In this example, input and executable files are assumed preloaded manually in /scratch/$USER/myjob directory. Note the **mpiprocs** and **ompthreads** qsub options, controlling behavior of the MPI execution. The mympiprog.x is executed as one process per node, on all 100 allocated nodes. If mympiprog.x implements OpenMP threads, it will run 16 threads per node.
In this example, input and executable files are assumed preloaded manually in /scratch/$USER/myjob directory. Note the **mpiprocs** and **ompthreads** qsub options, controlling behavior of the MPI execution. The mympiprog.x is executed as one process per node, on all 100 allocated nodes. If mympiprog.x implements OpenMP threads, it will run 16 threads per node.
More information is found in the [Running OpenMPI](../software/mpi/Running_OpenMPI/) and [Running MPICH2](../software/mpi/running-mpich2/)
More information is found in the [Running OpenMPI](software/mpi/Running_OpenMPI/) and [Running MPICH2](software/mpi/running-mpich2/)