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Resources Allocation Policy
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Resources Allocation Policy
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The resources are allocated to the job in a fairshare fashion, subject to constraints set by the queue and resources available to the Project. The Fairshare at Anselm ensures that individual users may consume approximately equal amount of resources per week. Detailed information in the [Job scheduling](job-priority/) section. The resources are accessible via several queues for queueing the jobs. The queues provide prioritized and exclusive access to the computational resources. Following table provides the queue partitioning overview:
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 |queue |active project |project resources |nodes|min ncpus|priority|authorization|walltime |
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 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
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 |<strong>qexp</strong> |no |none required |2 reserved, 31 totalincluding MIC, GPU and FAT nodes |1 |<em>150</em> |no |1h |
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 |<strong>qprod</strong> |yes |&gt; 0 |<em>178 nodes w/o accelerator</em> |16 |0 |no |24/48h |
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 |<strong>qlong</strong>Long queue |yes |&gt; 0 |60 nodes w/o accelerator |16 |0 |no |72/144h |
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 |<strong>qnvidia, qmic, qfat</strong>Dedicated queues |yes |<p>&gt; 0 |23 total qnvidia4 total qmic2 total qfat |16 |<em>200</em> |yes |24/48h |
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 |<strong>qfree</strong> |yes |none required |178 w/o accelerator |16 |-1024 |no |12h |

!!! Note "Note"
	**The qfree queue is not free of charge**. [Normal accounting](resources-allocation-policy.html#resources-accounting-policy) applies. However, it allows for utilization of free resources, once a Project exhausted all its allocated computational resources. This does not apply for Directors Discreation's projects (DD projects) by default. Usage of qfree after exhaustion of DD projects computational resources is allowed after request for this queue.
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    **The qexp queue is equipped with the nodes not having the very same CPU clock speed.** Should you need the very same CPU speed, you have to select the proper nodes during the PSB job submission.
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- **qexp**, the Express queue: This queue is dedicated for testing and running very small jobs. It is not required to specify a project to enter the qexp. There are 2 nodes always reserved for this queue (w/o accelerator), maximum 8 nodes are available via the qexp for a particular user, from a pool of nodes containing Nvidia accelerated nodes (cn181-203), MIC accelerated nodes (cn204-207) and Fat nodes with 512GB RAM (cn208-209). This enables to test and tune also accelerated code or code with higher RAM requirements. The nodes may be allocated on per core basis. No special authorization is required to use it. The maximum runtime in qexp is 1 hour.
- **qprod**, the Production queue: This queue is intended for normal production runs. It is required that active project with nonzero remaining resources is specified to enter the qprod. All nodes may be accessed via the qprod queue, except the reserved ones. 178 nodes without accelerator are included. Full nodes, 16 cores per node are allocated. The queue runs with medium priority and no special authorization is required to use it. The maximum runtime in qprod is 48 hours.
- **qlong**, the Long queue: This queue is intended for long production runs. It is required that active project with nonzero remaining resources is specified to enter the qlong. Only 60 nodes without acceleration may be accessed via the qlong queue. Full nodes, 16 cores per node are allocated. The queue runs with medium priority and no special authorization is required to use it. The maximum runtime in qlong is 144 hours (three times of the standard qprod time - 3 * 48 h).
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- **qnvidia**, qmic, qfat, the Dedicated queues: The queue qnvidia is dedicated to access the Nvidia accelerated nodes, the qmic to access MIC nodes and qfat the Fat nodes. It is required that active project with nonzero remaining resources is specified to enter these queues. 23 nvidia, 4 mic and 2 fat nodes are included. Full nodes, 16 cores per node are allocated. The queues run with very high priority, the jobs will be scheduled before the jobs coming from the qexp queue. An PI needs explicitly ask [support]( for authorization to enter the dedicated queues for all users associated to her/his Project.
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- **qfree**, The Free resource queue: The queue qfree is intended for utilization of free resources, after a Project exhausted all its allocated computational resources (Does not apply to DD projects by default. DD projects have to request for persmission on qfree after exhaustion of computational resources.). It is required that active project is specified to enter the queue, however no remaining resources are required. Consumed resources will be accounted to the Project. Only 178 nodes without accelerator may be accessed from this queue. Full nodes, 16 cores per node are allocated. The queue runs with very low priority and no special authorization is required to use it. The maximum runtime in qfree is 12 hours.
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### Notes

