PuTTY ===== PuTTY - before we start SSH connection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Windows PuTTY Installer We recommned you to download "**A Windows installer for everything except PuTTYtel**" with **Pageant** (SSH authentication agent) and **PuTTYgen** (PuTTY key generator) which is available [here](http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html). !!! Note "Note" After installation you can proceed directly to private keys authentication using ["Putty"](putty#putty). "Change Password for Existing Private Key" is optional. "Generate a New Public/Private key pair" is intended for users without Public/Private key in the initial email containing login credentials. "Pageant" is optional. ### PuTTYgen PuTTYgen is the PuTTY key generator. Read more how to load in an existing private key and change your passphrase or generate a new public/private key pair using [PuTTYgen](puttygen) if needed. ### Pageant SSH agent [Pageant](pageant) holds your private key in memory without needing to retype a passphrase on every login. We recommend its usage. PuTTY - how to connect to the IT4Innovations cluster -------------------------------------------------------- - Run PuTTY - Enter Host name and Save session fields with [Login address](../../../salomon/accessing-the-cluster/accessing-the-cluster/) and browse Connection - > SSH -> Auth menu. The *Host Name* input may be in the format **"username@clustername.it4i.cz"** so you don't have to type your login each time.In this example we will connect to the Salomon cluster using **"salomon.it4i.cz"**.  - Category -> Connection - > SSH -> Auth: Select Attempt authentication using Pageant. Select Allow agent forwarding. Browse and select your [private key](ssh-keys/) file.  - Return to Session page and Save selected configuration with *Save* button.  - Now you can log in using *Open* button.  - Enter your username if the *Host Name* input is not in the format "username@salomon.it4i.cz". - Enter passphrase for selected [private key](ssh-keys/) file if Pageant **SSH authentication agent is not used.** Another PuTTY Settings ---------------------- - Category -> Windows -> Translation -> Remote character set and select **UTF-8**. - Category -> Terminal -> Features and select **Disable application keypad mode** (enable numpad) - Save your configuration on Session page in to Default Settings with *Save* button.