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#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
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# Project Name:        MakeHuman
# Product Home Page:
# Code Home Page:
# Authors:             Thomas Larsson
# Script copyright (C) MakeHuman Team 2001-2013
# Coding Standards: See
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MHX (MakeHuman eXchange format) importer for Blender 2.6x.

This script should be distributed with Blender.
If not, place it in the .blender/scripts/addons dir
Activate the script in the "Addons" tab (user preferences).
Access from the File > Import menu.
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Alternatively, run the script in the script editor (Alt-P), and access from the File > Import menu
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bl_info = {
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    'name': 'Import: MakeHuman (.mhx)',
    'author': 'Thomas Larsson',
    'location': "File > Import > MakeHuman (.mhx)",
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    'description': 'Import files in the MakeHuman eXchange format (.mhx)',
    'warning': '',
    'wiki_url': '',
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    'tracker_url': ''\
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    'category': 'Import-Export'}

majorVersion = MAJOR_VERSION
minorVersion = MINOR_VERSION
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import bpy
import os
import time
from mathutils import Vector, Matrix, Quaternion
from bpy.props import *
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MHX249 = False
Blender24 = False
Blender25 = True
theDir = "~/makehuman/exports"
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theScale = 1.0
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useMesh = 1
verbosity = 2
warnedTextureDir = False
warnedVersion = False

true = True
false = False
Epsilon = 1e-6
nErrors = 0
theTempDatum = None
theMessage = ""
theMhxFile = ""
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#    toggle flags
T_EnforceVersion = 0x01
T_Clothes = 0x02
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T_Replace = 0x20
T_Shapekeys = 0x40
T_ShapeDrivers = 0x80

T_Face = T_Shapekeys
T_Shape = T_Shapekeys
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T_Mesh = 0x100
T_Armature = 0x200
T_Proxy = 0x400
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T_Rigify = 0x1000
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T_Symm = 0x4000

DefaultToggle = ( T_EnforceVersion + T_Mesh + T_Armature +
    T_Shapekeys + T_ShapeDrivers + T_Proxy + T_Clothes + T_Rigify )
toggle = DefaultToggle
toggleSettings = toggle
#   mhxEval(expr) - an attempt at a reasonably safe eval.
#   Note that expr never contains any whitespace due to the behavior
#   of the mhx tokenizer.

def mhxEval(expr, locls={}):
    globls = {
        '__builtins__' : {},
        'toggle' : toggle,
        'theScale' : theScale,
        'T_EnforceVersion' : T_EnforceVersion,
        'T_Clothes' : T_Clothes,
        'T_HardParents' : T_HardParents,
        'T_CrashSafe' : T_CrashSafe,
        'T_Diamond' : T_Diamond,
        'T_Replace' : T_Replace,
        'T_Shapekeys' : T_Shapekeys,
        'T_ShapeDrivers' : T_ShapeDrivers,
        'T_Face' : T_Face,
        'T_Shape' : T_Shape,
        'T_Mesh' : T_Mesh,
        'T_Armature' : T_Armature,
        'T_Proxy' : T_Proxy,
        'T_Cage' : T_Cage,
        'T_Rigify' : T_Rigify,
        'T_Opcns' : T_Opcns,
        'T_Symm' : T_Symm,
    return eval(expr, globls, locls)
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#    Dictionaries
def initLoadedData():
    global loadedData

    loadedData = {
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    'NONE' : {},

    'Object' : {},
    'Mesh' : {},
    'Armature' : {},
    'Lamp' : {},
    'Camera' : {},
    'Lattice' : {},
    'Curve' : {},
    'Text' : {},

    'Material' : {},
    'Image' : {},
    'MaterialTextureSlot' : {},
    'Texture' : {},
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    'Bone' : {},
    'BoneGroup' : {},
    'Rigify' : {},

    'Action' : {},
    'Group' : {},

    'MeshTextureFaceLayer' : {},
    'MeshColorLayer' : {},
    'VertexGroup' : {},
    'ShapeKey' : {},
    'ParticleSystem' : {},

