maxVert[1]: maxVert[1] = vert.co[1] if vert.co[2] > maxVert[2]: maxVert[2] = vert.co[2] #Min Vertex if vert.co[0] < minVert[0]: minVert[0] = vert.co[0] if vert.co[1] < minVert[1]: minVert[1] = vert.co[1] if vert.co[2] < minVert[2]: minVert[2] = vert.co[2] #Add the size difference to the max size of the box maxVert[0] = maxVert[0] + sizeDifference maxVert[1] = maxVert[1] + sizeDifference maxVert[2] = maxVert[2] + sizeDifference #subtract the size difference to the min size of the box minVert[0] = minVert[0] - sizeDifference minVert[1] = minVert[1] - sizeDifference minVert[2] = minVert[2] - sizeDifference #Create arrays of verts and faces to be added to the mesh addVerts = [] #X high loop addVerts.append([maxVert[0], maxVert[1], maxVert[2]]) addVerts.append([maxVert[0], maxVert[1], minVert[2]]) addVerts.append([maxVert[0], minVert[1], minVert[2]]) addVerts.append([maxVert[0], minVert[1], maxVert[2]]) #x low loop addVerts.append([minVert[0], maxVert[1], maxVert[2]]) addVerts.append([minVert[0], maxVert[1], minVert[2]]) addVerts.append([minVert[0], minVert[1], minVert[2]]) addVerts.append([minVert[0], minVert[1], maxVert[2]]) # Make the faces of the bounding box. addFaces = [] # Draw a box on paper and number the vertices. # Use right hand rule to come up with number orders for faces on # the box (with normals pointing out). addFaces.append([0, 3, 2, 1]) addFaces.append([4, 5, 6, 7]) addFaces.append([0, 1, 5, 4]) addFaces.append([1, 2, 6, 5]) addFaces.append([2, 3, 7, 6]) addFaces.append([0, 4, 7, 3]) # Delete all geometry from the object. bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='ALL') # Must be in object mode for from_pydata to work bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # Add the mesh data. mesh.from_pydata(addVerts, [], addFaces) # Update the mesh mesh.update() def applyScaleRotLoc(scene, obj): # Deselect All bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Select the object obj.selected = True scene.objects.active = obj #bpy.ops.object.rotation_apply() bpy.ops.object.location_apply() bpy.ops.object.scale_apply() def makeParent(parentobj, childobj, scene): applyScaleRotLoc(scene, parentobj) applyScaleRotLoc(scene, childobj) childobj.parent = parentobj #childobj.location = childobj.location - parentobj.location def addNewObject(scene, name, copyobj): ''' Add an object and do other silly stuff. ''' # Create new mesh mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name) # Create a new object. ob_new = bpy.data.objects.new(name, mesh) tempme = copyobj.data ob_new.data = tempme.copy() ob_new.scale = copyobj.scale ob_new.location = copyobj.location # Link new object to the given scene and select it. scene.objects.link(ob_new) ob_new.selected = True return ob_new def combineObjects(scene, combined, listobjs): # scene is the current scene # combined is the object we want to combine everything into # listobjs is the list of objects to stick into combined # Deselect All bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Select the new object. combined.selected = True scene.objects.active = combined # Add data if (len(listobjs) > 0): for i in listobjs: # Add a modifier bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='BOOLEAN') union = combined.modifiers union[0].name = "AddEmUp" union[0].object = i union[0].operation = 'UNION' # Apply modifier bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(apply_as='DATA', modifier=union[0].name) # Returns True if we want to degenerate # and False if we want to generate a new cloud. def degenerateCloud(obj): if not obj: return False if "CloudMember" in obj: if obj["CloudMember"] != None: if obj.parent: if "CloudMember" not in obj.parent: return False else: return True return False class View3DPanel(bpy.types.Panel): bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'TOOLS' class VIEW3D_PT_tools_cloud(View3DPanel): bl_label = "Cloud Generator" bl_context = "objectmode" def draw(self, context): active_obj = context.active_object degenerate = degenerateCloud(active_obj) if active_obj and degenerate: layout = self.layout col = layout.column(align=True) col.operator("cloud.generate_cloud", text="DeGenerate") elif active_obj is None: layout = self.layout col = layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="Select one or more") col.label(text="objects to generate") col.label(text="a cloud.") elif "CloudMember" in active_obj: layout = self.layout col = layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="Must select") col.label(text="bound box") elif active_obj and active_obj.type == 'MESH': layout = self.layout col = layout.column(align=True) col.operator("cloud.generate_cloud", text="Generate Cloud") else: layout = self.layout col = layout.column(align=True) col.label(text="Select one or more") col.label(text="objects to