Lukáš Krupčík authoredLukáš Krupčík authored
Workbench Batch Mode
It is possible to run Workbench scripts in batch mode. You need to configure solvers of individual components to run in parallel mode. Open your project in Workbench. Then, for example, in Mechanical, go to Tools - Solve Process Settings ...
Enable Distribute Solution checkbox and enter number of cores (eg. 48 to run on two Salomon nodes). If you want the job to run on more then 1 node, you must also provide a so called MPI appfile. In the Additional Command Line Arguments input field, enter:
-mpifile /path/to/my/job/mpifile.txt
Where /path/to/my/job is the directory where your project is saved. We will create the file mpifile.txt programatically later in the batch script. For more information, refer to *ANSYS Mechanical APDL Parallel Processing* *Guide*.
Now, save the project and close Workbench. We will use this script to launch the job:
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=24
#PBS -q qprod
#PBS -N test9_mpi_2
#PBS -A OPEN-0-0
# Mail to user when job terminate or abort
#PBS -m a
# change the working directory
echo Running on host `hostname`
echo Time is `date`
echo Directory is `pwd`
echo This jobs runs on the following nodes:
echo `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
module load ANSYS
#### Set number of processors per host listing
#### Create MPI appfile
echo -n "" > mpifile.txt
for host in `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
echo "-h $host -np $procs_per_host $ANSYS160_DIR/bin/ansysdis161 -dis" > mpifile.txt
#-i input.dat includes the input of analysis in APDL format
#-o file.out is output file from ansys where all text outputs will be redirected
#-p the name of license feature (aa_r=ANSYS Academic Research, ane3fl=Multiphysics(commercial), aa_r_dy=Academic AUTODYN)
# prevent using scsif0 interface on accelerated nodes
# spawn remote process using SSH (default is RSH)
export MPI_REMSH="/usr/bin/ssh"
runwb2 -R jou6.wbjn -B -F test9.wbpj
The solver settings are saved in file solvehandlers.xml, which is not located in the project directory. Verify your solved settings when uploading a project from your local computer.