Nathan Letwory authoredNathan Letwory authored
render_renderfarmfi.py 30.15 KiB
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
bl_addon_info = {
"name": "Renderfarm.fi",
"author": "Nathan Letwory <nathan@letworyinteractive.com>, Jesse Kaukonen <jesse.kaukonen@gmail.com>",
"version": (3,),
"blender": (2, 5, 3),
"api": 31667,
"location": "Render > Engine > Renderfarm.fi",
"description": "Send .blend as session to http://www.renderfarm.fi to render",
"warning": "",
"wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/"\
"tracker_url": "https://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?"\
"category": "Render"}
Copyright 2009-2010 Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Authors: Nathan Letwory, Jesse Kaukonen
import bpy
import hashlib
import http.client
import xmlrpc.client
import math
from os.path import abspath, isabs, join, isfile
from bpy.props import PointerProperty, StringProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty, IntProperty, CollectionProperty
bpy.CURRENT_VERSION = bl_addon_info["version"][0]
bpy.found_newer_version = False
bpy.up_to_date = False
bpy.download_location = 'http://www.renderfarm.fi/blender'
bpy.errorMessages = {
'missing_desc': 'You need to enter a title, short and long description',
'missing_creds': 'You haven\'t entered your credentials yet'
bpy.statusMessage = {
'title': 'TRIA_RIGHT',
'shortdesc': 'TRIA_RIGHT',
'longdesc': 'TRIA_RIGHT',
'username': 'TRIA_RIGHT',
'password': 'TRIA_RIGHT'
bpy.errors = []
bpy.ore_sessions = []
bpy.queue_selected = -1
def renderEngine(render_engine):
return render_engine
class ORESession(bpy.types.IDPropertyGroup):
class ORESettings(bpy.types.IDPropertyGroup):
# entry point for settings collection
bpy.types.Scene.ore_render = PointerProperty(type=ORESettings, name='ORE Render', description='ORE Render Settings')
# fill the new struct
ORESettings.username = StringProperty(name='E-mail', description='E-mail for Renderfarm.fi', maxlen=256, default='')
ORESettings.password = StringProperty(name='Password', description='Renderfarm.fi password', maxlen=256, default='')
ORESettings.hash = StringProperty(name='Hash', description='hash calculated out of credentials', maxlen=33, default='')
ORESettings.shortdesc = StringProperty(name='Short description', description='A short description of the scene (100 characters)', maxlen=101, default='')
ORESettings.longdesc = StringProperty(name='Long description', description='A more elaborate description of the scene (2k)', maxlen=2048, default='')
ORESettings.title = StringProperty(name='Title', description='Title for this session (128 characters)', maxlen=128, default='')
ORESettings.url = StringProperty(name='Project URL', description='Project URL. Leave empty if not applicable', maxlen=256, default='')
ORESettings.parts = IntProperty(name='Parts/Frame', description='', min=1, max=1000, soft_min=1, soft_max=64, default=1)
ORESettings.resox = IntProperty(name='Resolution X', description='X of render', min=1, max=10000, soft_min=1, soft_max=10000, default=1920)
ORESettings.resoy = IntProperty(name='Resolution Y', description='Y of render', min=1, max=10000, soft_min=1, soft_max=10000, default=1080)
ORESettings.memusage = IntProperty(name='Memory Usage', description='Estimated maximum memory usage during rendering in MB', min=1, max=6*1024, soft_min=1, soft_max=3*1024, default=256)
ORESettings.start = IntProperty(name='Start Frame', description='Start Frame', default=1)
ORESettings.end = IntProperty(name='End Frame', description='End Frame', default=250)
ORESettings.fps = IntProperty(name='FPS', description='FPS', min=1, max=256, default=25)
ORESettings.prepared = BoolProperty(name='Prepared', description='Set to True if preparation has been run', default=False)
ORESettings.debug = BoolProperty(name='Debug', description='Verbose output in console', default=False)
ORESettings.selected_session = IntProperty(name='Selected Session', description='The selected session', default=0)
# session struct
ORESession.name = StringProperty(name='Name', description='Name of the session', maxlen=128, default='[session]')