generate") col.label(text="a cloud.") # col.label(active_obj["CloudMember"]) class GenerateCloud(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "cloud.generate_cloud" bl_label = "Generate Cloud" bl_description = "Create a Cloud." bl_register = True bl_undo = True def poll(self, context): if not context.active_object: return False else: return (context.active_object.type=='MESH') def execute(self, context): # Make variable that is the current .blend file main data blocks main = context.main # Make variable that is the active object selected by user active_object = context.active_object # Make variable scene that is current scene scene = context.scene # Parameters the user may want to change: # Number of points this number is multiplied by the volume to get # the number of points the scripts will put in the volume. numOfPoints = 1.0 maxNumOfPoints = 100000 scattering = 2.5 pointDensityRadiusFactor = 1.0 densityScale = 1.5 # Should we degnerate? degenerate = degenerateCloud(active_object) if degenerate: # Degenerate Cloud mainObj = active_object cloudMembers = active_object.children createdObjects = [] definitionObjects = [] for member in cloudMembers: applyScaleRotLoc(scene, member) if (member["CloudMember"] == "CreatedObj"): createdObjects.append(member) else: definitionObjects.append(member) for defObj in definitionObjects: # @todo check if it wouldn't be better to remove this # in the first place (see del() in degenerateCloud) #totally agree didn't know how before now...thanks! done. if "CloudMember" in defObj: del(defObj["CloudMember"]) for createdObj in createdObjects: # Deselect All bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Select the object and delete it. createdObj.selected = True scene.objects.active = createdObj bpy.ops.object.delete() # Delete the main object # Deselect All bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Select the object and delete it. mainObj.selected = True scene.objects.active = mainObj # Delete all material slots in mainObj object for i in range(len(mainObj.material_slots)): mainObj.active_material_index = i - 1 bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove() # Delete the Main Object bpy.ops.object.delete() # Select all of the left over boxes so people can immediately # press generate again if they want. for eachMember in definitionObjects: eachMember.max_draw_type = 'SOLID' eachMember.selected = True scene.objects.active = eachMember else: # Generate Cloud ###############Create Combined Object bounds################## # Make a list of all Selected objects. selectedObjects = bpy.context.selected_objects if not selectedObjects: selectedObjects = [bpy.context.active_object] # Create a new object bounds bounds = addNewObject(scene, "CloudBounds", selectedObjects[0]) bounds.max_draw_type = 'BOUNDS' bounds.restrict_render = False # Just add a Definition Property designating this # as the main object. bounds["CloudMember"] = "MainObj" # Since we used iteration 0 to copy with object we # delete it off the list. firstObject = selectedObjects[0] del selectedObjects[0] # Apply location Rotation and Scale to all objects involved. applyScaleRotLoc(scene, bounds) for each in selectedObjects: applyScaleRotLoc(scene, each) # Let's combine all of them together. combineObjects(scene, bounds, selectedObjects) # Let's add some property info to the objects. for selObj in selectedObjects: selObj["CloudMember"] = "DefinitioinObj" selObj.name = "DefinitioinObj" selObj.max_draw_type = 'WIRE' selObj.restrict_render = True makeParent(bounds, selObj, scene) # Do the same to the 1. object since it is no longer in list. firstObject["CloudMember"] = "DefinitioinObj" firstObject.name = "DefinitioinObj" firstObject.max_draw_type = 'WIRE' firstObject.restrict_render = True makeParent(bounds, firstObject, scene) ###############Create Cloud for putting Cloud Mesh############ # Create a new object cloud. cloud = addNewObject(scene, "CloudMesh", bounds) cloud["CloudMember"] = "CreatedObj" cloud.max_draw_type = 'WIRE' cloud.restrict_render = True makeParent(bounds, cloud, scene) bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.mesh.subdivide(number_cuts=2, fractal=0, smoothness=1) bpy.ops.object.location_apply() bpy.ops.mesh.vertices_smooth(repeat=20) bpy.ops.mesh.tris_convert_to_quads() bpy.ops.mesh.faces_shade_smooth() bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() ###############Create Particles in cloud obj################## # Turn off gravity. scene.use_gravity = False # Set time to 0. scene.frame_current = 0 # Add a new particle system. bpy.ops.object.particle_system_add() #Particle settings setting it up! cloudParticles = cloud.active_particle_system cloudParticles.name = "CloudParticles" cloudParticles.settings.frame_start = 0 cloudParticles.settings.frame_end = 0 