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Commit 9b294b39 authored by John Phan's avatar John Phan
Browse files

update to able to export all action set that matches the bones that some were...

update to able to export all action set that matches the bones that some were ignore or couldn't be added in.
parent 556c218a
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......@@ -1122,6 +1122,7 @@ def parse_animation(blender_scene, blender_armatures, psa_file):
anim_rate = render_data.fps
print("==== Blender Settings ====")
print ('Scene: %s Start Frame: %i, End Frame: %i' % (, blender_scene.frame_start, blender_scene.frame_end))
print ('Frames Per Sec: %i' % anim_rate)
print ("Default FPS: 24" )
......@@ -1135,6 +1136,7 @@ def parse_animation(blender_scene, blender_armatures, psa_file):
for action in number action sets
print("+Action Name:",
print("Group Count:",len(action.groups))
#for bone in action.groups:
#print("> Name: ",
......@@ -1167,25 +1169,46 @@ def parse_animation(blender_scene, blender_armatures, psa_file):
if FoundAction == False:
print("Skipping Action Set!",
print("Action Group Count:", len(ActionNLA.groups))
print("Bone Group Count:", len(amatureobject.pose.bones))
nobone = 0
nomatchbone = 0
baction = True
#print("\nChecking actions matching groups with bone names...")
#Check if the bone names matches the action groups names
for group in ActionNLA.groups:
for abone in bonenames:
for abone in bonenames:
#print("bone name:",abone)
bfound = False
for group in ActionNLA.groups:
if abone ==
nobone += 1
bfound = True
if bfound == False:
#print("Not Found!:",abone)
nomatchbone += 1
print("Armature Bones Count:",nobone , " Action Groups Counts:",len(ActionNLA.groups)," Left Out Count:",nomatchbone)
#if the bones are less some missing bones that were added to the action group names than export this
if (nobone <= len(ActionNLA.groups)) and (bpy.context.scene.unrealignoreactionmatchcount == True) :
#print("Action Set match: Pass")
print("Ingore Action groups Count from Armature bones.")
baction = True
#if action groups matches the bones length and names matching the gourps do something
if (len(ActionNLA.groups) == len(bonenames)) and (nobone == len(ActionNLA.groups)):
elif ((len(ActionNLA.groups) == len(bonenames)) and (nobone == len(ActionNLA.groups))):
#print("Action Set match: Pass")
baction = True
#print("Action Set match: Fail")
print("Action Set match: Fail")
#print("Action Name:",
baction = False
......@@ -1222,6 +1245,7 @@ def parse_animation(blender_scene, blender_armatures, psa_file):
print("[==== Action Set ====]")
print("Action Name:",action_name)
#look for min and max frame that current set keys
framemin, framemax = act.frame_range
#print("max frame:",framemax)
......@@ -1344,6 +1368,8 @@ def parse_animation(blender_scene, blender_armatures, psa_file):
print("[==== Action Set ====]")
print("Action Name:",
print("Action Group Count:", len(ActionNLA.groups))
print("Bone Group Count:", len(amatureobject.pose.bones))
print("Action set Skip!")
print("==== Finish Action Build(s) ====")
......@@ -1775,6 +1801,11 @@ bpy.types.Scene.unrealtriangulatebool = BoolProperty(
name="Triangulate Mesh",
description="Convert Quad to Tri Mesh Boolean...",
bpy.types.Scene.unrealignoreactionmatchcount = BoolProperty(
name="Acion Group Ignore Count",
description="It will ingore Action group count as long is matches the Armature bone count to match and over ride the armature animation data.",
bpy.types.Scene.unrealdisplayactionsets = BoolProperty(
name="Show Action Set(s)",
......@@ -1874,7 +1905,9 @@ class ExportUDKAnimData(bpy.types.Operator):
filter_glob = StringProperty(default="*.psk;*.psa", options={'HIDDEN'})
pskexportbool = BoolProperty(name="Export PSK", description="Export Skeletal Mesh", default= True)
psaexportbool = BoolProperty(name="Export PSA", description="Export Action Set (Animation Data)", default= True)
actionexportall = BoolProperty(name="All Actions", description="This will export all the actions that matches the current armature.", default=False)
ignoreactioncountexportbool = BoolProperty(name="Ignore Action Group Count", description="It will ignore action group count but as long it matches the armature bone count to over ride the animation data.", default= False)
def poll(cls, context):
......@@ -1897,6 +1930,11 @@ class ExportUDKAnimData(bpy.types.Operator):
bpy.context.scene.UEActionSetSettings = '0'#export all action sets
bpy.context.scene.unrealignoreactionmatchcount = True
bpy.context.scene.unrealignoreactionmatchcount = False
write_data(self.filepath, context){'WARNING', 'INFO'}, exportmessage)
......@@ -1919,12 +1957,15 @@ class VIEW3D_PT_unrealtools_objectmode(bpy.types.Panel):
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
rd = context.scene
layout.prop(rd, "unrealexport_settings",expand=True)
layout.prop(rd, "unrealexport_settings",expand=True)
layout.prop(rd, "UEActionSetSettings")
layout.prop(rd, "unrealignoreactionmatchcount")
#FPS #it use the real data from your scene
layout.prop(rd.render, "fps")
layout.prop(rd, "UEActionSetSettings")
layout.prop(rd, "unrealdisplayactionsets")
ArmatureSelect = None
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