licenses = (
('1', 'CC by-nc-nd', 'Creative Commons: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives'),
('2', 'CC by-nc-sa', 'Creative Commons: Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike'),
('3', 'CC by-nd', 'Creative Commons: Attribution No Derivatives'),
('4', 'CC by-nc', 'Creative Commons: Attribution Non-Commercial'),
('5', 'CC by-sa', 'Creative Commons: Attribution Share Alike'),
('6', 'CC by', 'Creative Commons: Attribution'),
('7', 'Copyright', 'Copyright, no license specified'),
ORESettings.inlicense = EnumProperty(items=licenses, name='source license', description='license speficied for the source files', default='1')
ORESettings.outlicense = EnumProperty(items=licenses, name='output license', description='license speficied for the output files', default='1')
ORESettings.sessions = CollectionProperty(type=ORESession, name='Sessions', description='Sessions on Renderfarm.fi')
# all panels, except render panel
# Example of wrapping every class 'as is'
import properties_scene
for member in dir(properties_scene):
subclass = getattr(properties_scene, member)
except: pass
del properties_scene
import properties_world
for member in dir(properties_world):
subclass = getattr(properties_world, member)
except: pass
del properties_world
import properties_material
for member in dir(properties_material):
subclass = getattr(properties_material, member)
except: pass
del properties_material
import properties_object
for member in dir(properties_object):
subclass = getattr(properties_object, member)
except: pass
del properties_object
class RenderButtonsPanel():
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "render"
# COMPAT_ENGINES must be defined in each subclass, external engines can add themselves here
class RENDERFARM_MT_Session(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_label = "Show Session"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
class LOGIN_PT_RenderfarmFi(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
bl_label = 'Login to Renderfarm.fi'
def poll(cls, context):
rd = context.scene.render
return (rd.use_game_engine==False) and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
# XXX layout.operator('ore.check_update')
ore = context.scene.ore_render
if ore.hash=='':
col = layout.column()
if ore.hash=='':
col.prop(ore, 'username', icon=bpy.statusMessage['username'])
col.prop(ore, 'password', icon=bpy.statusMessage['password'])
layout.label(text='E-mail and password entered.', icon='INFO')
class CHECK_PT_RenderfarmFi(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
bl_label = 'Check for updates'
def poll(cls, context):
rd = context.scene.render
return (rd.use_game_engine==False) and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
ore = context.scene.ore_render
if bpy.found_newer_version == True:
if bpy.up_to_date == True:
layout.label(text='You have the latest version')
class SESSIONS_PT_RenderfarmFi(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
bl_label = 'Sessions'
def poll(cls, context):
rd = context.scene.render
return (rd.use_game_engine==False) and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
ore = context.scene.ore_render
if bpy.queue_selected == 1:
layout.label(text='Completed Sessions')
elif bpy.queue_selected == 2:
layout.label(text='Rendering Sessions')
elif bpy.queue_selected == 3:
layout.label(text='Pending Sessions')
elif bpy.queue_selected == 4:
layout.label(text='Cancelled and Rejected Sessions')
layout.template_list(ore, 'sessions', ore, 'selected_session', rows=2)
if bpy.queue_selected == 3:
class RENDER_PT_RenderfarmFi(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
bl_label = "Scene Settings"
def poll(cls, context):
rd = context.scene.render
return (rd.use_game_engine==False) and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
sce = context.scene
ore = sce.ore_render
if ore.prepared and ore.hash!='':
layout.prop(ore, 'memusage')
row = layout.row()
row.label(text='Resolution: '+str(ore.resox)+'x'+str(ore.resoy))
row = layout.row()
