To get a certificate, you must make a request to your local, IGTF approved, Certificate Authority (CA). Usually you then must visit, in person, your nearest Registration Authority (RA) to verify your affiliation and identity (photo identification is required). Usually, you will then be emailed details on how to retrieve your certificate, although procedures can vary between CAs. If you are in Europe, you can locate your trusted CA via <>.
To get a certificate, you must make a request to your local, IGTF approved, Certificate Authority (CA). Usually you then must visit, in person, your nearest Registration Authority (RA) to verify your affiliation and identity (photo identification is required). Usually, you will then be emailed details on how to retrieve your certificate, although procedures can vary between CAs. If you are in Europe, you can locate [your trusted CA](
In some countries certificates can also be retrieved using the TERENA Certificate Service, see the FAQ below for the link.
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ You also can import CA certificates into your java keystore with the tool, e.g.:
where $mydomain.crt is the certificate of a trusted signing authority (CA) and $mydomain is the alias name that you give to the entry.
More information on the tool can be found at:<>
More information on the tool can be found [here](
Q: How do I use my certificate to access the different grid Services?