From e081e92aca70ccfd807f7df864438e89148281c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marek Chrastina <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2017 09:29:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] test manual strict md docs.

 docs.it4i/ | 1733 ++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 751 insertions(+), 982 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs.it4i/ b/docs.it4i/
index 680537511..d9c7a3a44 100644
--- a/docs.it4i/
+++ b/docs.it4i/
@@ -1,1157 +1,926 @@
-<div class="document">
-<div class="documentwrapper">
-<div class="body" role="main">
-<div id="module-scs_api.server" class="section">
-API Documentation[](#module-scs_api.server "Permalink to this headline"){.headerlink}
+API Documentation<a href="#module-scs_api.server" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a>
 Implements API for IT4I SCS Information System.
--   api revision: `9eb0678f / 2017-12-08 11:06:12 +0100`{.docutils
-    .literal}
--   api version: `0.9-11-g9eb0678`{.docutils .literal}
--   apidoc building date: `2017-12-08 16:05:36 +0100`{.docutils
-    .literal}
-<div id="summary" class="section">
-Summary[](#summary "Permalink to this headline"){.headerlink}
-  Resource                                                                                         Operation                                                                                                                                                                                        Description
-  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  account-expire                                                                                   [GET /api/v1/account-expire/(login)](#get--api-v1-account-expire-(login)){.reference .external}                                                                                                  Account expiration date
-  accounts-to-close                                                                                [GET /api/v1/accounts-to-close/(category)](#get--api-v1-accounts-to-close-(category)){.reference .external}                                                                                      Standard accounts close to expiration date
-  check-access                                                                                     [POST /api/v1/check-access](#post--api-v1-check-access){.reference .external}                                                                                                                    Access check to queue
-  dedicated-time                                                                                   [GET /api/v1/dedicated-time/(cluster\_type)](#get--api-v1-dedicated-time-(cluster_type)){.reference .external}                                                                                   HPC dedicated time
-  graph\_affiliation\_stats                                                                        [GET /api/v1/graph\_affiliation\_stats](#get--api-v1-graph_affiliation_stats){.reference .external}                                                                                              Graph affiliation statistics
-  graph\_research\_area\_stats                                                                     [GET /api/v1/graph\_research\_area\_stats](#get--api-v1-graph_research_area_stats){.reference .external}                                                                                         Graph research area statistics
-  graph\_utilization\_stats                                                                        [GET /api/v1/graph\_utilization\_stats](#get--api-v1-graph_utilization_stats){.reference .external}                                                                                              Graph utilization statistics
-  irregular-accounts-to-close                                                                      [GET /api/v1/irregular-accounts-to-close](#get--api-v1-irregular-accounts-to-close){.reference .external}                                                                                        Special accounts close to expiration date
-  it4ifree                                                                                         [POST /api/v1/it4ifree/(login)](#post--api-v1-it4ifree-(login)){.reference .external}                                                                                                            Free account resources
-  it4ifreetoken                                                                                    [GET /api/v1/it4ifreetoken/(login)](#get--api-v1-it4ifreetoken-(login)){.reference .external}                                                                                                    Free account token
-  motd                                                                                             [GET /api/v1/motd/(category)](#get--api-v1-motd-(category)){.reference .external}                                                                                                                SCS messages of the day
-  ping                                                                                             [GET /api/v1/ping](#get--api-v1-ping){.reference .external}                                                                                                                                      Connection test
-  quota-extra                                                                                      [GET /api/v1/quota-extra](#get--api-v1-quota-extra){.reference .external}                                                                                                                        User extra quota
-  version                                                                                          [GET /api/v1/version](#get--api-v1-version){.reference .external}                                                                                                                                API version
-<div id="api-details" class="section">
-API Details[](#api-details "Permalink to this headline"){.headerlink}
- `GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/account-expire/`{.descname}[(]{.sig-paren}*login*[)]{.sig-paren}[](#get--api-v1-account-expire-(login) "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
-:   Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4
-    addresses.
-    It returns the account expiration date. The account may participates
-    on several projects. If all projects were already finished, there
-    will come a time when the account expires as well. It will happen
-    after:
-    > <div>
-    >
-    > -   365 days - for all standard accounts
-    > -   31 days - for special (e.g. training) accounts
-    >
-    > </div>
-    Query Parameters:
-    -   **login** – account id
-    Status Codes:
-    -   [200
-        OK]({.reference
-        .external} – no error
-    -   [405 Method Not
-        Allowed]({.reference
-        .external} – restricted access, your ipv4 is not allowed
-    **Example request**:
-    <div class="highlight-console">
-    <div class="highlight">
-        curl -i
-    </div>
-    </div>
-    **Example response**:
-    <div class="highlight-http">
-    <div class="highlight">
-        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-        Content-Type: application/json
-        [
-          {
-            "login": "chr0139",
-            "projectendtime": "2019-07-25 21:59:59"
-          }
-        ]
-    </div>
-    </div>
+- api revision: `9eb0678f / 2017-12-08 11:06:12 +0100`
+- api version: `0.9-11-g9eb0678`
+- apidoc building date: `2017-12-11 09:14:53 +0100`
+Summary<a href="#summary" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a>
+<col width="20%" />
+<col width="40%" />
+<col width="40%" />
+<tr class="header">
