# Salomon Supercomputer Withdrawal From Service !!! note Content updated on 27.7.2021 Due to installation of the new Karolina supercomputer, the Salomon supercomputer may run at reduced capacity. The Barbora and DGX-2 supercomputers continue regular operation. ## Salomon Withdrawal From Service ### Salomon Access and Job Scheduling !!! important Salomon compute capacity is **reduced** due to Karolina supercomputer operations. - All jobs will be scheduled to finish on **Monday 6.9.2021, 9:00**. - No new jobs will be accepted to the queue. - Access to Salomon login nodes and data will be preserved to **4.10.2021, 9:00**. - The above dates may be shifted to later time, according to the progress of Karolina deployment. Changes will be announced via the MOTD and via this page. ### Salomon Data !!! note The **PROJECT** storage is available to hold the /scratch/work data. - The new PROJECT storage is available as of 15.3.2021. - Users should synchronize any remaining data on /scratch/work/ to the PROJECT storage themselves. - The data on the Salomon /scratch/work/ will be read-only from **Monday 6.9.2021, 9:00**. - The data on the Salomon /home and /scratch storage will become permanently inaccessible starting **4.10.2021, 9:00**. - No backup or data transfer is scheduled for /home or other storages by IT4I, data will be **permanently lost on 31.8.2021, 9:00**. - Make sure that **you [save all the relevant data][2]** to external resources or to PROJECT storage before **4.10.2021, 9:00**. - The above dates may be shifted to later time, according to the progress of Karolina deployment. Changes will be announced via the [MOTD][5] and via this page. ### Salomon Future - The Salomon supercomputer's future is under negotiation for reuse within the academic domain. More information will be posted here. [2]: salomon/storage.md#cesnet-data-storage [5]: https://www.it4i.cz/pro-uzivatele/message-of-the-day