Brendon Murphy authored
Brendon Murphy authoredfinished
development_api_navigator.py 22.89 KiB
# development_api_navigator.py
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
bl_info = {
"name": "API Navigator",
"author": "Dany Lebel (Axon_D)",
"version": (1, 0, 2),
"blender": (2, 5, 7),
"location": "Text Editor > Properties > API Navigator Panel",
"description": "Allows exploration of the python api via the user interface",
"warning": "",
"wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/"
"tracker_url": "http://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?"\
"category": "Development"}
You can browse through the tree structure of the api. Each child object appears in a list
that tries to be representative of its type. These lists are :
* Items (for an iterable object)
* Item Values (for an iterable object wich only supports index)
* Modules
* Types
* Properties
* Structs and Functions
* Methods and Functions
* Attributes
* Inaccessible (some objects may be listed but inaccessible)
The lists can be filtered to help searching in the tree. Just enter the text in the
filter section. It is also possible to explore other modules. Go the the root and select
it in the list of available modules. It will be imported dynamically.
In the text section, some informations are displayed. The type of the object,
what it returns, and its docstring. We could hope that these docstrings will be as
descriptive as possible. This text data block named api_doc_ can be toggled on and off
with the Escape key. (but a bug prevent the keymap to register correctly at start)
import bpy
from console.complete_import import get_root_modules
############ Global Variables ############
last_text = None # last text data block
root_module = None # root module of the tree
root_m_path = '' # root_module + path as a string
current_module = None # the object itself in the tree structure
tree_level = None # the list of objects from the current_module
def init_tree_level():
global tree_level
tree_level = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[], [], []]
api_doc_ = '' # the documentation formated for the API Navigator
module_type = None # the type of current_module
return_report = '' # what current_module returns
filter_mem = {} # remember last filters entered for each path
too_long = False # is tree_level list too long to display in a panel?
############ Functions ############
def get_root_module(path):
global root_module
if '.' in path:
root = path[:path.find('.')]
else :
root = path
try :
root_module = __import__(root)
except :
root_module = None
def evaluate(module):
global root_module, tree_level, root_m_path
# path = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path
try :
len_name = root_module.__name__.__len__()
root_m_path = 'root_module' + module[len_name:]
current_module = eval(root_m_path)
return current_module
except :
return None
def get_tree_level():
path = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path
def object_list():
global current_module, root_m_path
itm, val, mod, typ, props, struct, met, att, bug = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
iterable = isiterable(current_module)
if iterable:
current_type = str(module_type)
if current_type != "<class 'str'>":
if iterable == 'a':
#if iterable == 'a':
itm = list(current_module.keys())
if not itm:
val = list(current_module)
else :
val = list(current_module)
for i in dir(current_module):
try :
t = str(type(eval(root_m_path + '.' + i)))
except (AttributeError, SyntaxError):
bug += [i]
if t == "<class 'module'>":
mod += [i]
elif t[0:16] == "<class 'bpy_prop":
props += [i]
elif t[8:11] == 'bpy':
struct += [i]
elif t == "<class 'builtin_function_or_method'>":
met += [i]
elif t == "<class 'type'>":
typ += [i]
else :
att += [i]
return [itm, val, mod, typ, props, struct, met, att, bug]
if not path:
return [[], [], [i for i in get_root_modules()], [], [], [], [], [], []]
return object_list()
def parent(path):
"""Returns the parent path"""
parent = path
if parent[-1] == ']' and '[' in parent:
while parent[-1] != '[':
parent = parent[:-1]
elif '.' in parent:
while parent[-1] != '.':
parent = parent[:-1]
else :
return ''
parent = parent[:-1]
return parent
def update_filter():
"""Update the filter according to the current path"""
global filter_mem
try :
bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.filter = filter_mem[bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path]
except :
bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.filter = ''
def isiterable(mod):
try :
except :
return False
try :
return 'a'
except KeyError:
return 'a'
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
return 'b'
def fill_filter_mem():
global filter_mem
filter = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.filter
if filter:
filter_mem[bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.old_path] = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.filter
else :
filter_mem.pop(bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.old_path, None)
###### API Navigator parent class #######
class ApiNavigator():
"""Parent class for API Navigator"""