    'ObjectConstraints' : {},
    'ObjectModifiers' : {},
    'MaterialSlot' : {},
def reinitGlobalData():
    global loadedData
    for key in [
        'MeshTextureFaceLayer', 'MeshColorLayer', 'VertexGroup', 'ShapeKey',
        'ParticleSystem', 'ObjectConstraints', 'ObjectModifiers', 'MaterialSlot']:
        loadedData[key] = {}
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Plural = {
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    'Object' : 'objects',
    'Mesh' : 'meshes',
    'Lattice' : 'lattices',
    'Curve' : 'curves',
    'Text' : 'texts',
    'Group' : 'groups',
    'Empty' : 'empties',
    'Armature' : 'armatures',
    'Bone' : 'bones',
    'BoneGroup' : 'bone_groups',
    'Pose' : 'poses',
    'PoseBone' : 'pose_bones',
    'Material' : 'materials',
    'Texture' : 'textures',
    'Image' : 'images',
    'Camera' : 'cameras',
    'Lamp' : 'lamps',
    'World' : 'worlds',
    global nErrors, theScale, theArmature, defaultScale, One
    global toggle, warnedVersion, theMessage, alpha7, theDir
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    One = 1.0/theScale
    theArmature = None
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    theDir = os.path.dirname(filePath)
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    fileName = os.path.expanduser(filePath)
    _,ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)
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    if ext.lower() != ".mhx":
        print("Error: Not a mhx file: %s" % fileName.encode('utf-8', 'strict'))
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    print( "Opening MHX file %s " % fileName.encode('utf-8', 'strict') )
    print("Toggle %x" % toggle)
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    time1 = time.clock()

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    # ignore = False  # UNUSED
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    stack = []
    tokens = []
    key = "toplevel"
    level = 0
    nErrors = 0
    comment = 0
    nesting = 0

    file= open(fileName, "rU")
    print( "Tokenizing" )
    lineNo = 0
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        # print(line)
        lineSplit= line.split()
        lineNo += 1
        if len(lineSplit) == 0:
        elif lineSplit[0][0] == '#':
            if lineSplit[0] == '#if':
                if comment == nesting:
                        res = mhxEval(lineSplit[1])
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                        res = False
                    if res:
                        comment += 1
                nesting += 1
            elif lineSplit[0] == '#else':
                if comment == nesting-1:
                    comment += 1
                elif comment == nesting:
                    comment -= 1
            elif lineSplit[0] == '#endif':
                if comment == nesting:
                    comment -= 1
                nesting -= 1
        elif comment < nesting:
        elif lineSplit[0] == 'end':
                sub = tokens
                tokens = stack.pop()
                if tokens:
                    tokens[-1][2] = sub
                level -= 1
                print( "Tokenizer error at or before line %d.\nThe mhx file has been corrupted.\nTry to export it again from MakeHuman." % lineNo )
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                print( line )
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        elif lineSplit[-1] == ';':
            if lineSplit[0] == '\\':
                key = lineSplit[1]
                key = lineSplit[0]
            key = lineSplit[0]
            level += 1
            tokens = []

    if level != 0:
        MyError("Tokenizer error (%d).\nThe mhx file has been corrupted.\nTry to export it again from MakeHuman." % level)
    scn = clearScene()
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    print( "Parsing" )
    bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') = True
    theArmature.MhAlpha8 = not alpha7
    #bpy.ops.wm.properties_edit(data_path="object", property="MhxRig", value=theArmature["MhxRig"])
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    time2 = time.clock()
    msg = "File %s loaded in %g s" % (fileName, time2-time1)
    if nErrors:
        msg += " but there where %d errors. " % (nErrors)

