- Apr 10, 2011
Jonathan Smith authored
- Apr 09, 2011
Michael Williamson authored
Indentation fix: if assigning a material already on the object to a selection of faces in edit mode the script would do nothing
Mitchell Stokes authored
* On OSX, copy the Python lib folder to sit alongside the .app instead of the Unix executable.
- Apr 06, 2011
Maurice Raybaud authored
Further Error handling to allow win 32 bits blender builds to render with Povray 64 bits and the other way around.
Campbell Barton authored
- Apr 05, 2011
John Phan authored
Eclectiel L authored
- Apr 04, 2011
Bart Crouch authored
Campbell Barton authored
Campbell Barton authored
handle exceptions for reading non XML files - cant decode or parse, real errors in code will still raise exceptions.
- Apr 03, 2011
Brendon Murphy authored
line 19 changed bl_addon_info, to bl_info so script shows up in addons menu.
Campbell Barton authored
Campbell Barton authored
- Apr 02, 2011
Michael Williamson authored
Fixed multiple copies of materials being added, this script now works for metaballs, text, curves etc. Select by material only shows used materials in teh pop up now too.
Michael Williamson authored
#ported from original by Michael Williamsn # #tested r28370 # # # ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### bl_info = { "name": "Material Utils", "author": "michaelw", "version": (1, 3), "blender": (2, 5, 6), "api": 35324, "location": "View3D > Q key", "description": "Menu of material tools (assign, select by etc) in the 3D View", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/"\ "Scripts/3D interaction/Materials Utils", "tracker_url": "https://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?"\ "func=detail&aid=22140", "category": "3D View"} """ This script has several functions and operators... grouped for convenience * assign material: offers the user a list of ALL the materials in the blend file and an additional "new" entry the chosen material will be assigned to all the selected objects in object mode. in edit mode the selected faces get the selected material applied. if the user chose "new" the new material can be renamed using the "last operator" section of the toolbox After assigning the material "clean material slots" and "material to texface" are auto run to keep things tidy (see description bellow) * select by material in object mode this offers the user a menu of all materials in the blend file any objects using the selected material will become selected, any objects without the material will be removed from selection. in edit mode: the menu offers only the materials attached to the current object. It will select the faces that use the material and deselect those that do not. * clean material slots for all selected objects any empty material slots or material slots with materials that are not used by the mesh faces will be removed. * Any un-used materials and slots will be removed """ import bpy from bpy.props import* def replace_material(m1 , m2, all_objects = False): #replace material named m1 with material named m2 #m1 is the name of original material #m2 is the name of the material to replace it with #'all' will replace throughout the blend file try: matorg = bpy.data.materials[m1] matrep = bpy.data.materials[m2] #store active object scn = bpy.context.scene ob_active = bpy.context.active_object if all_objects: objs = bpy.data.objects else: objs = bpy.context.selected_editable_objects for ob in objs: if ob.type == 'MESH': scn.objects.active = ob print(ob.name) ms = ob.material_slots.values() for m in ms: if m.material == matorg: m.material = matrep #don't break the loop as the material can be # ref'd more than once #restore active object scn.objects.active = ob_active except: print('no match to replace') def select_material_by_name(find_mat): #in object mode selects all objects with material find_mat #in edit mode selects all faces with material find_mat #check for editmode editmode = False scn = bpy.context.scene #set selection mode to faces scn.