+<tr class="odd">
+<td><a href="#get--api-v1-account-expire-(login)" class="reference external">GET /api/v1/account-expire/(login)</a></td>
+<td>Account expiration date</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td><a href="#get--api-v1-accounts-to-close-(category)" class="reference external">GET /api/v1/accounts-to-close/(category)</a></td>
+<td>Standard accounts close to expiration date</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td><a href="#post--api-v1-check-access" class="reference external">POST /api/v1/check-access</a></td>
+<td>Access check to queue</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td><a href="#get--api-v1-dedicated-time-(cluster_type)" class="reference external">GET /api/v1/dedicated-time/(cluster_type)</a></td>
+<td>HPC dedicated time</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td><a href="#get--api-v1-graph_affiliation_stats" class="reference external">GET /api/v1/graph_affiliation_stats</a></td>
+<td>Graph affiliation statistics</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td><a href="#get--api-v1-graph_research_area_stats" class="reference external">GET /api/v1/graph_research_area_stats</a></td>
+<td>Graph research area statistics</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td><a href="#get--api-v1-graph_utilization_stats" class="reference external">GET /api/v1/graph_utilization_stats</a></td>
+<td>Graph utilization statistics</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td><a href="#get--api-v1-irregular-accounts-to-close" class="reference external">GET /api/v1/irregular-accounts-to-close</a></td>
+<td>Special accounts close to expiration date</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td><a href="#post--api-v1-it4ifree-(login)" class="reference external">POST /api/v1/it4ifree/(login)</a></td>
+<td>Free account resources</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td><a href="#get--api-v1-it4ifreetoken-(login)" class="reference external">GET /api/v1/it4ifreetoken/(login)</a></td>
+<td>Free account token</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td><a href="#get--api-v1-motd-(category)" class="reference external">GET /api/v1/motd/(category)</a></td>
+<td>SCS messages of the day</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td><a href="#get--api-v1-ping" class="reference external">GET /api/v1/ping</a></td>
+<td>Connection test</td>
+<tr class="odd">
+<td><a href="#get--api-v1-quota-extra" class="reference external">GET /api/v1/quota-extra</a></td>
+<td>User extra quota</td>
+<tr class="even">
+<td><a href="#get--api-v1-version" class="reference external">GET /api/v1/version</a></td>
+<td>API version</td>
+API Details<a href="#api-details" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a>
+ `GET /api/v1/account-expire/`<span class="sig-paren">(</span>*login*<span class="sig-paren">)</span><a href="#get--api-v1-account-expire-(login)" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
+Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4 addresses.
+It returns the account expiration date. The account may participates on
+several projects. If all projects were already finished, there will come
+a time when the account expires as well. It will happen after:
+- 365 days - for all standard accounts
+- 31 days - for special (e.g. training) accounts
+Query Parameters:
+- **login** – account id
+Status Codes:
+- <a href="" class="reference external">200 OK</a>
+    – no error
+- <a href="" class="reference external">405 Method Not Allowed</a>
+    – restricted access, your ipv4 is not allowed
+**Example request**:
+    curl -i
+**Example response**:
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    [
+      {
+        "login": "chr0139",
+        "projectendtime": "2019-07-25 21:59:59"
+      }
+    ]
 <!-- -->
- `GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/accounts-to-close/`{.descname}[(]{.sig-paren}*category*[)]{.sig-paren}[](#get--api-v1-accounts-to-close-(category) "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
-:   Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4
-    addresses.
-    The standard account expires 365 days after the date when the last
-    project was finished. This service returns the list of standard
-    accounts which are close to the expiration date. The closeness time
-    interval depends on requested parameter.
-    Query Parameters:
+ `GET /api/v1/accounts-to-close/`<span class="sig-paren">(</span>*category*<span class="sig-paren">)</span><a href="#get--api-v1-accounts-to-close-(category)" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
+Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4 addresses.
-    -   **first** – 93±2 days before expiration date
-    -   **second** – 31±2 days before expiration date
-    -   **third** – 7±2 days before expiration date
+The standard account expires 365 days after the date when the last
+project was finished. This service returns the list of standard accounts
+which are close to the expiration date. The closeness time interval
+depends on requested parameter.
-    Response JSON Object:
+Query Parameters:
-    -   **fullname** (*string*) – user full name
-    -   **login** (*string*) – account id
-    -   **projectendtime** (*string*) – project end date
-    -   **userclosetime** (*string*) – project end date shifted by
-        272/334/358 days
+- **first** – 93±2 days before expiration date
+- **second** – 31±2 days before expiration date
+- **third** – 7±2 days before expiration date
-    Status Codes:
+Response JSON Object:
-    -   [200
-        OK]({.reference
-        .external} – no error
-    -   [405 Method Not
-        Allowed]({.reference
-        .external} – restricted access, your ipv4 address is not allowed
-    **Example request**:
+- **fullname** (*string*) – user full name
+- **login** (*string*) – account id
+- **projectendtime** (*string*) – project end date
+- **userclosetime** (*string*) – project end date shifted by
+    272/334/358 days
-    <div class="highlight-console">
+Status Codes:
-    <div class="highlight">
+- <a href="" class="reference external">200 OK</a>
+    – no error
+- <a href="" class="reference external">405 Method Not Allowed</a>
+    – restricted access, your ipv4 address is not allowed
-        curl -i
+**Example request**:
-    </div>
+    curl -i
-    </div>
-    **Example response**:
-    <div class="highlight-http">
-    <div class="highlight">
-        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-        Content-Type: application/json
-        [
-          {
-            "fullname": "Smith John",
-            "login": "johnsm",
-            "projectendtime": "2017-01-08 22:59:59",
-            "userclosetime": "2017-11-09 22:59:59"
-          }
-        ]
+**Example response**:
-    </div>
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
-    </div>
+    [
+      {
+        "fullname": "Smith John",
+        "login": "johnsm",
+        "projectendtime": "2017-01-08 22:59:59",
+        "userclosetime": "2017-11-09 22:59:59"
+      }
+    ]
 <!-- -->
- `POST `{.descname}`/api/v1/check-access`{.descname}[](#post--api-v1-check-access "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
-:   A service to check if account and/or related project has the access
-    to specified queue.
-    Request JSON Object:
-    -   **login** (*string*) – account id
-    -   **queue** (*string*) – queue id
-    -   **pid** (*string*) – project id, not required if querying
-        projectless queue
-    Status Codes:
-    -   [200
-        OK]({.reference
-        .external} – no error
-    **Example request**:
+ `POST /api/v1/check-access`<a href="#post--api-v1-check-access" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
+A service to check if account and/or related project has the access to
+specified queue.
