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Commit 0b522fda authored by Jesse Kaukonen's avatar Jesse Kaukonen
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Added a new summary block to the render engine page

parent e8a00f90
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......@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
bl_addon_info = {
"name": "",
"author": "Nathan Letwory <>, Jesse Kaukonen <>",
"version": (3,),
"blender": (2, 5, 3),
"api": 31847,
"version": (4,),
"blender": (2, 5, 5),
"api": 32941,
"location": "Render > Engine >",
"description": "Send .blend as session to to render",
"warning": "",
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ ORESettings.inlicense = EnumProperty(items=licenses, name='source license', desc
ORESettings.outlicense = EnumProperty(items=licenses, name='output license', description='license speficied for the output files', default='1')
ORESettings.sessions = CollectionProperty(type=ORESession, name='Sessions', description='Sessions on')
# all panels, except render panel
# Example of wrapping every class 'as is'
import properties_scene
......@@ -154,8 +154,98 @@ class RenderButtonsPanel():
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "render"
# COMPAT_ENGINES must be defined in each subclass, external engines can add themselves here
# COMPAT_ENGINES must be defined in each subclass, external engines can add themselves here
class SUMMARY_PT_RenderfarmFi(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
# Prints a summary to the panel before uploading. If scene settings differ from ore settings, then display a warning icon
bl_label = 'Summary'
def poll(cls, context):
rd = context.scene.render
return (rd.use_game_engine==False) and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES)
def draw(self, context):
sce = context.scene
rd = context.scene.render
ore = context.scene.ore_render
layout = self.layout
# Check if correct resolution is set
if rd.resolution_x != ore.resox:
layout.label(text='Resolution X: ' + str(ore.resox), icon='ERROR')
layout.label(text='Resolution X: ' + str(ore.resox), icon='FILE_TICK')
if rd.resolution_y != ore.resoy:
layout.label(text='Resolution Y: ' + str(ore.resoy), icon='ERROR')
layout.label(text='Resolution Y: ' + str(ore.resoy), icon='FILE_TICK')
# Check if correct number of frames is specified
if (sce.frame_start != ore.start) and not ( (sce.frame_start == ore.start and sce.frame_end == ore.end) and sce.frame_start == sce.frame_end):
layout.label(text='Start frame: ' + str(ore.start), icon='ERROR')
layout.label(text='.blend Start frame is different to the one specified in the uploader script. Please verify!')
layout.label(text='Start frame: ' + str(ore.start), icon='FILE_TICK')
if (sce.frame_end != ore.end) and not ( (sce.frame_start == ore.start and sce.frame_end == ore.end) and sce.frame_start == sce.frame_end):
layout.label(text='End frame: ' + str(ore.end), icon='ERROR')
layout.label(text='.blend End frame is different to the one specified in the uploader script. Please verify!')
layout.label(text='End frame: ' + str(ore.end), icon='FILE_TICK')
# Check if more than 1 frame is specified
if (sce.frame_start == ore.start and sce.frame_end == ore.end) and (sce.frame_start == sce.frame_end):
layout.label(text='Only one frame specified to be rendered!')
layout.label(text='This is highly ineffective when using distributed rendering')
if rd.resolution_percentage != 100:
layout.label(text='Resolution percentage: ' + str(rd.resolution_percentage), icon='ERROR')
layout.label(text='Resolution percentage: ' + str(rd.resolution_percentage), icon='FILE_TICK')
if rd.file_format != 'PNG':
layout.label(text='Output format: ' + rd.file_format, icon='ERROR')
layout.label(text='Output format must be set to PNG')
layout.label(text='Output format: ' + rd.file_format, icon='FILE_TICK')
if > 1 and rd.use_sss == True:
layout.label(text='Subsurface Scattering: ' + str(rd.use_sss), icon='ERROR')
layout.label(text='If you want to use SSS, parts must be set to 1')
layout.label(text='Subsurface Scattering: ' + str(rd.use_sss), icon='FILE_TICK')
if rd.use_compositing == False:
layout.label(text='Composite nodes: ' + str(rd.use_compositing), icon='ERROR')
layout.label(text='Composite nodes are disabled.')
