@@ -562,8 +562,37 @@ public partial class MyComponent
## ss
Version Control: Specify guidelines for using version control systems like Git. Define how to structure branches (e.g., feature branches, bug fixes, main branches) and how to manage pull requests and code reviews to ensure code quality.
## New Feature flow
When implementing a new feature, it is important to follow a well-defined flow as part of the documentation process. This includes creating a clear plan for the feature, implementing it according to the plan, and continuously creating unit tests to ensure its functionality. This professional approach helps maintain code quality and facilitates collaboration among team members.

## Version Control
For versioning we use GitLab selfhosted instances. In Repository we follow GitFlow principe ([more info here](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow))
### Issues/tasks
Each task/issue must be tracked in Gitlab issues. Issue should be simple. If the issue is complex then it should be broken to multiple subtasks.
### Branching
Based on task you need to create new branch of type:
- feature
- refactor
- fix
with relevant name with source branch develop for example
### Commit message
Each commit must have message that shortly describe what was changed in header and detailed description in body if needed.
TODO: format
# ================
Specify guidelines for using version control systems like Git. Define how to structure branches (e.g., feature branches, bug fixes, main branches) and how to manage pull requests and code reviews to ensure code quality.
Testing Standards: Encourage unit testing and integration testing as integral parts of the development process. Recommend frameworks like xUnit or NUnit and set standards for writing test cases, structuring test projects, and ensuring sufficient test coverage.