-    <div class="highlight-console">
+Request JSON Object:
-    <div class="highlight">
-        curl -i -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST \
-          --data '{"pid":"DD-13-5","login":"johnsm","queue":"qfat"}' \
+- **login** (*string*) – account id
+- **queue** (*string*) – queue id
+- **pid** (*string*) – project id, not required if querying
+    projectless queue
-    </div>
+Status Codes:
-    </div>
+- <a href="" class="reference external">200 OK</a>
+    – no error
-    **Example response**:
+**Example request**:
-    <div class="highlight-http">
+    curl -i -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST \
+      --data '{"pid":"DD-13-5","login":"johnsm","queue":"qfat"}' \
-    <div class="highlight">
+**Example response**:
-        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-        Content-Type: application/json
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
-          "OK Access granted for regular queue."
-    </div>
-    </div>
+      "OK Access granted for regular queue."
 <!-- -->
- `GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/dedicated-time/`{.descname}[(]{.sig-paren}*cluster\_type*[)]{.sig-paren}[](#get--api-v1-dedicated-time-(cluster_type) "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
-:   Returns list of times dedicated for HPC maintainance. It is not
-    possible to use HPC services during maintainance.
-    Query Parameters:
-    -   **all** – returns all dedicated times for all clusters
-    -   **salomon** – returns all times just for salomon cluster
-    -   **anselm** – returns all times just for anselm cluster
-    -   **active** – returns dedicated times for all clusters which are
-        now active
-    -   **planned** – returns dedicated times for all clusters which are
-        now active or scheduled in the future
-    Status Codes:
+ `GET /api/v1/dedicated-time/`<span class="sig-paren">(</span>*cluster\_type*<span class="sig-paren">)</span><a href="#get--api-v1-dedicated-time-(cluster_type)" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
+Returns list of times dedicated for HPC maintainance. It is not possible
+to use HPC services during maintainance.
-    -   [200
-        OK]({.reference
-        .external} – no error
-    -   [405 Method Not
-        Allowed]({.reference
-        .external} – invalid requested query parameter
+Query Parameters:
-    **Example request**:
-    <div class="highlight-console">
+- **all** – returns all dedicated times for all clusters
+- **salomon** – returns all times just for salomon cluster
+- **anselm** – returns all times just for anselm cluster
+- **active** – returns dedicated times for all clusters which are now
+    active
+- **planned** – returns dedicated times for all clusters which are now
+    active or scheduled in the future
-    <div class="highlight">
+Status Codes:
-        curl -i curl
+- <a href="" class="reference external">200 OK</a>
+    – no error
+- <a href="" class="reference external">405 Method Not Allowed</a>
+    – invalid requested query parameter
-    </div>
+**Example request**:
-    </div>
+    curl -i curl
-    **Example response**:
+**Example response**:
-    <div class="highlight-http">
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
-    <div class="highlight">
-        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-        Content-Type: application/json
-        [
-          {
-            "cluster_type": "salomon",
-            "dateEfficiency": "2017-11-21 09:45:00",
-            "dateExpiration": "2017-11-21 23:59:00",
-            "updated_at": "2017-11-21 09:45:00"
-          }
-        ]
-    </div>
-    </div>
+    [
+      {
+        "cluster_type": "salomon",
+        "dateEfficiency": "2017-11-21 09:45:00",
+        "dateExpiration": "2017-11-21 23:59:00",
+        "updated_at": "2017-11-21 09:45:00"
+      }
+    ]
 <!-- -->
- `GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/graph_affiliation_stats`{.descname}[](#get--api-v1-graph_affiliation_stats "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
-:   Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4
-    addresses.
-    It returns graph data useful to plot statistics of using HPC by some
-    affiliations.
-    Query Parameters:
-    -   **height** – optional, graph height in pixels, default 300
-    -   **width** – optional, graph width in pixels, default 420
-    -   **sizepct** – optional, graph size in percents, default 40
-    Status Codes:
-    -   [200
-        OK]({.reference
-        .external} – no error
-    -   [405 Method Not
-        Allowed]({.reference
-        .external} – restricted access, your ipv4 address is not allowed
-    **Example request**:
-    <div class="highlight-console">
-    <div class="highlight">
-        curl -i -X GET --data height=50 -d sizepct=50 \
-          -G
-    </div>
-    </div>
-    **Example response**:
-    <div class="highlight-http">
-    <div class="highlight">
-        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-        Content-Type: application/json
-        "
+ `GET /api/v1/graph_affiliation_stats`<a href="#get--api-v1-graph_affiliation_stats" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
+Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4 addresses.