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode =[False,False,True] actob = bpy.context.active_object if actob.mode == 'EDIT': editmode =True bpy.ops.object.mode_set() if not editmode: objs = bpy.data.objects for ob in objs: typ = ['MESH','CURVE', 'SURFACE', 'FONT', 'META'] if ob.type in typ: ms = ob.material_slots.values() for m in ms: if m.material.name == find_mat: ob.select = True #the active object may not have the mat! #set it to one that does! scn.objects.active = ob break else: ob.select = False #deselect non-meshes else: ob.select = False else: #it's editmode, so select the faces ob = actob ms = ob.material_slots.values() #same material can be on multiple slots slot_indeces =[] i = 0 found = False for m in ms: if m.material.name == find_mat: slot_indeces.append(i) found = True i += 1 me = ob.data for f in me.faces: if f.material_index in slot_indeces: f.select = True else: f.select = False me.update() if editmode: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT') def mat_to_texface(): #assigns the first image in each material to the faces in the active uvlayer #for all selected objects #check for editmode editmode = False actob = bpy.context.active_object if actob.mode == 'EDIT': editmode =True bpy.ops.object.mode_set() for ob in bpy.context.selected_editable_objects: if ob.type == 'MESH': #get the materials from slots ms = ob.material_slots.values() #build a list of images, one per material images=[] #get the textures from the mats for m in ms: gotimage = False textures = m.material.texture_slots.values() if len(textures) >= 1: for t in textures: if t != None: tex = t.texture if tex.type == 'IMAGE': img = tex.image images.append(img) gotimage =True break if not gotimage: print('noimage on', m.name) images.append(None) #now we have the images #applythem to the uvlayer me = ob.data #got uvs? if not me.uv_textures: scn = bpy.context.scene scn.objects.active = ob bpy.ops.mesh.uv_texture_add() scn.objects.active = actob #get active uvlayer for t in me.uv_textures: if t.active: uvtex = t.data.values() for f in me.faces: #check that material had an image! if images[f.material_index] != None: uvtex[f.index].image = images[f.material_index] uvtex[f.index].use_image = True else: uvtex[f.index].use_image = False me.update() if editmode: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT') def assignmatslots(ob, matlist): #given an object and a list of material names #removes all material slots form the object #adds new ones for each material in matlist #adds the materials to the slots as well. scn = bpy.context.scene ob_active = bpy.context.active_object scn.objects.active = ob for s in ob.material_slots: bpy.ops.object.material_slot_remove() #re-add them and assign material i = 0 for m in matlist: mat = bpy.data.materials[m] ob.data.materials.append(mat) i += 1 #restore active object: scn.objects.active = ob_active def cleanmatslots(): #check for edit mode editmode = False actob = bpy.context.active_object if actob.mode == 'EDIT': editmode =True bpy.ops.object.mode_set() objs = bpy.context.selected_editable_objects for ob in objs: if ob.type == 'MESH': mats = ob.material_slots.keys() #check the faces on the mesh to build a list of used materials usedMatIndex =[] #we'll store used materials indices here faceMats =[] me = ob.data for f in me.faces: #get the material index for this face... faceindex = f.material_index #indices will be lost: Store face mat use by name currentfacemat = mats[faceindex] faceMats.append(currentfacemat) #check if index is already listed as used or not found = 0 for m in usedMatIndex: if m == faceindex: found = 1 #break if found == 0: #add this index to the list usedMatIndex.append(faceindex) #re-assign the used mats to the mesh and leave out the unused ml = [] mnames = [] for u in usedMatIndex: ml.append( mats[u] ) #we'll need a list of names to get the face indices... mnames.append(mats[u]) assignmatslots(ob, ml) #restore face indices: i = 0 for f in me.faces: matindex = mnames.index(faceMats[i]) f.material_index = matindex i += 1 if editmode: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT') def assign_mat(matname="Default"): #get active object so we can restore it later actob = bpy.context.active_object #check if material exists, if it doesn't then create it mats =bpy.data.materials found = False for m in mats: if m.name == matname: target = m found = True break if not found: target = bpy.data.materials.new(matname) #if objectmode then set all faces editmode = False allfaces = True if actob.mode == 'EDIT': editmode =True allfaces = False bpy.ops.object.mode_set() objs = bpy.context.selected_editable_objects for ob in objs: #set the active object to our object scn = bpy.context.scene scn.objects.active = ob other = ['CURVE', 'SURFACE', 'FONT', 'META'] if ob.type in other: found=False i = 0 mats = bpy.data.materials for m in mats: if m.name == matname: found =True index = i break i += 1 if not found: index = i-1 targetlist =[index] assignmatslots(ob, targetlist) elif ob.type =='MESH': #check material slots for matname material found=False i = 0 mats = ob.material_slots for m in mats: if m.name == matname: found =True index = i #make slot active ob.active_material_index = i break i += 1 if not found: index=i #the material is not attached to the object