#    getObject(name, var):
def getObject(name, var):
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        return loadedData['Object'][name]
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        raise MhxError("Bug: object %s not found" % ob)
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#    checkMhxVersion(major, minor):

def checkMhxVersion(major, minor):
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    global warnedVersion
    print("MHX", (major,minor), (MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION), warnedVersion)
    if  major != MAJOR_VERSION or minor < FROM_VERSION:
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        if warnedVersion:
            msg = (
"Expected MHX %d.%02d but the loaded file " % (MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION) +
"has version MHX %d.%02d\n" % (major, minor))
"You can disable this error message by deselecting the \n" +
"Enforce version option when importing. Better:\n" +
"Export the MHX file again with an updated version of MakeHuman.\n" +
"The most up-to-date version of MakeHuman is the nightly build.\n")
                msg += (
"Download the most recent Blender build from \n" +
"The most up-to-date version of the import script is distributed\n" +
"with Blender. It can also be downloaded from MakeHuman. \n" +
"It is located in the importers/mhx/blender25x \n" +
"folder and is called \n")
        if (toggle & T_EnforceVersion or minor > MINOR_VERSION):
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            warnedVersion = True
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#    parse(tokens):
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ifResult = False

def parse(tokens):
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    global MHX249, ifResult, theScale, defaultScale, One
    global majorVersion, minorVersion

    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
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        data = None
        if key == 'MHX':
            print("MHX importer version: ", bl_info["version"])
            majorVersion = int(val[0])
            minorVersion = int(val[1])
            checkMhxVersion(majorVersion, minorVersion)
            for string in val[2:]:
                print(string.replace("_"," "))
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        elif key == 'MHX249':
            MHX249 = mhxEval(val[0])
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            print("Blender 2.49 compatibility mode is %s\n" % MHX249)
        elif MHX249:
        elif key == 'print':
            msg = concatList(val)
        elif key == 'warn':
            msg = concatList(val)
        elif key == 'error':
            msg = concatList(val)
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        elif key == 'NoScale':
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                theScale = 1.0
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            One = 1.0/theScale
        elif key == "Object":
            parseObject(val, sub)
        elif key == "Mesh":
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            data = parseMesh(val, sub)
        elif key == "Armature":
            data = parseArmature(val, sub)
        elif key == "Pose":
            data = parsePose(val, sub)
        elif key == "Action":
            data = parseAction(val, sub)
        elif key == "Material":
            data = parseMaterial(val, sub)
        elif key == "Texture":
            data = parseTexture(val, sub)
        elif key == "Image":
            data = parseImage(val, sub)
        elif key == "Curve":
            data = parseCurve(val, sub)
        elif key == "TextCurve":
            data = parseTextCurve(val, sub)
        elif key == "Lattice":
            data = parseLattice(val, sub)
        elif key == "Group":
            data = parseGroup(val, sub)
        elif key == "Lamp":
            data = parseLamp(val, sub)
        elif key == "World":
            data = parseWorld(val, sub)
        elif key == "Scene":
            data = parseScene(val, sub)
        elif key == "DefineProperty":
            parseDefineProperty(val, sub)
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        elif key == "Process":
            parseProcess(val, sub)
        elif key == "PostProcess":
        elif key == "CorrectRig":
        elif key == "Rigify":
            if toggle & T_Rigify:
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        elif key == 'AnimationData':
                ob = loadedData['Object'][val[0]]
                ob = None
            if ob:
       = ob
                parseAnimationData(ob, val, sub)
        elif key == 'MaterialAnimationData':
                ob = loadedData['Object'][val[0]]
                ob = None
            if ob:
       = ob
                mat =[int(val[2])]
                parseAnimationData(mat, val, sub)
        elif key == 'ShapeKeys':
                ob = loadedData['Object'][val[0]]
                MyError("ShapeKeys object %s does not exist" % val[0])
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            if ob:
       = ob
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#    parseDefaultType(typ, args, tokens):
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def parseDefaultType(typ, args, tokens):
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    name = args[0]
    data = None
    expr = "'%s')" % (Plural[typ], name)
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    bpyType = typ.capitalize()
    loadedData[bpyType][name] = data
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        return None
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    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        defaultKey(key, val, sub, data)
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    return data
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#    concatList(elts)
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def concatList(elts):
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    string = ""
    for elt in elts:
        string += " %s" % elt
    return string
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#    parseAction(args, tokens):
#    parseFCurve(fcu, args, tokens):
#    parseKeyFramePoint(pt, args, tokens):
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def parseAction(args, tokens):
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    name = args[0]
    if invalid(args[1]):