+It returns graph data useful to plot statistics of using HPC by some
+Query Parameters:
+- **height** – optional, graph height in pixels, default 300
+- **width** – optional, graph width in pixels, default 420
+- **sizepct** – optional, graph size in percents, default 40
+Status Codes:
+- <a href="" class="reference external">200 OK</a>
+    – no error
+- <a href="" class="reference external">405 Method Not Allowed</a>
+    – restricted access, your ipv4 address is not allowed
+**Example request**:
+    curl -i -X GET --data height=50 -d sizepct=50 \
+      -G
+**Example response**:
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    "
+      {
+        chart: {
+          plotBackgroundColor: null,
+          plotBorderWidth: null,
+          plotShadow: false,
+          height: 50,
+          width: 420,
+        },
+        credits: {
+          text: 'IT4Innovations 2017-11-14 13:21'
+        },
+        title: {
+          text: ''
+        },
+        exporting: {
+          enabled: false
+        },
+        tooltip: {
+          pointFormat: '{point.percentage:.1f} %'
+        },
+        plotOptions: {
+          pie: {
+            allowPointSelect: true,
+            cursor: 'pointer',
+            size: '50%',
+            startAngle: 315,
+            dataLabels: {
+              enabled: true,
+              format: '{}',
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        series: [
-            chart: {
-              plotBackgroundColor: null,
-              plotBorderWidth: null,
-              plotShadow: false,
-              height: 50,
-              width: 420,
-            },
-            credits: {
-              text: 'IT4Innovations 2017-11-14 13:21'
-            },
-            title: {
-              text: ''
-            },
-            exporting: {
-              enabled: false
-            },
-            tooltip: {
-              pointFormat: '{point.percentage:.1f} %'
-            },
-            plotOptions: {
-              pie: {
-                allowPointSelect: true,
-                cursor: 'pointer',
-                size: '50%',
-                startAngle: 315,
-                dataLabels: {
-                  enabled: true,
-                  format: '{}',
-                }
-              }
-            },
-            series: [
-              {
-                type: 'pie',
-                data: [
-                  ['IT4Innovations', 143320459.886 ],
-                  ['Akademie věd ČR', 67329442.8672 ],
-                  ['CEITEC', 41987818.0711 ],
-                  ['Masarykova univerzita', 22767491.1453 ],
-                  ['VUT Brno', 18184662.5402 ],
-                  ['Univerzita Karlova', 15544836.8455 ],
-                  ['ÄŚVUT', 12383341.426 ],
-                  ['Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta', 4583152.32333 ],
-                  ['Uppsala University', 4562701.04 ],
-                  ['Others', 36525837.5894 ],
-                ]
-              }
+            type: 'pie',
+            data: [
+              ['IT4Innovations', 143320459.886 ],
+              ['Akademie věd ČR', 67329442.8672 ],
+              ['CEITEC', 41987818.0711 ],
+              ['Masarykova univerzita', 22767491.1453 ],
+              ['VUT Brno', 18184662.5402 ],
+              ['Univerzita Karlova', 15544836.8455 ],
+              ['ÄŚVUT', 12383341.426 ],
+              ['Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta', 4583152.32333 ],
+              ['Uppsala University', 4562701.04 ],
+              ['Others', 36525837.5894 ],
-        "
-    </div>
-    </div>
+        ]
+      }
+    "
 <!-- -->
- `GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/graph_research_area_stats`{.descname}[](#get--api-v1-graph_research_area_stats "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
-:   Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4
-    addresses.
-    It returns graph data useful to plot statistics of using HPC by
-    various science fields.
-    Query Parameters:
-    -   **height** – optional, graph height in pixels, default 300
-    -   **width** – optional, graph width in pixels, default 420
-    -   **sizepct** – optional, graph size in percents, default 40
-    Status Codes:
-    -   [200
-        OK]({.reference
-        .external} – no error
-    -   [405 Method Not
-        Allowed]({.reference
-        .external} – restricted access, your ipv4 address is not allowed
-    **Example request**:
-    <div class="highlight-console">
-    <div class="highlight">
-        curl -i -X GET -G
-    </div>
-    </div>
-    **Example response**:
-    <div class="highlight-http">
-    <div class="highlight">
-        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-        Content-Type: application/json
-        "
+ `GET /api/v1/graph_research_area_stats`<a href="#get--api-v1-graph_research_area_stats" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
+Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4 addresses.
+It returns graph data useful to plot statistics of using HPC by various
+science fields.
+Query Parameters:
+- **height** – optional, graph height in pixels, default 300
+- **width** – optional, graph width in pixels, default 420
+- **sizepct** – optional, graph size in percents, default 40
+Status Codes:
+- <a href="" class="reference external">200 OK</a>
+    – no error
+- <a href="" class="reference external">405 Method Not Allowed</a>
+    – restricted access, your ipv4 address is not allowed
+**Example request**:
+    curl -i -X GET -G
+**Example response**:
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    "
+      {
+        chart: {
+          plotBackgroundColor: null,
+          plotBorderWidth: null,
+          plotShadow: false,
+          height: 300,
+          width: 420,
+        },
+        credits: {
+          text: 'IT4Innovations 2017-11-14 13:43'
+        },
+        title: {
+          text: ''
+        },
+        exporting: {
+          enabled: false
+        },
+        tooltip: {
+          pointFormat: '{point.percentage:.1f} %'
+        },
+        plotOptions: {
+          pie: {
+            allowPointSelect: true,
+            cursor: 'pointer',
+            size: '40%',
+            startAngle: 315,
+            dataLabels: {
+              enabled: true,
+              format: '{}',
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        series: [
-            chart: {
-              plotBackgroundColor: null,
-              plotBorderWidth: null,
-              plotShadow: false,
-              height: 300,
-              width: 420,
-            },
-            credits: {
-              text: 'IT4Innovations 2017-11-14 13:43'
-            },
-            title: {
-              text: ''
-            },
-            exporting: {
-              enabled: false
-            },
-            tooltip: {
-              pointFormat: '{point.percentage:.1f} %'
-            },
-            plotOptions: {
-              pie: {
-                allowPointSelect: true,
-                cursor: 'pointer',
-                size: '40%',
-                startAngle: 315,
-                dataLabels: {
-                  enabled: true,
-                  format: '{}',
-                }
-              }
-            },
-            series: [
-              {
-                type: 'pie',
-                data: [
-                  ['Materials Science ', 205656805 ],
-                  ['Bio Sciences ', 65319185 ],
-                  ['Plasma & Particle Physics ', 21935334 ],
-                  ['Service', 20537970 ],
-                  ['Engineering ', 15691906 ],
-                  ['Informatics', 12335969 ],
-                  ['Applied Mathematics', 9458711 ],
-                  ['Earth Sciences ', 8804183 ],
-                  ['Astro Sciences ', 4229242 ],
-                  ['Other Research Areas', 2493851 ],
-                ]
-              }
+            type: 'pie',
+            data: [
+              ['Materials Science ', 205656805 ],
+              ['Bio Sciences ', 65319185 ],
+              ['Plasma & Particle Physics ', 21935334 ],
+              ['Service', 20537970 ],
+              ['Engineering ', 15691906 ],
+              ['Informatics', 12335969 ],
+              ['Applied Mathematics', 9458711 ],
+              ['Earth Sciences ', 8804183 ],
+              ['Astro Sciences ', 4229242 ],
+              ['Other Research Areas', 2493851 ],
-        "
-    </div>
-    </div>
+        ]
+      }
+    "
 <!-- -->
- `GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/graph_utilization_stats`{.descname}[](#get--api-v1-graph_utilization_stats "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
-:   Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4
-    addresses.