row.prop(ore, 'inlicense')
row.prop(ore, 'outlicense')
row = layout.row()
row.operator('ore.reset', icon='FILE_REFRESH')
layout.prop(ore, 'title', icon=bpy.statusMessage['title'])
layout.prop(ore, 'shortdesc', icon=bpy.statusMessage['shortdesc'])
layout.prop(ore, 'longdesc', icon=bpy.statusMessage['longdesc'])
layout.prop(ore, 'url')
layout.operator('ore.use_scene_settings', icon='HAND')
row = layout.row()
row.prop(ore, 'resox')
row.prop(ore, 'resoy')
layout.prop(ore, 'parts')
row = layout.row()
row.prop(ore, 'start')
row.prop(ore, 'end')
layout.prop(ore, 'fps')
layout.operator('ore.prepare', icon='INFO')
def random_string(length):
import string
import random
return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for ii in range(length + 1))
def encode_multipart_data(data, files):
boundary = random_string(30)
def get_content_type(filename):
return 'application/octet-stream' # default this
def encode_field(field_name):
return ('--' + boundary,
'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % field_name,
'', str(data[field_name]))
def encode_file(field_name):
import codecs
filename = files [field_name]
return ('--' + boundary,
'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"' % (field_name, filename),
'Content-Type: %s' % get_content_type(filename),
'', str(open(filename, 'rb').read(), encoding='iso-8859-1'))
lines = []
for name in data:
for name in files:
lines.extend(('--%s--' % boundary, ''))
body = '\r\n'.join(lines)
headers = {'content-type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary,
'content-length': str(len(body))}
return body, headers
def send_post(url, data, files):
connection = http.client.HTTPConnection('xmlrpc.renderfarm.fi')
connection.request('POST', '/file', *encode_multipart_data(data, files))
response = connection.getresponse()
res = response.read()
return res
def md5_for_file(filepath):
md5hash = hashlib.md5()
blocksize = 0x10000
f = open(filepath, "rb")
while True:
data = f.read(blocksize)
if not data:
return md5hash.hexdigest()
def upload_file(key, userid, sessionid, server, path):
assert isabs(path)
assert isfile(path)
data = {
'userId': str(userid),
'sessionKey': key,
'sessionId': sessionid,
'md5sum': md5_for_file(path)
files = {
'blenderfile': path
r = send_post(server, data, files)
#print 'Uploaded %r' % (path)
return r
def run_upload(key, userid, sessionid, path):
#print('Upload', path)
r = upload_file(key, userid, sessionid, r'http://xmlrpc.renderfarm.fi/file', path)
o = xmlrpc.client.loads(r)
return o[0][0]
def ore_upload(op, context):
sce = context.scene
ore = sce.ore_render
if not ore.prepared:
op.report(set(['ERROR']), 'Your user or scene information is not complete')
return {'CANCELLED'}
authproxy = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(r'https://xmlrpc.renderfarm.fi/auth')
res = authproxy.auth.getSessionKey(ore.username, ore.hash)
key = res['key']
userid = res['userId']
proxy = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(r'http://xmlrpc.renderfarm.fi/session')
proxy._ServerProxy__transport.user_agent = 'Renderfarm.fi Uploader/%s' % (bpy.CURRENT_VERSION)
res = proxy.session.createSession(userid, key)
sessionid = res['sessionId']
key = res['key']
res = run_upload(key, userid, sessionid, bpy.data.filepath)
fileid = int(res['fileId'])
res = proxy.session.setTitle(userid, res['key'], sessionid, ore.title)
res = proxy.session.setLongDescription(userid, res['key'], sessionid, ore.longdesc)
res = proxy.session.setShortDescription(userid, res['key'], sessionid, ore.shortdesc)
if len(ore.url)>0:
res = proxy.session.setExternalURLs(userid, res['key'], sessionid, ore.url)
res = proxy.session.setStartFrame(userid, res['key'], sessionid, ore.start)
res = proxy.session.setEndFrame(userid, res['key'], sessionid, ore.end)
res = proxy.session.setSplit(userid, res['key'], sessionid, ore.parts)
res = proxy.session.setMemoryLimit(userid, res['key'], sessionid, ore.memusage)
res = proxy.session.setXSize(userid, res['key'], sessionid, ore.resox)
res = proxy.session.setYSize(userid, res['key'], sessionid, ore.resoy)
