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Commit d7df4042 authored by Bastien Montagne's avatar Bastien Montagne
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UI translation from inside Blender UI: second part.

This is the py addon to use for embeded Blender ui translation. It can edit various UI elements' messages and tips, save the changes to the relevant po, "compile" a new mo placed into user's datafiles dir, and erase that same files (to get back "official" translations).

* Still work in progress. Most likely some remaning bugs (even though it works quite well for me)...
* All UI elements in Blender aren't translatable this way (e.g. panel labels just don't react to right mouse clicks currently...)
* RTL languages won't work as well as others, still have to implement some kind of revert-RTL process...
* Having a nicer way than editing in modules/bl_i18n_utils to set up needed parameters is mandatory! Will try to use some kind of user preferences in user's config dir.

And a whole doc to write! :/
parent 019fcd6a
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
bl_info = {
"name": "Translate UI Messages",
"author": "Bastien Montagne",
"blender": (2, 6, 3),
"location": "Any UI control",
"description": "Allow to translate UI directly from Blender",
"warning": "",
"wiki_url": "",
"tracker_url": "",
"support": 'OFFICIAL',
"category": "System"}
if "bpy" in locals():
import imp
if "ui_utils" in locals():
import bpy
from bpy.props import (BoolProperty,
from . import utils as ui_utils
from bl_i18n_utils import utils as i18n_utils
from bl_i18n_utils import update_mo
#from bl_i18n_utils import settings
import os
import shutil
# module-level cache, as parsing po files takes a few seconds...
# Keys are po file paths, data are the results of i18n_utils.parse_messages().
def clear_caches(key):
del PO_CACHE[key]
del ui_utils.WORK_CACHE[key]
class UI_OT_edittranslation_update_mo(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Try to "compile" given po file into relevant file """ \
"""(WARNING: it will replace the official mo file in your user dir!)"""
bl_idname = "ui.edittranslation_update_mo"
bl_label = "Edit Translation Update Mo"
# "Parameters"
lang = StringProperty(description="Current (translated) language",
po_file = StringProperty(description="Path to the matching po file",
subtype='FILE_PATH', options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
clean_mo = BoolProperty(description="Clean up (remove) all local "
"translation files, to be able to use "
"all system's ones again",
default = False, options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
def execute(self, context):
if self.clean_mo:
root = bpy.utils.user_resource('DATAFILES', ui_utils.MO_PATH_ROOT)
if root:
elif not self.lang or not self.po_file:
return {'CANCELLED'}
mo_dir = bpy.utils.user_resource(
'DATAFILES', ui_utils.MO_PATH_TEMPLATE.format(self.lang),
mo_file = os.path.join(mo_dir, ui_utils.MO_FILENAME)
update_mo.process_po(self.po_file, None, mo_file)
return {'FINISHED'}
class UI_OT_edittranslation(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Translate the label and tool tip of the property defined by given 'parameters'"""
bl_idname = "ui.edittranslation"
bl_label = "Edit Translation"
# "Parameters"
but_label = StringProperty(description="Label of the control", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
rna_label = StringProperty(description="RNA-defined label of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
enum_label = StringProperty(description="Label of the enum item of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
but_tip = StringProperty(description="Tip of the control", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
rna_tip = StringProperty(description="RNA-defined tip of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
enum_tip = StringProperty(description="Tip of the enum item of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
rna_struct = StringProperty(description="Identifier of the RNA struct, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
rna_prop = StringProperty(description="Identifier of the RNA property, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
rna_enum = StringProperty(description="Identifier of the RNA enum item, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
rna_ctxt = StringProperty(description="RNA context for label", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
lang = StringProperty(description="Current (translated) language", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
po_file = StringProperty(description="Path to the matching po file", subtype='FILE_PATH', options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