-    It returns graph data to plot statistics of HPC week utilization
-    during last 100 days.
+ `GET /api/v1/graph_utilization_stats`<a href="#get--api-v1-graph_utilization_stats" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
+Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4 addresses.
-    Query Parameters:
+It returns graph data to plot statistics of HPC week utilization during
+last 100 days.
+Query Parameters:
-    -   **height** – optional, graph height in pixels, default 300
-    -   **width** – optional, graph width in pixels, default 420
-    -   **sizepct** – optional, graph size in percents, default 40
-    Status Codes:
+- **height** – optional, graph height in pixels, default 300
+- **width** – optional, graph width in pixels, default 420
+- **sizepct** – optional, graph size in percents, default 40
-    -   [200
-        OK]({.reference
-        .external} – no error
-    -   [405 Method Not
-        Allowed]({.reference
-        .external} – restricted access, your ipv4 address is not allowed
+Status Codes:
-    **Example request**:
+- <a href="" class="reference external">200 OK</a>
+    – no error
+- <a href="" class="reference external">405 Method Not Allowed</a>
+    – restricted access, your ipv4 address is not allowed
-    <div class="highlight-console">
+**Example request**:
-    <div class="highlight">
+    curl -i -X GET -G
-        curl -i -X GET -G
+**Example response**:
-    </div>
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
-    </div>
-    **Example response**:
-    <div class="highlight-http">
-    <div class="highlight">
-        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-        Content-Type: application/json
-        "
+    "
+      {
+        chart: {
+          zoomType: 'x',
+          plotBorderWidth: 0,
+          borderWidth: 0,
+          borderRadius: 0,
+          borderColor: '#DDDDDD',
+          height: 300,
+          width: 420
+        },
+        series: [
-            chart: {
-              zoomType: 'x',
-              plotBorderWidth: 0,
-              borderWidth: 0,
-              borderRadius: 0,
-              borderColor: '#DDDDDD',
-              height: 300,
-              width: 420
-            },
-            series: [
-              {
-                name: 'Cores utilized',
-                type: 'areaspline',
-                data: [
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,6), 18466],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,7), 18606],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,8), 19075],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,9), 19962],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,10), 20239],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,11), 20425],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,12), 20110],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,13), 19413],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,14), 20204],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,15), 20058],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,16), 19890],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,17), 18102],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,18), 18529],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,19), 18871],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,20), 18704],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,21), 17106],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,22), 17854],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,23), 19541],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,24), 19691],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,25), 19335],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,26), 20776],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,27), 20856],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,28), 21116],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,29), 21705],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,30), 17907],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,7,31), 18085],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,1), 18564],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,2), 17449],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,3), 17472],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,4), 17173],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,5), 14445],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,6), 17952],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,7), 18813],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,8), 17847],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,9), 16434],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,10), 14957],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,11), 15695],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,12), 15495],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,13), 11848],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,14), 9612],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,15), 9765],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,16), 11730],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,17), 12932],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,18), 12296],
-                  [ Date.UTC(2017,8,19), 11230],
-                ],
-                color: '#AA4643'
-              }
+            name: 'Cores utilized',
+            type: 'areaspline',
+            data: [
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,6), 18466],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,7), 18606],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,8), 19075],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,9), 19962],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,10), 20239],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,11), 20425],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,12), 20110],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,13), 19413],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,14), 20204],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,15), 20058],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,16), 19890],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,17), 18102],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,18), 18529],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,19), 18871],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,20), 18704],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,21), 17106],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,22), 17854],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,23), 19541],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,24), 19691],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,25), 19335],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,26), 20776],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,27), 20856],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,28), 21116],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,29), 21705],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,30), 17907],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,7,31), 18085],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,1), 18564],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,2), 17449],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,3), 17472],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,4), 17173],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,5), 14445],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,6), 17952],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,7), 18813],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,8), 17847],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,9), 16434],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,10), 14957],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,11), 15695],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,12), 15495],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,13), 11848],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,14), 9612],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,15), 9765],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,16), 11730],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,17), 12932],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,18), 12296],
+              [ Date.UTC(2017,8,19), 11230],
-            title: {
-              text: ''
-            },
-            credits: {
-              text: 'IT4Innovations 2017-11-14 14:14'
-            },
-            exporting: {
+            color: '#AA4643'
+          }
+        ],
+        title: {
+          text: ''
+        },
+        credits: {
+          text: 'IT4Innovations 2017-11-14 14:14'
+        },
+        exporting: {
+          enabled: false
+        },
+        plotOptions: {
+          areaspline: {
+            fillOpacity: 0.5
+          },
+          pie: {
+            dataLabels: {
               enabled: false
-            plotOptions: {
-              areaspline: {
-                fillOpacity: 0.5
-              },
-              pie: {
-                dataLabels: {
-                  enabled: false
-                },
-                showInLegend: true
-              },
-              series: {
-                turboThreshold: 0
-              },
-              line: {
-                marker: {
-                  enabled: false
-                }
-              }
-            },
-            xAxis: {
-              type: 'datetime',
-              title: {
-                text: 'Date',
-                style: {
-                  color: '#000000'
-                }
-              }
-            },
-            yAxis: {
-              min: 0,
-              tickInterval: 1000,
-              title: {
-                text: 'Cores [-]',
-                style: {
-                  color: '#000000'
-                }
-              }
-            },
+            showInLegend: true
+          },
+          series: {
+            turboThreshold: 0
+          },
+          line: {
+            marker: {
+              enabled: false
+            }
-        "
-    </div>
-    </div>
+        },
+        xAxis: {
+          type: 'datetime',
+          title: {
+            text: 'Date',
+            style: {
+              color: '#000000'
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        yAxis: {
+          min: 0,
+          tickInterval: 1000,
+          title: {
+            text: 'Cores [-]',
+            style: {
+              color: '#000000'
+            }
+          }
+        },
+      }
+    "
 <!-- -->
- `GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/irregular-accounts-to-close`{.descname}[](#get--api-v1-irregular-accounts-to-close "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
-:   Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4
-    addresses.
