In addition to the many applications available through modules (deployed through EasyBuild packaging system) we provide an alternative source of applications on our clusters inferred from Gentoo Linux ( ). The user's environment is setup through a script which returns a bash instance to the user (you can think of it a starting a whole virtual machine but inside your current namespace) . The applications were optimized by gcc compiler for the SandyBridge and IvyBridge platforms. The binaries use paths from /apps/gentoo prefix to find the required runtime dependencies, config files, etc. The Gentoo Linux is a standalone installation not even relying on the glibc provided by host operating system (Redhat). The trick which allowed us to install Gentoo Linux on the host Redhat system is called Gentoo::RAP and uses a modified loader with a hardcoded path ( ).
Starting the environment
$ /apps/gentoo/startprefix
Starting PBS jobs using the applications
Create a template file which can be used and an argument to qsub command. Notably, the 'PBS -S' line specifies full PATH to the Bourne shell of the Gentoo Linux environment.
$ cat myjob.pbs
#PBS -S /apps/gentoo/bin/sh
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=16,walltime=12:00:00
#PBS -q qfree
#PBS -m ea
#PBS -N sample22
#PBS -A DD-13-5
#source ~/.bashrc
cd$PBS_O_WORKDIR||exit 255 foo 1>myjob.log 2>&1
$ head-n 1
#! /apps/gentoo/bin/sh
$ qsub myjob.pbs
$ qstat
Reading manual pages for installed applications
$ man -M /apps/gentoo/usr/share/man bwa
$ man -M /apps/gentoo/usr/share/man samtools
Listing of bioinformatics applications
Classification of applications
Other applications available through Gentoo Linux
Gentoo Linux is a allows compilation of its applications from source code while using compiler and optimize flags set to user's wish. This facilitates creation of optimized binaries for the host platform. Users maybe also use several versions of gcc, python and other tools.