# Found in po file.
org_but_label = StringProperty(description="Original label of the control", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
org_rna_label = StringProperty(description="Original RNA-defined label of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
org_enum_label = StringProperty(description="Original label of the enum item of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
org_but_tip = StringProperty(description="Original tip of the control", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
org_rna_tip = StringProperty(description="Original RNA-defined tip of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
org_enum_tip = StringProperty(description="Original tip of the enum item of the control, if any", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
flag_items = (('FUZZY', "Fuzzy", "Message is marked as fuzzy in po file"),
('ERROR', "Error", "Some error occurred with this message"),
but_label_flags = EnumProperty(items=flag_items, description="Flags about the label of the button", options={'SKIP_SAVE', 'ENUM_FLAG'})
rna_label_flags = EnumProperty(items=flag_items, description="Flags about the RNA-defined label of the button", options={'SKIP_SAVE', 'ENUM_FLAG'})
enum_label_flags = EnumProperty(items=flag_items, description="Flags about the RNA enum item label of the button", options={'SKIP_SAVE', 'ENUM_FLAG'})
but_tip_flags = EnumProperty(items=flag_items, description="Flags about the tip of the button", options={'SKIP_SAVE', 'ENUM_FLAG'})
rna_tip_flags = EnumProperty(items=flag_items, description="Flags about the RNA-defined tip of the button", options={'SKIP_SAVE', 'ENUM_FLAG'})
enum_tip_flags = EnumProperty(items=flag_items, description="Flags about the RNA enum item tip of the button", options={'SKIP_SAVE', 'ENUM_FLAG'})
stats_str = StringProperty(description="Stats from opened po", options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
update_po = BoolProperty(description="Update po file, try to rebuild mo file, and refresh Blender UI", default = False, options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
update_mo = BoolProperty(description="Try to rebuild mo file, and refresh Blender UI (WARNING: you should use a local Blender installation, as you probably have no right to write in the system Blender installation...)", default = False, options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
clean_mo = BoolProperty(description="Clean up (remove) all local "
"translation files, to be able to use "
"all system's ones again",
default = False, options={'SKIP_SAVE'})
def execute(self, context):
if not hasattr(self, "msgmap"):
# We must be invoked() first!
return {'CANCELLED'}
msgs, state, stats = PO_CACHE[self.po_file]
done_keys = set()
for mmap in self.msgmap.values():
if 'ERROR' in getattr(self, mmap["msg_flags"]):
k = mmap["key"]
# print(k)
if k not in done_keys and len(k) == 1:
k = tuple(k)[0]
msgs[k]["msgstr_lines"] = [getattr(self, mmap["msgstr"])]
if k in state["fuzzy_msg"] and 'FUZZY' not in getattr(self, mmap["msg_flags"]):
elif k not in state["fuzzy_msg"] and 'FUZZY' in getattr(self, mmap["msg_flags"]):
if self.update_po:
# Try to overwrite po file, may fail if we have no good rights...
i18n_utils.write_messages(self.po_file, msgs, state["comm_msg"], state["fuzzy_msg"])
except Exception as e:'ERROR', "Could not write to po file ({})".format(str(e)))
# Always invalidate all caches afterward!
if self.update_mo:
bpy.ops.ui.edittranslation_update_mo(po_file=self.po_file, lang=self.lang)
elif self.clean_mo:
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
if self.po_file in PO_CACHE:
msgs, state, stats = PO_CACHE[self.po_file]
msgs, state, stats = PO_CACHE.setdefault(self.po_file, i18n_utils.parse_messages(self.po_file))
self.msgmap = {"but_label": {"msgstr": "but_label", "msgid": "org_but_label", "msg_flags": "but_label_flags", "key": set()},
"rna_label": {"msgstr": "rna_label", "msgid": "org_rna_label", "msg_flags": "rna_label_flags", "key": set()},
"enum_label": {"msgstr": "enum_label", "msgid": "org_enum_label", "msg_flags": "enum_label_flags", "key": set()},
"but_tip": {"msgstr": "but_tip", "msgid": "org_but_tip", "msg_flags": "but_tip_flags", "key": set()},
"rna_tip": {"msgstr": "rna_tip", "msgid": "org_rna_tip", "msg_flags": "rna_tip_flags", "key": set()},
"enum_tip": {"msgstr": "enum_tip", "msgid": "org_enum_tip", "msg_flags": "enum_tip_flags", "key": set()},