-    The special (e.g. training) account expires 31 days after the date
-    when the last project was finished. This service returns the list of
-    special accounts which are already after this the expiration date.
-    Response JSON Object:
+ `GET /api/v1/irregular-accounts-to-close`<a href="#get--api-v1-irregular-accounts-to-close" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
+Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4 addresses.
+The special (e.g. training) account expires 31 days after the date when
+the last project was finished. This service returns the list of special
+accounts which are already after this the expiration date.
-    -   **login** (*string*) – account id
-    -   **projectendtime** (*string*) – project end date
+Response JSON Object:
-    Status Codes:
-    -   [200
-        OK]({.reference
-        .external} – no error
-    -   [405 Method Not
-        Allowed]({.reference
-        .external} – restricted access, your ipv4 address is not allowed
+- **login** (*string*) – account id
+- **projectendtime** (*string*) – project end date
-    **Example request**:
+Status Codes:
-    <div class="highlight-console">
+- <a href="" class="reference external">200 OK</a>
+    – no error
+- <a href="" class="reference external">405 Method Not Allowed</a>
+    – restricted access, your ipv4 address is not allowed
-    <div class="highlight">
+**Example request**:
-        curl -i
+    curl -i
-    </div>
+**Example response**:
-    </div>
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
-    **Example response**:
-    <div class="highlight-http">
-    <div class="highlight">
-        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-        Content-Type: application/json
-        [
-          {
-            "login": "dd-01",
-            "projectendtime": "2009-09-19 23:59:59"
-          }
-        ]
-    </div>
-    </div>
+    [
+      {
+        "login": "dd-01",
+        "projectendtime": "2009-09-19 23:59:59"
+      }
+    ]
 <!-- -->
- `POST `{.descname}`/api/v1/it4ifree/`{.descname}[(]{.sig-paren}*login*[)]{.sig-paren}[](#post--api-v1-it4ifree-(login) "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
-:   A service to check resources of the projects on which the account
-    participate. If the calculation run on 1 cpu core during 1 hour, it
-    consumes 1 core-hour from the project resources. However, some
-    calculations (or their placement) can be cheaper. Actual consumed
-    core-hours are reduced by a cheaping factor and then deduct from the
-    project resources. See
-    <>
-    for more details about so-called normalized core-hours. The json
-    response contains two parts:
-    > <div>
-    >
-    > -   `me`{.docutils .literal} – data from projects, where the
-    >     account has access
-    > -   `me_as_pi`{.docutils .literal} – data from projects, where the
-    >     account is PI (primary investigator)
-    >
-    > </div>
-    Request JSON Object:
-    -   **login** (*string*) – account id
-    -   **it4ifreetoken** (*string*) – token
-    Response JSON Object:
+ `POST /api/v1/it4ifree/`<span class="sig-paren">(</span>*login*<span class="sig-paren">)</span><a href="#post--api-v1-it4ifree-(login)" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
+A service to check resources of the projects on which the account
+participate. If the calculation run on 1 cpu core during 1 hour, it
+consumes 1 core-hour from the project resources. However, some
+calculations (or their placement) can be cheaper. Actual consumed
+core-hours are reduced by a cheaping factor and then deduct from the
+project resources. See
+<a href="" class="uri" class="reference external"></a>
+for more details about so-called normalized core-hours. The json
+response contains two parts:
+- `me` – data from projects, where the account has access
+- `me_as_pi` – data from projects, where the account is PI (primary
+    investigator)
-    -   **login** (*string*) – account id
-    -   **pid** (*string*) – project id
-    -   **pi\_login** (*string*) – account id which is PI
-    -   **days\_left** (*string*) – days to the end of project,
-        `---`{.docutils .literal} if project is inactive or not yet
-        started
-    -   **free** (*int*) – free core-hours which can be still consumed
-    -   **total** (*int*) – total core-hours assigned to the project
-    -   **used** (*int*) – actual consumed core-hours
-    -   **used\_with\_factor** (*int*) – consumed normalized core-hours
-    -   **used\_by\_me** (*int*) – core-hours consumed by the account
-    -   **used\_by\_me\_with\_factor** (*int*) – normalized core-hours
-        consumed by the account
-    -   **corehours** (*int*) – core-hours consumed by the account
-    -   **core\_hours\_with\_factor** (*int*) – normalized core-hours
-        consumed by the account
+Request JSON Object:
-    Status Codes:
-    -   [200
-        OK]({.reference
-        .external} – no error
-    -   [405 Method Not
-        Allowed]({.reference
-        .external} – token does not match
+- **login** (*string*) – account id
+- **it4ifreetoken** (*string*) – token
-    **Example request**:
+Response JSON Object:
-    <div class="highlight-console">
-    <div class="highlight">
+- **login** (*string*) – account id
+- **pid** (*string*) – project id
+- **pi\_login** (*string*) – account id which is PI
+- **days\_left** (*string*) – days to the end of project, `---` if
+    project is inactive or not yet started
+- **free** (*int*) – free core-hours which can be still consumed
+- **total** (*int*) – total core-hours assigned to the project
+- **used** (*int*) – actual consumed core-hours
+- **used\_with\_factor** (*int*) – consumed normalized core-hours
+- **used\_by\_me** (*int*) – core-hours consumed by the account
+- **used\_by\_me\_with\_factor** (*int*) – normalized core-hours
+    consumed by the account
+- **corehours** (*int*) – core-hours consumed by the account
+- **core\_hours\_with\_factor** (*int*) – normalized core-hours
+    consumed by the account
-        curl -i -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST \
-          --data '{"login":"johnsm", "it4ifreetoken": "abc"}' \
+Status Codes:
-    </div>
+- <a href="" class="reference external">200 OK</a>
+    – no error