    ob = bpy.context.object
    if ob.animation_data:
        ob.animation_data.action = None
    created = {}
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'FCurve':
            prepareActionFCurve(ob, created, val, sub)
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    act = ob.animation_data.action
    loadedData['Action'][name] = act
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        print("Ignoring action %s" % name)
        return act = name
    print("Action", name, act, ob)
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    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'FCurve':
            fcu = parseActionFCurve(act, ob, val, sub)
            defaultKey(key, val, sub, act)
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    ob.animation_data.action = None
    return act

def prepareActionFCurve(ob, created, args, tokens):
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    dataPath = args[0]
    index = args[1]
    (expr, channel) = channelFromDataPath(dataPath, index)
        if channel in created[expr]:
        created[expr] = [channel]

    times = []
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'kp':

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        print("Ignoring illegal expression: %s" % expr)

    n = 0
    for t in times:
        #bpy.context.scene.current_frame = t
        bpy.ops.anim.change_frame(frame = t)
            n += 1
            #print("failed", data, expr, channel)
    if n != len(times):
        print("Mismatch", n, len(times), expr, channel)
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def channelFromDataPath(dataPath, index):
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    words = dataPath.split(']')
    if len(words) == 1:
        # location
        expr = "ob"
        channel = dataPath
    elif len(words) == 2:
        # pose.bones["tongue"].location
        expr = "ob.%s]" % (words[0])
        cwords = words[1].split('.')
        channel = cwords[1]
    elif len(words) == 3:
        # pose.bones["brow.R"]["mad"]
        expr = "ob.%s]" % (words[0])
        cwords = words[1].split('"')
        channel = cwords[1]
    return (expr, channel)
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def parseActionFCurve(act, ob, args, tokens):
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    dataPath = args[0]
    index = args[1]
    (expr, channel) = channelFromDataPath(dataPath, index)
    index = int(args[1])

    success = False
    for fcu in act.fcurves:
        (expr1, channel1) = channelFromDataPath(fcu.data_path, fcu.array_index)
        if expr1 == expr and channel1 == channel and fcu.array_index == index:
            success = True
    if not success:
        return None

    n = 0
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'kp':
                pt = fcu.keyframe_points[n]
                pt.interpolation = 'LINEAR'
                pt = parseKeyFramePoint(pt, val, sub)
                n += 1
                #MyError("kp", fcu, n, len(fcu.keyframe_points), val)
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            defaultKey(key, val, sub, fcu)
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    return fcu
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def parseKeyFramePoint(pt, args, tokens):
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Luca Bonavita committed = (float(args[0]), float(args[1]))
    if len(args) > 2:
        pt.handle1 = (float(args[2]), float(args[3]))
        pt.handle2 = (float(args[3]), float(args[5]))
    return pt
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#    parseAnimationData(rna, args, tokens):
#    parseDriver(drv, args, tokens):
#    parseDriverVariable(var, args, tokens):