ui_utils.find_best_msgs_matches(self, self.po_file, self.msgmap, msgs, state, self.rna_ctxt,
self.rna_struct, self.rna_prop, self.rna_enum)
self.stats_str = "{}: {} messages, {} translated.".format(os.path.basename(self.po_file), stats["tot_msg"], stats["trans_msg"])
for mmap in self.msgmap.values():
k = tuple(mmap["key"])
if k:
if len(k) == 1:
k = k[0]
ctxt, msgid = k
setattr(self, mmap["msgstr"], "".join(msgs[k]["msgstr_lines"]))
setattr(self, mmap["msgid"], msgid)
if k in state["fuzzy_msg"]:
setattr(self, mmap["msg_flags"], {'FUZZY'})
setattr(self, mmap["msgid"], "ERROR: Button label “{}” matches none or several messages in po file ({})!".format(self.but_label, k))
setattr(self, mmap["msg_flags"], {'ERROR'})
setattr(self, mmap["msgstr"], "")
setattr(self, mmap["msgid"], "")
wm = context.window_manager
return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=600)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
src, _a, _b = ui_utils.bpy_path(self.rna_struct, self.rna_prop, self.rna_enum)
if src:
layout.label(text=" RNA Path: bpy.types." + src)
if self.rna_ctxt:
layout.label(text=" RNA Context: " + self.rna_ctxt)
if self.but_label or self.rna_label or self.enum_label:
# XXX Can't use box, labels are not enought readable in them :/
# box =
box = layout
split = box.split(percentage=0.15)
col1 = split.column()
col2 = split.column()
if self.but_label:
col1.label(text="Button Label:")
row = col2.row()
row.enabled = False
if 'ERROR' in self.but_label_flags:
row.alert = True
col1.prop_enum(self, "but_label_flags", 'FUZZY', text="Fuzzy")
col2.prop(self, "but_label", text="")
row.prop(self, "org_but_label", text="")
if self.rna_label:
col1.label(text="RNA Label:")
row = col2.row()
row.enabled = False
if 'ERROR' in self.rna_label_flags:
row.alert = True
col1.prop_enum(self, "rna_label_flags", 'FUZZY', text="Fuzzy")
col2.prop(self, "rna_label", text="")
row.prop(self, "org_rna_label", text="")
if self.enum_label:
col1.label(text="Enum Item Label:")
row = col2.row()
row.enabled = False
if 'ERROR' in self.enum_label_flags:
row.alert = True
col1.prop_enum(self, "enum_label_flags", 'FUZZY', text="Fuzzy")
col2.prop(self, "enum_label", text="")
row.prop(self, "org_enum_label", text="")
if self.but_tip or self.rna_tip or self.enum_tip:
# XXX Can't use box, labels are not enought readable in them :/
# box =
box = layout
box.label(text="Tool Tips:")
split = box.split(percentage=0.15)
col1 = split.column()
col2 = split.column()
if self.but_tip:
col1.label(text="Button Tip:")
row = col2.row()
row.enabled = False
if 'ERROR' in self.but_tip_flags:
row.alert = True
col1.prop_enum(self, "but_tip_flags", 'FUZZY', text="Fuzzy")
col2.prop(self, "but_tip", text="")
row.prop(self, "org_but_tip", text="")
if self.rna_tip:
col1.label(text="RNA Tip:")
row = col2.row()
row.enabled = False
if 'ERROR' in self.rna_tip_flags:
row.alert = True
col1.prop_enum(self, "rna_tip_flags", 'FUZZY', text="Fuzzy")
col2.prop(self, "rna_tip", text="")
row.prop(self, "org_rna_tip", text="")
if self.enum_tip:
col1.label(text="Enum Item Tip:")
row = col2.row()
row.enabled = False
if 'ERROR' in self.enum_tip_flags:
row.alert = True
col1.prop_enum(self, "enum_tip_flags", 'FUZZY', text="Fuzzy")
col2.prop(self, "enum_tip", text="")
row.prop(self, "org_enum_tip", text="")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(self, "update_po", text="Save to PO File", toggle=True)
row.prop(self, "update_mo", text="Rebuild MO File", toggle=True)
row.prop(self, "clean_mo", text="Erase Local MO files", toggle=True)
def register():
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
#from bl_i18n_utils import utils as i18n_utils
from bl_i18n_utils import settings
import os
# module-level cache, as parsing po files takes a few seconds...
# Keys are po file paths, data are the results of i18n_utils.parse_messages().
# Same as in BLF_translation.h
# Num buttons report their label with a trailing ': '...
# Mo root datapath.
MO_PATH_ROOT = "locale"
# Mo path generator for a given language.
# Mo filename.
def bpy_path(rstruct, rprop, renum):
src = src_rna = src_enum = ""
if rstruct:
if rprop:
src = src_rna = ".".join((rstruct, rprop))
if renum:
src = src_enum = "{}.{}:'{}'".format(rstruct, rprop, renum)
src = src_rna = rstruct
return src, src_rna, src_enum
def find_best_msgs_matches(obj, cache_key, msgmap, msgs, state, ctxt, rstruct, rprop, renum):
comm_prfx = settings.COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE + "bpy.types."