The job wall clock time defaults to **half the maximum time**, see table above. Longer wall time limits can be  [set manually, see examples](job-submission-and-execution/).
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Jobs that exceed the reserved wall clock time (Req'd Time) get killed automatically. Wall clock time limit can be changed for queuing jobs (state Q) using the qalter command, however can not be changed for a running job (state R).
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Anselm users may check current queue configuration at <>.
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### Queue status

>Check the status of jobs, queues and compute nodes at <>
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![rspbs web interface](../img/rsweb.png)
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Display the queue status on Anselm:

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$ qstat -q
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The PBS allocation overview may be obtained also using the rspbs command.
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$ rspbs
Usage: rspbs [options]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Print chart of allocated ncpus per node
  --summary             Print summary
  --get-server-details  Print server
  --get-queues          Print queues
  --get-queues-details  Print queues details
  --get-reservations    Print reservations
                        Print reservations details
  --get-nodes           Print nodes of PBS complex
  --get-nodeset         Print nodeset of PBS complex
  --get-nodes-details   Print nodes details
  --get-jobs            Print jobs
  --get-jobs-details    Print jobs details
                        Print jobid, job state, session_id, user, nodes
  --get-users           Print users of jobs
                        Print allocated nodes of jobs
                        Print allocated nodeset of jobs
  --get-node-users      Print node users
  --get-node-jobs       Print node jobs
  --get-node-ncpus      Print number of ncpus per node
                        Print number of allocated ncpus per node
  --get-node-qlist      Print node qlist
  --get-node-ibswitch   Print node ibswitch
  --get-user-nodes      Print user nodes
  --get-user-nodeset    Print user nodeset
  --get-user-jobs       Print user jobs
  --get-user-jobc       Print number of jobs per user
  --get-user-nodec      Print number of allocated nodes per user
  --get-user-ncpus      Print number of allocated ncpus per user
  --get-qlist-nodes     Print qlist nodes
  --get-qlist-nodeset   Print qlist nodeset
  --get-ibswitch-nodes  Print ibswitch nodes
                        Print ibswitch nodeset
  --state=STATE         Only for given job state
  --jobid=JOBID         Only for given job ID
  --user=USER           Only for given user
  --node=NODE           Only for given node
                        Only for given node state (affects only --get-node*
                        --get-qlist-* --get-ibswitch-* actions)
  --incl-finished       Include finished jobs
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Resources Accounting Policy

### The Core-Hour

The resources that are currently subject to accounting are the core-hours. The core-hours are accounted on the wall clock basis. The accounting runs whenever the computational cores are allocated or blocked via the PBS Pro workload manager (the qsub command), regardless of whether the cores are actually used for any calculation. 1 core-hour is defined as 1 processor core allocated for 1 hour of wall clock time. Allocating a full node (16 cores) for 1 hour accounts to 16 core-hours. See example in the  [Job submission and execution](job-submission-and-execution/) section.
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### Check consumed resources

!!! Note "Note"
	The **it4ifree** command is a part of it4i.portal.clients package, located here: <>
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User may check at any time, how many core-hours have been consumed by himself/herself and his/her projects. The command is available on clusters' login nodes.
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$ it4ifree
     PID    Total   Used me Free
   -------- ------- ------ -------- -------
   OPEN-0-0 1500000 400644   225265 1099356
   DD-13-1    10000   2606     2606    7394