layout.label(text='The script automatically disables them if: ')
layout.label(text='- Filter type nodes are used and parts are more than 1')
layout.label(text='- There is an output node')
layout.label(text='Composite nodes: ' + str(rd.use_compositing), icon='FILE_TICK')
if rd.use_save_buffers:
layout.label(text='Save buffers: ' + str(rd.use_save_buffers), icon='ERROR')
layout.label(text='Save buffers must be disabled')
layout.label(text='Can only disabled if Full Sample is turned off')
layout.label(text='Save buffers: ' + str(rd.use_save_buffers), icon='FILE_TICK')
if rd.threads_mode != 'FIXED' or rd.threads > 1:
layout.label(text='Threads: ' + rd.threads_mode + ' ' + str(rd.threads), icon='ERROR')
layout.label(text='Threads must be set to Fixed, 1')
layout.label(text='Threads: ' + rd.threads_mode + ' ' + str(rd.threads), icon='FILE_TICK')
if ore.prepared == False:
layout.label(text='The script reports "not ready".', icon='ERROR')
layout.label(text='Please review the settings above')
layout.label(text='If everything is in order, click Check Scene again')
layout.label(text='The script automatically changes settings, so make sure they are correct')
layout.label(text='The script reports "Good to go!"', icon='FILE_TICK')
layout.label(text='To make sure that all works, please run a test render first')
class RENDERFARM_MT_Session(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_label = "Show Session"
......@@ -244,23 +334,22 @@ class SESSIONS_PT_RenderfarmFi(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
class RENDER_PT_RenderfarmFi(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel):
bl_label = "Scene Settings"
def poll(cls, context):
rd = context.scene.render
return (rd.use_game_engine==False) and (rd.engine in cls.COMPAT_ENGINES)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
sce = context.scene
ore = sce.ore_render
if ore.prepared and ore.hash!='':
layout.prop(ore, 'memusage')
row = layout.row()
row.label(text='Resolution: '+str(ore.resox)+'x'+str(ore.resoy))
row = layout.row()
......@@ -642,7 +731,7 @@ class ORE_PrepareOp(bpy.types.Operator):
def execute(self, context):
def hasSSSMaterial():
for m in
if m.subsurface_scattering.enabled:
if m.subsurface_scattering.use:
return True
return False
......@@ -710,8 +799,9 @@ class ORE_PrepareOp(bpy.types.Operator):
if len(bpy.errors) > 0:
ore.prepared = False
return {'CANCELLED'}
rd = sce.render
rd.threads_mode = 'FIXED'
rd.threads = 1
......@@ -741,6 +831,7 @@ class ORE_PrepareOp(bpy.types.Operator):
if rd.use_compositing:
if hasCompositingErrors(sce.use_nodes, sce.node_tree,
print("Found disallowed nodes or problematic setup")
rd.use_compositing = False{'WARNING'}, "Found disallowed nodes or problematic setup")
errors = True
print("Done checking the scene. Now do a test render")
......@@ -781,14 +872,18 @@ class ORE_UploaderOp(bpy.types.Operator):
class ORE_UseBlenderReso(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "ore.use_scene_settings"
bl_label = "Use Scene resolution"
bl_label = "Use Scene settings"
def execute(self, context):
sce = context.scene
ore = sce.ore_render
rd = context.scene.render
ore.resox = sce.render.resolution_x
ore.resoy = sce.render.resolution_y
ore.resox = rd.resolution_x
ore.resoy = rd.resolution_y
ore.start = sce.frame_start
ore.end = sce.frame_end
ore.fps = rd.fps
return {'FINISHED'}
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