def generate_global_values():
"""Populate the level attributes to display the panel buttons and the documentation"""
global tree_level, current_module, module_type, return_report, last_text
text = bpy.context.space_data.text
if text:
if text.name != 'api_doc_':
last_text = bpy.context.space_data.text.name
elif bpy.data.texts.__len__() < 2:
last_text = None
else :
last_text = None
bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.pages = 0
current_module = evaluate(bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path)
module_type = str(type(current_module))
return_report = str(current_module)
tree_level = get_tree_level()
if tree_level.__len__() > 30:
global too_long
too_long = True
else :
too_long = False
return {'FINISHED'}
def generate_api_doc():
"""Format the doc string for API Navigator"""
global current_module, api_doc_, return_report, module_type
path = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path
line = "-" * (path.__len__()+2)
header = """\n\n\n\t\t%s\n\t %s\n\
Type : %s\n\
Return : %s\n\
""" % (path, line, module_type, return_report)
footer = "\n\
# api_doc_ #\n\
# Escape to toggle text #\n\
# (F8 to reload modules if doesn't work) #\n\
doc = current_module.__doc__
api_doc_ = header + str(doc) + footer
return {'FINISHED'}
def doc_text_datablock():
"""Create the text databloc or overwrite it if it already exist"""
global api_doc_
space_data = bpy.context.space_data
try :
doc_text = bpy.data.texts['api_doc_']
space_data.text = doc_text
except :
doc_text = bpy.data.texts['api_doc_']
space_data.text = doc_text
return {'FINISHED'}
############ Operators ############
def api_update(context):
if bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path != bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.old_path:
bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.old_path = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path
class Update(ApiNavigator, bpy.types.Operator):
"""Update the tree structure"""
bl_idname = "api_navigator.update"
bl_label = "API Navigator Update"
def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
class BackToBpy(ApiNavigator, bpy.types.Operator):
"""go back to module bpy"""
bl_idname = "api_navigator.back_to_bpy"
bl_label = "Back to bpy"
def execute(self, context):
if not bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path:
bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.old_path = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path = 'bpy'
else :
bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.old_path = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path = 'bpy'
return {'FINISHED'}
class Down(ApiNavigator, bpy.types.Operator):
"""go to this Module"""
bl_idname = "api_navigator.down"
bl_label = "API Navigator Down"
pointed_module = bpy.props.StringProperty(name='Current Module', default='')
def execute(self, context):
if not bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path:
bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.old_path = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path + self.pointed_module
else :
bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.old_path = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path + '.' + self.pointed_module
return {'FINISHED'}
class Parent(ApiNavigator, bpy.types.Operator):
"""go to Parent Module"""
bl_idname = "api_navigator.parent"
bl_label = "API Navigator Parent"
def execute(self, context):
path = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path
if path:
bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.old_path = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path = parent(bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path)
return {'FINISHED'}
class ClearFilter(ApiNavigator, bpy.types.Operator):
"""Clear the filter"""
bl_idname = 'api_navigator.clear_filter'
bl_label = 'API Nav clear filter'
def execute(self, context):
bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.filter = ''
return {'FINISHED'}
class FakeButton(ApiNavigator, bpy.types.Operator):
"""The list is not displayed completely""" # only serve as an indicator
bl_idname = 'api_navigator.fake_button'
bl_label = ''
class Subscript(ApiNavigator, bpy.types.Operator):
"""Subscript to this Item"""
bl_idname = "api_navigator.subscript"
bl_label = "API Navigator Subscript"
subscription = bpy.props.StringProperty(name='', default='')
def execute(self, context):
bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.old_path = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.path + '[' + self.subscription + ']'
return {'FINISHED'}
class Toggle_doc(ApiNavigator, bpy.types.Operator):
"""Toggle on or off api_doc_ Text"""
bl_idname = 'api_navigator.toggle_doc'
bl_label = 'Toggle api_doc_'
def execute(self, context):
global last_text
try :
if bpy.context.space_data.text.name != "api_doc_":
last_text = bpy.context.space_data.text.name
except : pass
try :
text = bpy.data.texts["api_doc_"]
except KeyError:
return {'FINISHED'}
try :
text = bpy.data.texts[last_text]
bpy.context.space_data.text = text
#line = bpy.ops.text.line_number() # operator doesn't seems to work ???