def parseAnimationData(rna, args, tokens):
    if not mhxEval(args[1]):
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    adata = rna.animation_data
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'FCurve':
            fcu = parseAnimDataFCurve(adata, rna, val, sub)
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            defaultKey(key, val, sub, adata)
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    return adata
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def parseAnimDataFCurve(adata, rna, args, tokens):
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    if invalid(args[2]):
    dataPath = args[0]
    index = int(args[1])
    n = 1
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'Driver':
            fcu = parseDriver(adata, dataPath, index, rna, val, sub)
            fmod = fcu.modifiers[0]
        elif key == 'FModifier':
            parseFModifier(fcu, val, sub)
        elif key == 'kp':
            pt = fcu.keyframe_points.insert(n, 0)
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            pt.interpolation = 'LINEAR'
            pt = parseKeyFramePoint(pt, val, sub)
            n += 1
            defaultKey(key, val, sub, fcu)
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    return fcu
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        fcurve = con.driver_add("influence", 0)
        driver = fcurve.driver
        driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
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def parseDriver(adata, dataPath, index, rna, args, tokens):
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    if dataPath[-1] == ']':
        words = dataPath.split(']')
        expr = "rna." + words[0] + ']'
        pwords = words[1].split('"')
        prop = pwords[1]
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        return None
        words = dataPath.split('.')
        channel = words[-1]
        expr = "rna"
        for n in range(len(words)-1):
            expr += "." + words[n]
        expr += ".driver_add('%s', index)" % channel
    fcu = mhxEval(expr, locals())
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    drv = fcu.driver
    drv.type = args[0]
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'DriverVariable':
            var = parseDriverVariable(drv, rna, val, sub)
            defaultKey(key, val, sub, drv)
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    return fcu
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def parseDriverVariable(drv, rna, args, tokens):
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    var = = args[0]
    var.type = args[1]
    nTarget = 0
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'Target':
            parseDriverTarget(var, nTarget, rna, val, sub)
            nTarget += 1
            defaultKey(key, val, sub, var)
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    return var
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def parseFModifier(fcu, args, tokens):
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    fmod =[0])
    #fmod = fcu.modifiers[0]
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        defaultKey(key, val, sub, fmod)
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    return fmod
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        var = = target_bone
        var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
        var.targets[0].id = obj
        var.targets[0].rna_path = driver_path
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def parseDriverTarget(var, nTarget, rna, args, tokens):
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    targ = var.targets[nTarget]
    name = args[0]
    #targ.id_type = args[1]
    dtype = args[1].capitalize()
    dtype = 'Object' = loadedData[dtype][name]
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    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'data_path':
            words = val[0].split('"')
            if len(words) > 1:
                targ.data_path = propNames(words[1])[1]
                targ.data_path = propNames(val)[1]
            defaultKey(key, val, sub, targ)
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    return targ
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#    parseMaterial(args, ext, tokens):
#    parseMTex(mat, args, tokens):
#    parseTexture(args, tokens):
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def parseMaterial(args, tokens):
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    name = args[0]
    mat =
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        return None
    loadedData['Material'][name] = mat
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'MTex':
            parseMTex(mat, val, sub)
        elif key == 'Ramp':
            parseRamp(mat, val, sub)
        elif key == 'RaytraceTransparency':
            parseDefault(mat.raytrace_transparency, sub, {}, [])
        elif key == 'Halo':
            parseDefault(mat.halo, sub, {}, [])
        elif key == 'SSS':
            parseDefault(mat.subsurface_scattering, sub, {}, [])
        elif key == 'Strand':
            parseDefault(mat.strand, sub, {}, [])
        elif key == 'NodeTree':
            mat.use_nodes = True
            parseNodeTree(mat.node_tree, val, sub)
        elif key == 'AnimationData':
            parseAnimationData(mat, val, sub)
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            exclude = ['specular_intensity', 'tangent_shading']
            defaultKey(key, val, sub, mat)
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    return mat
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def parseMTex(mat, args, tokens):
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    index = int(args[0])
    texname = args[1]
    texco = args[2]
    mapto = args[3]
    tex = loadedData['Texture'][texname]
    mtex = mat.texture_slots.add()
    mtex.texture_coords = texco
    mtex.texture = tex
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    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        defaultKey(key, val, sub, mtex)
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    return mtex
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def parseTexture(args, tokens):
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    if verbosity > 2:
        print( "Parsing texture %s" % args )
    name = args[0]
    tex =, type=args[1])
    loadedData['Texture'][name] = tex
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    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'Image':
                imgName = val[0]
                img = loadedData['Image'][imgName]
                tex.image = img
                msg = "Unable to load image '%s'" % val[0]
        elif key == 'Ramp':
            parseRamp(tex, val, sub)
        elif key == 'NodeTree':
            tex.use_nodes = True
            parseNodeTree(tex.node_tree, val, sub)
            defaultKey(key, val, sub, tex, ['use_nodes', 'use_textures', 'contrast', 'use_alpha'])
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    return tex
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def parseRamp(data, args, tokens):
    setattr(data, "use_%s" % args[0], True)
    ramp = getattr(data, args[0])
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    elts = ramp.elements
    n = 0
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'Element':
            elts[n].color = mhxEval(val[0], locals())
            elts[n].position = mhxEval(val[1], locals())
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            n += 1
            defaultKey(key, val, sub, tex, ['use_nodes', 'use_textures', 'contrast'])
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def parseSSS(mat, args, tokens):
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    sss = mat.subsurface_scattering
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        defaultKey(key, val, sub, sss)
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def parseStrand(mat, args, tokens):
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    strand = mat.strand
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        defaultKey(key, val, sub, strand)
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#    parseNodeTree(tree, args, tokens):
#    parseNode(node, args, tokens):
#    parseSocket(socket, args, tokens):