res = proxy.session.setFrameRate(userid, res['key'], sessionid, ore.fps)
res = proxy.session.setOutputLicense(userid, res['key'], sessionid, int(ore.outlicense))
res = proxy.session.setInputLicense(userid, res['key'], sessionid, int(ore.inlicense))
res = proxy.session.setPrimaryInputFile(userid, res['key'], sessionid, fileid)
res = proxy.session.submit(userid, res['key'], sessionid)
op.report(set(['INFO']), 'Submission sent to Renderfarm.fi')
except xmlrpc.client.Error as v:
print('ERROR:', v)
op.report(set(['ERROR']), 'An error occurred while sending submission to Renderfarm.fi')
except Exception as e:
print('Unhandled error:', e)
op.report(set(['ERROR']), 'An error occurred while sending submission to Renderfarm.fi')
return {'FINISHED'}
def setStatus(property, status):
if status:
bpy.statusMessage[property] = 'ERROR'
bpy.statusMessage[property] = 'TRIA_RIGHT'
def showStatus(layoutform, property, message):
if bpy.statusMessage[property] == 'ERROR':
layoutform.label(text='', icon='ERROR')
def checkStatus(ore):
bpy.errors = []
if ore.hash=='' and (ore.username=='' or ore.password==''):
if '' in (ore.title, ore.longdesc, ore.shortdesc):
setStatus('username', ore.hash=='' and ore.username=='')
setStatus('password', ore.hash=='' and ore.password=='')
setStatus('title', ore.title=='')
setStatus('longdesc', ore.longdesc=='')
setStatus('shortdesc', ore.shortdesc=='')
class OreSession:
def __init__(self, id, title):
self.id = id
self.title = title
self.frames = 0
self.startframe = 0
self.endframe = 0
self.rendertime = 0
self.percentage = 0
def percentageComplete(self):
totFrames = self.endframe - self.startframe
done = math.floor((self.frames / totFrames)*100)
if done > 100: done = 100
return done
def xmlSessionsToOreSessions(sessions, queue):
bpy.ore_sessions = []
completed = sessions[queue]
for sid in completed:
s = completed[sid]['title']
t = completed[sid]['timestamps']
sinfo = OreSession(sid, s)
if queue in ('completed', 'active'):
sinfo.frames = completed[sid]['framesRendered']
sinfo.startframe = completed[sid]['startFrame']
sinfo.endframe = completed[sid]['endFrame']
def updateSessionList(ore):
while(len(ore.sessions) > 0):
for s in bpy.ore_sessions:
session = ore.sessions[-1]
session.name = s.title + ' [' + str(s.percentageComplete()) + '% complete]'
class ORE_OpenDownloadLocation(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'ore.open_download_location'
bl_label = 'Download new version for your platform'
def execute(self, context):
import webbrowser
return {'FINISHED'}
class ORE_CancelSession(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'ore.cancel_session'
bl_label = 'Cancel Session'
def execute(self, context):
sce = context.scene
ore = sce.ore_render
userproxy = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(r'https://xmlrpc.renderfarm.fi/user')
if len(bpy.ore_sessions)>0:
s = bpy.ore_sessions[ore.selected_session]
res = userproxy.user.cancelSession(ore.username, ore.hash, int(s.id))
self.report(set(['INFO']), 'Session ' + s.title + ' with id ' + s.id + ' cancelled')
self.report(set(['ERROR']), 'Could not cancel session ' + s.title + ' with id ' + s.id)
return {'FINISHED'}
class ORE_GetCompletedSessions(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'ore.completed_sessions'
bl_label = 'Complete'
def execute(self, context):
sce = context.scene
ore = sce.ore_render
bpy.queue_selected = 1
userproxy = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(r'https://xmlrpc.renderfarm.fi/user')
sessions = userproxy.user.getAllSessions(ore.username, ore.hash, 'completed')
xmlSessionsToOreSessions(sessions, 'completed')
return {'FINISHED'}
class ORE_GetCancelledSessions(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'ore.cancelled_sessions'
bl_label = 'Cancelled'
def execute(self, context):
sce = context.scene
ore = sce.ore_render
bpy.queue_selected = 4
userproxy = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(r'https://xmlrpc.renderfarm.fi/user')
sessions = userproxy.user.getAllSessions(ore.username, ore.hash, 'completed')
xmlSessionsToOreSessions(sessions, 'canceled')