+- <a href="" class="reference external">405 Method Not Allowed</a>
+    – token does not match
-    </div>
+**Example request**:
-    **Example response**:
+    curl -i -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST \
+      --data '{"login":"johnsm", "it4ifreetoken": "abc"}' \
-    <div class="highlight-http">
+**Example response**:
-    <div class="highlight">
-        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-        Content-Type: application/json
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    {
+      "me": [
-          "me": [
-            {
-              "days_left": "---",
-              "free": 17124,
-              "login": "johnsm",
-              "pid": "DD-13-6",
-              "total": 100000,
-              "used": 82876,
-              "used_by_me": 0,
-              "used_by_me_with_factor": 0,
-              "used_with_factor":82876
-            },
-            {
-              "days_left": "---",
-              "free": 0,
-              "login": "johnsm",
-              "pid": "DD-14-12",
-              "total": 1000,
-              "used": 8641,
-              "used_by_me": 0,
-              "used_by_me_with_factor": 0,
-              "used_with_factor": 8641
-            }
-          ],
-          "me_as_pi": [
-            {
-              "core_hours": 82876,
-              "core_hours_with_factor": 82876,
-              "login":"abc",
-              "pi_login": "johnsm",
-              "pid": "DD-13-6"
-            },
-            {
-              "core_hours": 0,
-              "core_hours_with_factor": 0,
-              "login": "johnsm",
-              "pi_login": "johnsm",
-              "pid":"DD-13-6"
-            }
-          ]
+          "days_left": "---",
+          "free": 17124,
+          "login": "johnsm",
+          "pid": "DD-13-6",
+          "total": 100000,
+          "used": 82876,
+          "used_by_me": 0,
+          "used_by_me_with_factor": 0,
+          "used_with_factor":82876
+        },
+        {
+          "days_left": "---",
+          "free": 0,
+          "login": "johnsm",
+          "pid": "DD-14-12",
+          "total": 1000,
+          "used": 8641,
+          "used_by_me": 0,
+          "used_by_me_with_factor": 0,
+          "used_with_factor": 8641
-    </div>
-    </div>
-<!-- -->
- `GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/it4ifreetoken/`{.descname}[(]{.sig-paren}*login*[)]{.sig-paren}[](#get--api-v1-it4ifreetoken-(login) "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
-:   Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4
-    addresses.
-    It returns free token for the account.
-    Query Parameters:
-    -   **login** – account id
-    Status Codes:
-    -   [200
-        OK]({.reference
-        .external} – no error
-    -   [405 Method Not
-        Allowed]({.reference
-        .external} – restricted access, your ipv4 address is not allowed
-    **Example request**:
-    <div class="highlight-console">
-    <div class="highlight">
-        curl -i
-    </div>
-    </div>
-    **Example response**:
-    <div class="highlight-http">
-    <div class="highlight">
-        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-        Content-Type: application/json
+      ],
+      "me_as_pi": [
+        {
+          "core_hours": 82876,
+          "core_hours_with_factor": 82876,
+          "login":"abc",
+          "pi_login": "johnsm",
+          "pid": "DD-13-6"
+        },
-          "it4ifreetoken": "abc"
+          "core_hours": 0,
+          "core_hours_with_factor": 0,
+          "login": "johnsm",
+          "pi_login": "johnsm",
+          "pid":"DD-13-6"
-    </div>
-    </div>
+      ]
+    }
 <!-- -->
- `GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/motd/`{.descname}[(]{.sig-paren}*category*[)]{.sig-paren}[](#get--api-v1-motd-(category) "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
-:   Returns SCS messages of the day.
-    Query Parameters:
+ `GET /api/v1/it4ifreetoken/`<span class="sig-paren">(</span>*login*<span class="sig-paren">)</span><a href="#get--api-v1-it4ifreetoken-(login)" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
+Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4 addresses.
+It returns free token for the account.
-    -   **notice** – returns only notice messages
-    -   **important** – returns only important messages
-    -   **all** – returns all messages
+Query Parameters:
-    Status Codes:
-    -   [200
-        OK]({.reference
-        .external} – no error
-    -   [405 Method Not
-        Allowed]({.reference
-        .external} – invalid requested query parameter
+- **login** – account id
-    **Example request**:
+Status Codes:
-    <div class="highlight-console">
+- <a href="" class="reference external">200 OK</a>
+    – no error
+- <a href="" class="reference external">405 Method Not Allowed</a>
+    – restricted access, your ipv4 address is not allowed
-    <div class="highlight">
+**Example request**:
-        curl -i
+    curl -i
-    </div>
+**Example response**:
-    </div>
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
-    **Example response**:
-    <div class="highlight-http">
-    <div class="highlight">
-        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-        Content-Type: application/json
-        [
-          {
-            "author": "svi47",
-            "category": "notice",
-            "created_at": "2017-10-12 11:44:51",
-            "dateEfficiency": "2017-10-12 11:41:00",
-            "dateExpiration": "2017-11-28 14:30:00",
-            "dateModification": "2017-10-12 13:44:51",
-            "deleted_at": null,
-            "id": 169,
-            "messageBody": "For more information about the course,
-              please visit its web page:",
-            "state": null,
-            "title": "Invitation to the Course Productivity Tools
-              for High Performance Computing (2017-11-27 to 2017-11-28)",
-            "typeMotd": null,
-            "updated_at": "2017-10-12 11:44:51"
-          }
-        ]
-    </div>
-    </div>
+    {
+      "it4ifreetoken": "abc"
+    }
 <!-- -->
- `GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/ping`{.descname}[](#get--api-v1-ping "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
-:   A service for testing connection to API.