def parseNodeTree(tree, args, tokens):
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    print("Tree", tree, args)
    print(list(tree.nodes)) = args[0]
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'Node':
            parseNodes(tree.nodes, val, sub)
            defaultKey(key, val, sub, tree)

def parseNodes(nodes, args, tokens):
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    print("Nodes", nodes, args)
    print(list(nodes)) = args[0]
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'Inputs':
            parseSocket(node.inputs, val, sub)
        elif key == 'Outputs':
            parseSocket(node.outputs, val, sub)
            defaultKey(key, val, sub, node)

def parseNode(node, args, tokens):
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    print("Node", node, args)
    print(list(node.inputs), list(node.outputs)) = args[0]
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'Inputs':
            parseSocket(node.inputs, val, sub)
        elif key == 'Outputs':
            parseSocket(node.outputs, val, sub)
            defaultKey(key, val, sub, node)

def parseSocket(socket, args, tokens):
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    print("Socket", socket, args) = args[0]
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'Node':
            parseNode(tree.nodes, val, sub)
            defaultKey(key, val, sub, tree)
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#    loadImage(filepath):
#    parseImage(args, tokens):
def loadImage(relFilepath):
    filepath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(theDir, relFilepath))
    print( "Loading %s" % filepath.encode('utf-8','strict'))
    if os.path.isfile(filepath):
        #print( "Found file %s." % filepath.encode('utf-8','strict') )
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            img =
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            return img
            print( "Cannot read image" )
            return None
        print( "No such file: %s" % filepath.encode('utf-8','strict') )
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        return None
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def parseImage(args, tokens):
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    imgName = args[0]
    img = None
    for (key, val, sub) in tokens:
        if key == 'Filename':
            filename = val[0]
            for n in range(1,len(val)):
                filename += " " + val[n]
            img = loadImage(filename)
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                return None
   = imgName
            defaultKey(key, val, sub, img, ['depth', 'dirty', 'has_data', 'size', 'type', 'use_premultiply'])
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    print ("Image %s" % img )
    loadedData['Image'][imgName] = img
    return img

#    parseObject(args, tokens):
#    createObject(type, name, data, datName):
#    setObjectAndData(args, typ):
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def parseObject(args, tokens):
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    if verbosity > 2:
        print( "Parsing object %s" % args )
    name = args[0]
    typ = args[1]
    datName = args[2]

    if typ == 'EMPTY':
        ob =, None)
        loadedData['Object'][name] = ob
        linkObject(ob, None)
            data = loadedData[typ.capitalize()][datName]
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            MyError("Failed to find data: %s %s %s" % (name, typ, datName))
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        ob = loadedData['Object'][name] = ob
        #print("Found data", ob)
        ob = None

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        ob = createObject(typ, name, data, datName)
        linkObject(ob, data)