cloudParticles.settings.emit_from = 'VOLUME' cloudParticles.settings.draw_as = 'DOT' cloudParticles.settings.ren_as = 'NONE' cloudParticles.settings.normal_factor = 0 cloudParticles.settings.distribution = 'RAND' ####################Create Volume Material#################### # Deselect All bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Select the object. bounds.selected = True scene.objects.active = bounds # Turn bounds object into a box. makeObjectIntoBoundBox(bounds, .2) # Delete all material slots in bounds object. for i in range(len(bounds.material_slots)): bounds.active_material_index = i - 1 bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove() # Add a new material. cloudMaterial = main.materials.new("CloudMaterial") bpy.ops.object.material_slot_add() bounds.material_slots[0].material = cloudMaterial # Set Up the Cloud Material cloudMaterial.name = "CloudMaterial" cloudMaterial.type = 'VOLUME' mVolume = cloudMaterial.volume mVolume.scattering = scattering mVolume.density = 0 mVolume.density_scale = densityScale mVolume.transmission_color = [3, 3, 3] mVolume.step_size = 0.1 mVolume.light_cache = True mVolume.cache_resolution = 75 # Add a texture vMaterialTextureSlots = cloudMaterial.texture_slots cloudtex = main.textures.new("CloudTex") cloudMaterial.add_texture(cloudtex, 'ORCO') cloudtex.type = 'CLOUDS' cloudtex.noise_type = 'HARD_NOISE' cloudtex.noise_size = 2 # Add a texture cloudPointDensity = main.textures.new("CloudPointDensity") cloudPointDensity.type = 'POINT_DENSITY' cloudMaterial.add_texture(cloudPointDensity, 'ORCO') pDensity = vMaterialTextureSlots[1].texture vMaterialTextureSlots[1].map_density = True vMaterialTextureSlots[1].rgb_to_intensity = True vMaterialTextureSlots[1].texture_coordinates = 'GLOBAL' pDensity.pointdensity.vertices_cache = 'WORLD_SPACE' pDensity.pointdensity.turbulence = True pDensity.pointdensity.noise_basis = 'VORONOI_F2' pDensity.pointdensity.turbulence_depth = 3 pDensity.use_color_ramp = True pRamp = pDensity.color_ramp pRamp.interpolation = 'LINEAR' pRampElements = pRamp.elements #pRampElements[1].position = .9 #pRampElements[1].color = [.18,.18,.18,.8] # Estimate the number of particles for the size of bounds. volumeBoundBox = (bounds.dimensions[0] * bounds.dimensions[1]* bounds.dimensions[2]) numParticles = int((2.4462 * volumeBoundBox + 430.4) * numOfPoints) if numParticles > maxNumOfPoints: numParticles = maxNumOfPoints print(numParticles) # Set the number of particles according to the volume # of bounds. cloudParticles.settings.amount = numParticles pDensity.pointdensity.radius = (.00013764 * volumeBoundBox + .3989) * pointDensityRadiusFactor # Set time to 1. scene.frame_current = 1 ###############Create CloudPnts for putting points in######### # Create a new object cloudPnts cloudPnts = addNewObject(scene, "CloudPoints", bounds) cloudPnts["CloudMember"] = "CreatedObj" cloudPnts.max_draw_type = 'WIRE' cloudPnts.restrict_render = True makeParent(bounds, cloudPnts, scene) bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='ALL') meshPnts = cloudPnts.data listCloudParticles = cloudParticles.particles listMeshPnts = [] for pTicle in listCloudParticles: listMeshPnts.append(pTicle.location) # Must be in object mode fro from_pydata to work. bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # Add in the mesh data. meshPnts.from_pydata(listMeshPnts, [], []) # Update the mesh. meshPnts.update() # Add a modifier. bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='DISPLACE') cldPntsModifiers = cloudPnts.modifiers cldPntsModifiers[0].name = "CloudPnts" cldPntsModifiers[0].texture = cloudtex cldPntsModifiers[0].texture_coordinates = 'OBJECT' cldPntsModifiers[0].texture_coordinate_object = cloud cldPntsModifiers[0].strength = -1.4 # Apply modifier bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(apply_as='DATA', modifier=cldPntsModifiers[0].name) pDensity.pointdensity.point_source = 'OBJECT' pDensity.pointdensity.object = cloudPnts # Deselect All bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Select the object. cloud.selected = True scene.objects.active = cloud bpy.ops.object.particle_system_remove() # Deselect All bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Select the object. bounds.selected = True scene.objects.active = bounds # Add a force field to the points. #cloudField = bounds.field #cloudField.type = 'TEXTURE' #cloudField.strength = 2 #cloudField.texture = cloudtex # Set time #for i in range(12): # scene.current_frame = i # scene.update() #bpy.ops.ptcache.bake_all(bake=False) return {'FINISHED'} classes = [VIEW3D_PT_tools_cloud, GenerateCloud] def register(): register = bpy.types.register for cls in classes: register(cls) def unregister(): unregister = bpy.types.unregister for cls in classes: unregister(cls) if __name__ == "__main__": register()