diff --git a/docs.it4i/anselm/compute-nodes.md b/docs.it4i/anselm/compute-nodes.md
index 6df69cce1d57b11c172340ee24f845d954708ea6..4b92900592e095383ce08d2c73321f001b4c2983 100644
--- a/docs.it4i/anselm/compute-nodes.md
+++ b/docs.it4i/anselm/compute-nodes.md
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ Anselm is cluster of x86-64 Intel based nodes built on Bull Extreme Computing bu
 | Node type                  | Count | Range       | Memory | Cores       | [Access](resources-allocation-policy/) |
 | -------------------------- | ----- | ----------- | ------ | ----------- | -------------------------------------- |
 | Nodes without accelerator  | 180   | cn[1-180]   | 64GB   | 16 @ 2.4GHz | qexp, qprod, qlong, qfree              |
-| Nodes with GPU accelerator | 23    | cn[181-203] | 96GB   | 16 @ 2.3GHz | qgpu, qprod                            |
-| Nodes with MIC accelerator | 4     | cn[204-207] | 96GB   | 16 @ 2.3GHz | qmic, qprod                            |
-| Fat compute nodes          | 2     | cn[208-209] | 512GB  | 16 @ 2.4GHz | qfat, qprod                            |
+| Nodes with GPU accelerator | 23    | cn[181-203] | 96GB   | 16 @ 2.3GHz | qgpu, qexp                             |
+| Nodes with MIC accelerator | 4     | cn[204-207] | 96GB   | 16 @ 2.3GHz | qmic, qexp                             |
+| Fat compute nodes          | 2     | cn[208-209] | 512GB  | 16 @ 2.4GHz | qfat, qexp                             |
 ## Processor Architecture
diff --git a/docs.it4i/anselm/resources-allocation-policy.md b/docs.it4i/anselm/resources-allocation-policy.md
index 7ed577a23fbc25aa38487157915e482da168313e..e4e6bfeaff0f314a7e0173ae2fa6c4bb5a5c345a 100644
--- a/docs.it4i/anselm/resources-allocation-policy.md
+++ b/docs.it4i/anselm/resources-allocation-policy.md
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ The resources are allocated to the job in a fair-share fashion, subject to const
 | qexp                | no             | none required     | 2 reserved, 31 totalincluding MIC, GPU and FAT nodes | 1         | 150      | no            | 1 h      |
 | qprod               | yes            | 0                 | 178 nodes w/o accelerator                            | 16        | 0        | no            | 24/48 h  |
 | qlong               | yes            | 0                 | 60 nodes w/o accelerator                             | 16        | 0        | no            | 72/144 h |
-| qnvidia, qmic, qfat | yes            | 0                 | 23 total qnvidia4 total qmic2 total qfat             | 16        | 200      | yes           | 24/48 h  |
+| qnvidia, qmic       | yes            | 0                 | 23 nvidia nodes, 4 mic nodes                         | 16        | 200      | yes           | 24/48 h  |
+| qfat                | yes            | 0                 | 2 fat nodes                                          | 16        | 200      | yes           | 24/144 h |
 | qfree               | yes            | none required     | 178 w/o accelerator                                  | 16        | -1024    | no            | 12 h     |
 !!! note