return {'FINISHED'}
except : pass
bpy.context.space_data.text = None
return {'FINISHED'}
############ UI Panels ############
class OBJECT_PT_api_navigator(ApiNavigator, bpy.types.Panel):
bl_idname = 'api_navigator'
bl_space_type = "TEXT_EDITOR"
bl_region_type = "UI"
bl_label = "API Navigator"
bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
columns = 3
def iterable_draw(self):
global tree_level, current_module
iterable = isiterable(current_module)
if iterable:
current_type = str(module_type)
if current_type == "<class 'str'>":
return {'FINISHED'}
col = self.layout
# filter = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.filter # UNUSED
reduce_to = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.reduce_to * self.columns
pages = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.pages
page_index = reduce_to*pages
# rank = 0 # UNUSED
count = 0
i = 0
filtered = 0
if iterable == 'a':
collection = list(current_module.keys())
end = collection.__len__()
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.label(text="Items", icon="DOTSDOWN")
box = box.box()
col = box.column(align=True)
while count < reduce_to and i < end:
mod = collection[i]
if filtered < page_index:
filtered += 1
i += 1
if not (i % self.columns):
row = col.row()
row.operator('api_navigator.subscript', text=mod, emboss=False).subscription = '"' + mod + '"'
filtered += 1
i += 1
count += 1
elif iterable == 'b':
box = self.layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.label(text="Item Values", icon="OOPS")
box = box.box()
col = box.column(align=True)
collection = list(current_module)
end = collection.__len__()
while count < reduce_to and i < end:
mod = str(collection[i])
if filtered < page_index:
filtered += 1
i += 1
if not (i % self.columns):
row = col.row()
row.operator('api_navigator.subscript', text=mod, emboss=False).subscription = str(i)
filtered += 1
i += 1
count += 1
too_long = end > 30
if too_long:
row = col.row()
row.prop(bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props, 'reduce_to')
row.operator('api_navigator.fake_button', text='', emboss=False, icon="DOTSDOWN")
row.prop(bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props, 'pages', text='Pages')
return {'FINISHED'}
def list_draw(self, t, pages, icon, label=None, emboss=False):
global tree_level, current_module
def reduced(too_long):
if too_long:
row = col.row()
row.prop(bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props, 'reduce_to')
row.operator('api_navigator.fake_button', text='', emboss=False, icon="DOTSDOWN")
row.prop(bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props, 'pages', text='Pages')
layout = self.layout
filter = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.filter
reduce_to = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.reduce_to * self.columns
page_index = reduce_to*pages
len = tree_level[t].__len__()
too_long = len > reduce_to
if len:
col = layout.column()
box = col.box()
row = box.row()
row.label(text=label, icon=icon)
if t < 2:
box = box.box()
row = box.row()
col = row.column(align=True)
i = 0
objects = 0
count = 0
filtered = 0
while count < reduce_to and i < len:
obj = tree_level[t][i]
if filter and filter not in obj:
i += 1
elif filtered < page_index:
filtered += 1
i += 1
if not (objects % self.columns):
row = col.row()
if t > 1:
row.operator("api_navigator.down", text=obj, emboss=emboss).pointed_module = obj
elif t == 0:
row.operator('api_navigator.subscript', text=str(obj), emboss=False).subscription = '"' + obj + '"'
else :
row.operator('api_navigator.subscript', text=str(obj), emboss=False).subscription = str(i)
filtered += 1
i += 1
objects += 1
count += 1
return {'FINISHED'}
def draw(self, context):
global tree_level, current_module, module_type, return_report
###### layout ######
layout = self.layout
layout.label(text="Tree Structure:")
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.prop(bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props, 'path', text='')
row = col.row()
row.operator("api_navigator.parent", text="Parent", icon="BACK")
row.operator("api_navigator.back_to_bpy", text='', emboss=True, icon="FILE_PARENT")
col = layout.column()
row = col.row(align=True)
row.prop(bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props, 'filter')
row.operator('api_navigator.clear_filter', text='', icon='PANEL_CLOSE')
col = layout.column()
pages = bpy.context.window_manager.api_nav_props.pages
self.list_draw(0, pages, "DOTSDOWN", label="Items")
self.list_draw(1, pages, "DOTSDOWN", label="Item Values")
self.list_draw(2, pages, "PACKAGE", label="Modules", emboss=True)
self.list_draw(3, pages, "WORDWRAP_ON", label="Types", emboss=False)
self.list_draw(4, pages, "BUTS", label="Properties", emboss=False)
self.list_draw(5, pages, "OOPS", label="Structs and Functions")
self.list_draw(6, pages, "SCRIPTWIN", label="Methods and Functions")
self.list_draw(7, pages, "INFO", label="Attributes")
self.list_draw(8, pages, "ERROR", label="Inaccessible")
########### Menu functions ###############
def register_keymaps():
kc = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs.addon
if kc:
km = kc.keymaps.new(name="Text", space_type='TEXT_EDITOR')
km.keymap_items.new('api_navigator.toggle_doc', 'ESC', 'PRESS')
def unregister_keymaps():
kc = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs.addon
if kc:
km = kc.keymaps["Text"]
kmi = km.keymap_items["api_navigator.toggle_doc"]
def register():
from bpy.props import StringProperty, IntProperty, PointerProperty
class ApiNavProps(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
Fake module like class.
path = StringProperty(name='path',
description='Enter bpy.ops.api_navigator to see the documentation',
old_path = StringProperty(name='old_path', default='')
filter = StringProperty(name='filter',
description='Filter the resulting modules', default='')
reduce_to = IntProperty(name='Reduce to ',
description='Display a maximum number of x entries by pages',
default=10, min=1)
pages = IntProperty(name='Pages',
description='Display a Page', default=0, min=0)
bpy.types.WindowManager.api_nav_props = PointerProperty(
type=ApiNavProps, name='API Nav Props', description='')
def unregister():
del bpy.types.WindowManager.api_nav_props
if __name__ == '__main__':