/ansys_inc/v145/fluent/bin/fluent 3d -t$NCORES-cnf=$PBS_NODEFILE-g-i fluent.jou
Header of the pbs file (above) is common and description can be find on [this site](../../resource-allocation-and-job-execution/job-submission-and-execution.md). [SVS FEM](http://www.svsfem.cz) recommends to utilize sources by keywords: nodes, ppn. These keywords allows to address directly the number of nodes (computers) and cores (ppn) which will be utilized in the job. Also the rest of code assumes such structure of allocated resources.
Header of the pbs file (above) is common and description can be find on [this site](../../resources-allocation-policy/). [SVS FEM](http://www.svsfem.cz) recommends to utilize sources by keywords: nodes, ppn. These keywords allows to address directly the number of nodes (computers) and cores (ppn) which will be utilized in the job. Also the rest of code assumes such structure of allocated resources.
Working directory has to be created before sending pbs job into the queue. Input file should be in working directory or full path to input file has to be specified. Input file has to be defined by common Fluent journal file which is attached to the Fluent solver via parameter -i fluent.jou