ob.data.materials.append(target) #now assign the material: me =ob.data if allfaces: for f in me.faces: f.material_index = index elif allfaces == False: for f in me.faces: if f.select: f.material_index = index me.update() #restore the active object bpy.context.scene.objects.active = actob if editmode: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT') def check_texture(img,mat): #finds a texture from an image #makes a texture if needed #adds it to the material if it isn't there already tex = bpy.data.textures.get(img.name) if tex is None: tex = bpy.data.textures.new(name=img.name, type='IMAGE') tex.image = img #see if the material already uses this tex #add it if needed found = False for m in mat.texture_slots: if m and m.texture == tex: found = True break if not found and mat: mtex = mat.texture_slots.add() mtex.texture = tex mtex.texture_coords = 'UV' mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = True def texface_to_mat(): # editmode check here! editmode = False ob = bpy.context.object if ob.mode =='EDIT': editmode = True bpy.ops.object.mode_set() for ob in bpy.context.selected_editable_objects: faceindex = [] unique_images = [] # get the texface images and store indices if (ob.data.uv_textures): for f in ob.data.uv_textures.active.data: if f.image: img = f.image #build list of unique images if img not in unique_images: unique_images.append(img) faceindex.append(unique_images.index(img)) else: img = None faceindex.append(None) #check materials for images exist; create if needed matlist = [] for i in unique_images: if i: print(i.name) try: m = bpy.data.materials[i.name] except: m = bpy.data.materials.new(name = i.name) continue finally: matlist.append(m.name) # add textures if needed check_texture(i,m) #set up the object material slots assignmatslots(ob, matlist) #set texface indices to material slot indices.. me = ob.data i = 0 for f in faceindex: if f != None: me.faces[i].material_index = f i += 1 if editmode: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT') #operator classes: #--------------------------------------------------------------------- class VIEW3D_OT_texface_to_material(bpy.types.Operator): '''''' bl_idname = "view3d.texface_to_material" bl_label = "MW Texface Images to Material/Texture" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.active_object != None def execute(self, context): if context.selected_editable_objects: texface_to_mat() return {'FINISHED'} else: self.report({'WARNING'}, "No editable selected objects, could not finish") return {'CANCELLED'} class VIEW3D_OT_assign_material(bpy.types.Operator): '''assign a material to the selection''' bl_idname = "view3d.assign_material" bl_label = "MW Assign Material" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} matname = StringProperty(name = 'Material Name', description = 'Name of Material to Assign', default = "", maxlen = 21) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.active_object != None def execute(self, context): mn = self.matname print(mn) assign_mat(mn) cleanmatslots() mat_to_texface() return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_clean_material_slots(bpy.types.Operator): '''removes any material slots from the selected objects that are not used by the mesh''' bl_idname = "view3d.clean_material_slots" bl_label = "MW Clean Material Slots" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.active_object != None def execute(self, context): cleanmatslots() return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_material_to_texface(bpy.types.Operator): '''''' bl_idname = "view3d.material_to_texface" bl_label = "MW Material Images to Texface" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.active_object != None def execute(self, context): mat_to_texface() return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_select_material_by_name(bpy.types.Operator): '''''' bl_idname = "view3d.select_material_by_name" bl_label = "MW Select Material By Name" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} matname = StringProperty(name = 'Material Name', description = 'Name of Material to Select', default = "", maxlen = 21) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.active_object != None def execute(self, context): mn = self.matname select_material_by_name(mn) return {'FINISHED'} class VIEW3D_OT_replace_material(bpy.types.Operator): '''assign a material to the selection''' bl_idname = "view3d.replace_material" bl_label = "MW Replace Material" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} matorg = StringProperty(name = 'Material to Replace', description = 'Name of Material to Assign', default = "", maxlen = 21) matrep = StringProperty(name = 'Replacement material', description = 'Name of Material to Assign', default = "", maxlen = 21) all_objects = BoolProperty(name ='all_objects', description="replace for all objects in this blend file", default = True) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.active_object != None def execute(self, context): m1 = self.matorg m2 = self.matrep all = self.all_objects replace_material(m1,m2,all) return {'FINISHED'} #menu classes #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class VIEW3D_MT_master_material(bpy.types.Menu): bl_label = "Master Material Menu" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN' layout.menu("VIEW3D_MT_assign_material", icon='ZOOMIN') layout.menu("VIEW3D_MT_select_material", icon='HAND') layout.separator() layout.operator("view3d.clean_material_slots", text = 'Clean Material Slots', icon='CANCEL') layout.operator("view3d.material_to_texface", text = 'Material to Texface',icon='FACESEL_HLT') layout.operator("view3d.texface_to_material", text = 'Texface to Material',icon='FACESEL_HLT') layout.separator() layout.operator("view3d.replace_material", text = 'Replace Material', icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT') class VIEW3D_MT_assign_material(bpy.types.Menu): bl_label = "Assign Material" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN' ob = context layout.label for i in range (len(bpy.data.materials)): layout.operator("view3d.assign_material", text=bpy.data.materials[i].name, icon='MATERIAL_DATA').matname = bpy.data.materials[i].name layout.operator("view3d.assign_material",text="Add New", icon='ZOOMIN') class VIEW3D_MT_select_material(bpy.types.Menu): bl_label = "Select by Material" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN' ob = context.object layout.label if ob.mode == 'OBJECT': #show all used materials in entire blend file for i in range (len(bpy.data.materials)): if bpy.data.materials[i].users > 0: layout.operator("view3d.select_material_by_name", text=bpy.data.materials[i].name, icon='MATERIAL_DATA').matname = bpy.data.materials[i].name elif ob.mode == 'EDIT': #show only the materials on this object mats = ob.material_slots.keys() for m in mats: layout.operator("view3d.select_material_by_name", text=m, icon='MATERIAL_DATA').matname = m def register(): bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) kc = bpy.data.window_managers[0].keyconfigs.default km = kc.keymaps.get("3D View") if km is None: km = kc.keymaps.new(name="3D View") kmi = km.items.new('wm.call_menu', 'Q', 'PRESS') kmi.properties.name = "VIEW3D_MT_master_material" def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) kc = bpy.data.window_managers[0].keyconfigs.default km = kc.keymaps["3D View"] for kmi in km.items: if kmi.idname == 'wm.call_menu': if kmi.properties.name == "VIEW3D_MT_master_material": km.items.remove(kmi) break if __name__ == "__main__": register()
Martin Poirier authored
Martin Poirier authored
Campbell Barton authored
Guillermo S. Romero authored
- Apr 01, 2011
John Phan authored
Eclectiel L authored
An update over surface sketching, allowing object level transformations, Undo, and solving some problems like a mesh duplication that was taking place when there were no strokes, and eliminating a remove doubles that was performed in the whole mesh, now limiting it to just the areas where it's needed to merge the new surface.
Eclectiel L authored
No commit message
Campbell Barton authored
Chris Foster authored
- Mar 30, 2011
Daniel Salazar authored
little better tooltip for rotobezier keyframing buttons. People seem to think they need to select CVs before inserting keyframes and that isn't really nessesary
Campbell Barton authored
Campbell Barton authored
Campbell Barton authored
- Mar 29, 2011
John Phan authored
Guillermo S. Romero authored
Campbell Barton authored
Bart Crouch authored
Fixes for api changes. Max value of scroll isn't updated anymore, needs property callbacks to make it work again.
Campbell Barton authored
- added next/previous buttons so you can skip demos.
Martin Buerbaum authored
* Moved property definitions to registration function. * Changed automatic callback adding to manual, the current API doesn't seem to allow this top be automatically yet.
Campbell Barton authored
Campbell Barton authored
work in progress addon: demo mode, use for easy setup for looping over blend files, rendering, playing, switching screens.
Campbell Barton authored
Brendon Murphy authored
removed warning, api r35853 quick fix for error. line 519 commented out > # bpy.ops.object.location_apply()
Brendon Murphy authored
added "warning": "Script returns errors" api r35853
Brendon Murphy authored