return {'FINISHED'}
class ORE_GetActiveSessions(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'ore.active_sessions'
bl_label = 'Rendering'
def execute(self, context):
sce = context.scene
ore = sce.ore_render
bpy.queue_selected = 2
userproxy = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(r'https://xmlrpc.renderfarm.fi/user')
sessions = userproxy.user.getAllSessions(ore.username, ore.hash, 'active')
xmlSessionsToOreSessions(sessions, 'active')
return {'FINISHED'}
class ORE_GetPendingSessions(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'ore.accept_sessions' # using ORE lingo in API. acceptQueue is session waiting for admin approval
bl_label = 'Pending'
def execute(self, context):
sce = context.scene
ore = sce.ore_render
bpy.queue_selected = 3
userproxy = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(r'https://xmlrpc.renderfarm.fi/user')
sessions = userproxy.user.getAllSessions(ore.username, ore.hash, 'accept')
xmlSessionsToOreSessions(sessions, 'accept')
return {'FINISHED'}
class ORE_CheckUpdate(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'ore.check_update'
bl_label = 'Check for new version'
def execute(self, context):
sce = context.scene
ore = sce.ore_render
blenderproxy = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(r'http://xmlrpc.renderfarm.fi/blender')
self.report(set(['INFO']), 'Checking for newer version on Renderfarm.fi')
dl_url = blenderproxy.blender.getCurrentVersion(bpy.CURRENT_VERSION)
if len(dl_url['url']) > 0:
self.report(set(['INFO']), 'Found a newer version on Renderfarm.fi ' + dl_url['url'])
bpy.download_location = dl_url['url']
bpy.found_newer_version = True
bpy.up_to_date = True
self.report(set(['INFO']), 'Done checking for newer version on Renderfarm.fi')
except xmlrpc.client.Fault as f:
print('ERROR:', f)
self.report(set(['ERROR']), 'An error occurred while checking for newer version on Renderfarm.fi')
return {'FINISHED'}
class ORE_LoginOp(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'ore.login'
bl_label = 'Confirm credentials'
def execute(self, context):
sce = context.scene
ore = sce.ore_render
if ore.hash=='':
if ore.password != '' and ore.username != '':
ore.hash = hashlib.md5(ore.password.encode() + ore.username.encode()).hexdigest()
ore.password = ''
if len(bpy.errors) > 0:
ore.prepared = False
return {'CANCELLED'}
return {'FINISHED'}
class ORE_PrepareOp(bpy.types.Operator):
'''Checking the scene will also save to the current file when successful!'''
bl_idname = 'ore.prepare'
bl_label = 'Check scene'
def execute(self, context):
def hasSSSMaterial():
for m in bpy.data.materials:
if m.subsurface_scattering.enabled:
return True
return False
def hasParticleSystem():
if len(bpy.data.particles) > 0:
self.report({'WARNING'}, "Found particle system")
print("Found particle system")
return True
return False
def hasSimulation(t):
for o in bpy.data.objects:
for m in o.modifiers:
if isinstance(m, t):
self.report({'WARNING'}, "Found simulation: " + str(t))
print("Found simulation: " + str(t))
return True
return False
def hasFluidSimulation():
return hasSimulation(bpy.types.FluidSimulationModifier)
def hasSmokeSimulation():
return hasSimulation(bpy.types.SmokeModifier)
def hasClothSimulation():
return hasSimulation(bpy.types.ClothModifier)
def hasCollisionSimulation():
return hasSimulation(bpy.types.CollisionModifier)
def hasSoftbodySimulation():
return hasSimulation(bpy.types.SoftBodyModifier)
def hasUnsupportedSimulation():
return hasSoftbodySimulation() or hasCollisionSimulation() or hasClothSimulation() or hasSmokeSimulation or hasFluidSimulation() or hasParticleSystem()
def isFilterNode(node):
t = type(node)
return t==bpy.types.CompositorNodeBlur or t==bpy.types.CompositorNodeDBlur
def hasCompositingErrors(use_nodes, nodetree, parts):
if not use_nodes: # no nodes in use, ignore check
return False
for node in nodetree.nodes:
# output file absolutely forbidden
if type(node)==bpy.types.CompositorNodeOutputFile:
self.report({'ERROR'}, 'File output node is disallowed, remove them from your compositing nodetrees.')