# Build helper mappings.
# XXX We do not update this cache when editing a translation, as it would
# prevent the same msgid/msgstr to be find again.
# We only invalidate the cache once new po/mo have been generated!
if cache_key in WORK_CACHE:
src_to_msg, ctxt_to_msg, msgid_to_msg, msgstr_to_msg = WORK_CACHE[cache_key]
src_to_msg = {}
ctxt_to_msg = {}
msgid_to_msg = {}
msgstr_to_msg = {}
for key, val in msgs.items():
ctxt, msgid = key
if key in state["comm_msg"]:
ctxt_to_msg.setdefault(ctxt, set()).add(key)
msgid_to_msg.setdefault(msgid, set()).add(key)
msgstr_to_msg.setdefault("".join(val["msgstr_lines"]), set()).add(key)
for comm in val["comment_lines"]:
if comm.startswith(comm_prfx):
comm = comm[len(comm_prfx):]
src_to_msg.setdefault(comm, set()).add(key)
WORK_CACHE[cache_key] = (src_to_msg, ctxt_to_msg, msgid_to_msg, msgstr_to_msg)
# print(len(src_to_msg), len(ctxt_to_msg), len(msgid_to_msg), len(msgstr_to_msg))
# Build RNA key.
src, src_rna, src_enum = bpy_path(rstruct, rprop, renum)
print("src: ", src_rna, src_enum)
# Labels.
elbl = getattr(obj, msgmap["enum_label"]["msgstr"])
print("enum label: '"+elbl+"'")
if elbl:
# Enum items' labels have no i18n context...
k = ctxt_to_msg[BLF_I18NCONTEXT_DEFAULT].copy()
if elbl in msgid_to_msg:
k &= msgid_to_msg[elbl]
elif elbl in msgstr_to_msg:
k &= msgstr_to_msg[elbl]
k = set()
# We assume if we already have only one key, it's the good one!
if len(k) > 1 and src_enum in src_to_msg:
k &= src_to_msg[src_enum]
msgmap["enum_label"]["key"] = k
rlbl = getattr(obj, msgmap["rna_label"]["msgstr"])
print("rna label: '"+rlbl+"'", rlbl in msgid_to_msg, rlbl in msgstr_to_msg)
if rlbl:
k = ctxt_to_msg[ctxt].copy()
if k and rlbl in msgid_to_msg:
k &= msgid_to_msg[rlbl]
elif k and rlbl in msgstr_to_msg:
k &= msgstr_to_msg[rlbl]
k = set()
# We assume if we already have only one key, it's the good one!
if len(k) > 1 and src_rna in src_to_msg:
k &= src_to_msg[src_rna]
msgmap["rna_label"]["key"] = k
blbl = getattr(obj, msgmap["but_label"]["msgstr"])
blbls = [blbl]
if blbl.endswith(NUM_BUTTON_SUFFIX):
# Num buttons report their label with a trailing ': '...
print("button label: '"+blbl+"'")
if blbl and elbl not in blbls and (rlbl not in blbls or ctxt != BLF_I18NCONTEXT_DEFAULT):
# Always Default context for button label :/
k = ctxt_to_msg[BLF_I18NCONTEXT_DEFAULT].copy()
found = False
for bl in blbls:
if bl in msgid_to_msg:
k &= msgid_to_msg[bl]
found = True
elif bl in msgstr_to_msg:
k &= msgstr_to_msg[bl]
found = True
if not found:
k = set()
# XXX No need to check against RNA path here, if blabel is different
# from rlabel, should not match anyway!
msgmap["but_label"]["key"] = k
# Tips (they never have a specific context).
etip = getattr(obj, msgmap["enum_tip"]["msgstr"])
print("enum tip: '"+etip+"'")
if etip:
k = ctxt_to_msg[BLF_I18NCONTEXT_DEFAULT].copy()
if etip in msgid_to_msg:
k &= msgid_to_msg[etip]
elif etip in msgstr_to_msg:
k &= msgstr_to_msg[etip]
k = set()
# We assume if we already have only one key, it's the good one!
if len(k) > 1 and src_enum in src_to_msg:
k &= src_to_msg[src_enum]
msgmap["enum_tip"]["key"] = k
rtip = getattr(obj, msgmap["rna_tip"]["msgstr"])
print("rna tip: '"+rtip+"'")
if rtip:
k = ctxt_to_msg[BLF_I18NCONTEXT_DEFAULT].copy()
if k and rtip in msgid_to_msg:
k &= msgid_to_msg[rtip]
elif k and rtip in msgstr_to_msg:
k &= msgstr_to_msg[rtip]
k = set()
# We assume if we already have only one key, it's the good one!
if len(k) > 1 and src_rna in src_to_msg:
k &= src_to_msg[src_rna]
msgmap["rna_tip"]["key"] = k
btip = getattr(obj, msgmap["but_tip"]["msgstr"])
print("button tip: '"+btip+"'")
if btip and btip not in {rtip, etip}:
k = ctxt_to_msg[BLF_I18NCONTEXT_DEFAULT].copy()
if btip in msgid_to_msg:
k &= msgid_to_msg[btip]
elif btip in msgstr_to_msg:
k &= msgstr_to_msg[btip]
k = set()
# XXX No need to check against RNA path here, if btip is different
# from rtip, should not match anyway!
msgmap["but_tip"]["key"] = k
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