-      --------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      Status Codes:   -   [200 OK]({.reference .external} – no error
-      --------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ `GET /api/v1/motd/`<span class="sig-paren">(</span>*category*<span class="sig-paren">)</span><a href="#get--api-v1-motd-(category)" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
+Returns SCS messages of the day.
-    **Example request**:
+Query Parameters:
-    <div class="highlight-console">
-    <div class="highlight">
+- **notice** – returns only notice messages
+- **important** – returns only important messages
+- **all** – returns all messages
-        curl -i
+Status Codes:
-    </div>
+- <a href="" class="reference external">200 OK</a>
+    – no error
+- <a href="" class="reference external">405 Method Not Allowed</a>
+    – invalid requested query parameter
-    </div>
+**Example request**:
-    **Example response**:
+    curl -i
-    <div class="highlight-http">
+**Example response**:
-    <div class="highlight">
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
-        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-        Content-Type: application/json
-        {
-           "message": "pong"
-        }
-    </div>
-    </div>
+    [
+      {
+        "author": "svi47",
+        "category": "notice",
+        "created_at": "2017-10-12 11:44:51",
+        "dateEfficiency": "2017-10-12 11:41:00",
+        "dateExpiration": "2017-11-28 14:30:00",
+        "dateModification": "2017-10-12 13:44:51",
+        "deleted_at": null,
+        "id": 169,
+        "messageBody": "For more information about the course,
+          please visit its web page:",
+        "state": null,
+        "title": "Invitation to the Course Productivity Tools
+          for High Performance Computing (2017-11-27 to 2017-11-28)",
+        "typeMotd": null,
+        "updated_at": "2017-10-12 11:44:51"
+      }
+    ]
 <!-- -->
- `GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/quota-extra`{.descname}[](#get--api-v1-quota-extra "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
-:   Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4
-    addresses.
-    Returns all accounts which have active filesystem quotas bigger than
-    standard.
-    Response JSON Object:
-    -   **login** (*string*) – account id
-    -   **system\_name** (*string*) – computer system name
-    -   **filesystem** (*string*) – folder name
-    -   **quota\_gb** (*int*) – disk usage quota for in GB
-    -   **quota\_ki** (*int*) – quota for number of files in thousands
-    -   **expiration** (*string*) – expiration date
-    -   **description** (*string*) – reason for allocation extra quotas
-    Status Codes:
-    -   [200
-        OK]({.reference
-        .external} – no error
-    -   [405 Method Not
-        Allowed]({.reference
-        .external} – restricted access, your ipv4 is not allowed
-    **Example request**:
-    <div class="highlight-console">
-    <div class="highlight">
+ `GET /api/v1/ping`<a href="#get--api-v1-ping" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
+A service for testing connection to API.
-        curl -i curl
+<tr class="odd">
+<td>Status Codes:</td>
+<li><a href="" class="reference external">200 OK</a> – no error</li>
-    </div>
+**Example request**:
-    </div>
+    curl -i
-    **Example response**:
+**Example response**:
-    <div class="highlight-http">
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
-    <div class="highlight">
-        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-        Content-Type: application/json
-        [
-          {
-            "login": "johnsm",
-            "system_name": "anselm",
-            "filesystem": "HOME",
-            "quota_gb": 500,
-            "quota_ki": 1500,
-            "expiration": "2017-12-31",
-            "description": "build SW"
-          }
-        ]
-    </div>
-    </div>
+    {
+       "message": "pong"
+    }
 <!-- -->
- `GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/version`{.descname}[](#get--api-v1-version "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
+ `GET /api/v1/quota-extra`<a href="#get--api-v1-quota-extra" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
+Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4 addresses.
-:   Returns basic information about API.
+Returns all accounts which have active filesystem quotas bigger than
-      --------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      Status Codes:   -   [200 OK]({.reference .external} – no error
-      --------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Response JSON Object:
-    **Example request**:
-    <div class="highlight-console">
+- **login** (*string*) – account id
+- **system\_name** (*string*) – computer system name
+- **filesystem** (*string*) – folder name
+- **quota\_gb** (*int*) – disk usage quota for in GB
+- **quota\_ki** (*int*) – quota for number of files in thousands
+- **expiration** (*string*) – expiration date
+- **description** (*string*) – reason for allocation extra quotas
-    <div class="highlight">
+Status Codes:
-        curl -i
+- <a href="" class="reference external">200 OK</a>
+    – no error
+- <a href="" class="reference external">405 Method Not Allowed</a>
+    – restricted access, your ipv4 is not allowed
-    </div>
+**Example request**:
-    </div>
+    curl -i curl
-    **Example response**:
+**Example response**:
-    <div class="highlight-http">
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
-    <div class="highlight">
+    [
+      {
+        "login": "johnsm",
+        "system_name": "anselm",
+        "filesystem": "HOME",
+        "quota_gb": 500,
+        "quota_ki": 1500,
+        "expiration": "2017-12-31",
+        "description": "build SW"
-        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-        Content-Type: application/json
+      }
+    ]
-        {
-           "hostname": "",
-           "revision": "ceac8aa / 2017-11-01 12:25:27 +0100",
-           "version": "0.8.2-34-gceac8aa"
-        }
-    </div>
-    </div>
+<!-- -->
+ `GET /api/v1/version`<a href="#get--api-v1-version" class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
+Returns basic information about API.
+<tr class="odd">
+<td>Status Codes:</td>
+<li><a href="" class="reference external">200 OK</a> – no error</li>
+**Example request**:
-<div class="clearer">
+    curl -i
+**Example response**:
+    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+    Content-Type: application/json
-<div class="footer">
+    {
+       "hostname": "",
+       "revision": "ceac8aa / 2017-11-01 12:25:27 +0100",
+       "version": "0.8.2-34-gceac8aa"
+    }
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