return True
# blur et al are problematic when rendering ore.parts>1
if isFilterNode(node) and parts>1:
self.report({'WARNING'}, 'A filtering node found and parts > 1. This combination will give bad output.')
return True
return False
sce = context.scene
ore = sce.ore_render
errors = False
if len(bpy.errors) > 0:
ore.prepared = False
return {'CANCELLED'}
rd = sce.render
rd.threads_mode = 'FIXED'
rd.threads = 1
rd.resolution_x = ore.resox
rd.resolution_y = ore.resoy
if (rd.resolution_percentage != 100):
print("Resolution percentage is not 100. Changing to 100%")
self.report({'WARNING'}, "Resolution percentage is not 100. Changing to 100%")
errors = True
rd.resolution_percentage = 100
if rd.file_format != 'PNG':
print("Renderfarm.fi always uses PNG for output. Changing to PNG.")
self.report({'WARNING'}, "Renderfarm.fi always uses PNG for output. Changing to PNG.")
errors = True
rd.file_format = 'PNG'
if (rd.use_sss == True or hasSSSMaterial()) and ore.parts > 1:
print("Subsurface Scattering is not supported when rendering with parts > 1. Disabling")
self.report({'WARNING'}, "Subsurface Scattering is not supported when rendering with parts > 1. Disabling")
rd.use_sss = False # disabling because ore.parts > 1. It's ok to use SSS with 1part/frame
errors = True
if hasUnsupportedSimulation() == True:
print("An unsupported simulation was detected. Please check your settings and remove them")
self.report({'WARNING'}, "An unsupported simulation was detected. Please check your settings and remove them")
errors = True
rd.use_save_buffers = False
rd.use_free_image_textures = True
if rd.use_compositing:
if hasCompositingErrors(sce.use_nodes, sce.nodetree, ore.parts):
print("Found disallowed nodes or problematic setup")
self.report({'WARNING'}, "Found disallowed nodes or problematic setup")
errors = True
print("Done checking the scene. Now do a test render")
self.report({'INFO'}, "Done checking the scene. Now do a test render")
# if errors found, don't allow to upload, instead have user
# go through this until everything is ok
if errors:
self.report({'WARNING'}, "Settings were changed or other issues found. Check console and do a test render to make sure everything works.")
ore.prepared = False
ore.prepared = True
rd.engine = 'BLENDER_RENDER'
return {'FINISHED'}
class ORE_ResetOp(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "ore.reset"
bl_label = "Reset Preparation"
def execute(self, context):
sce = context.scene
sce.ore_render.prepared = False
return {'FINISHED'}
class ORE_UploaderOp(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "ore.upload"
bl_label = "Render on Renderfarm.fi"
def execute(self, context):
rd = context.scene.render
rd.engine = 'BLENDER_RENDER'
return ore_upload(self, context)
class ORE_UseBlenderReso(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "ore.use_scene_settings"
bl_label = "Use Scene resolution"
def execute(self, context):
sce = context.scene
ore = sce.ore_render
ore.resox = sce.render.resolution_x
ore.resoy = sce.render.resolution_y
return {'FINISHED'}
class ORE_ChangeUser(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "ore.change_user"
bl_label = "Change user"
def execute(self, context):
ore = context.scene.ore_render
ore.password = ''
ore.hash = ''
return {'FINISHED'}
class RenderfarmFi(bpy.types.RenderEngine):
bl_label = "Renderfarm.fi"
def render(self, scene):
print('Do test renders with Blender Render')
def menu_export(self, context):
import os
default_path = os.path.splitext(bpy.data.filepath)[0] + ".py"
self.layout.operator(RenderfarmFi.bl_idname, text=RenderfarmFi.bl_label)
def register():
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":