from timelaps_utils import produce_xml_merge_job_files, produce_string
#where are we (can be configured through -d/--directory flag)
@@ -9,28 +10,9 @@ if JOBDIR[-1] != "/": # this checks if jobdir ends with slash if not it adds a s
configfile: "tomancak_czi.json"
# problematic needs padding of file_id
datasets = expand("{xml_base}-0{file_id}-00.h5", xml_base=[ config["common"]["hdf5_xml_filename"].strip('\"') ], file_id=range(int(config["common"]["ntimepoints"]))) # searches JOBDIR for files that match this wildcard expression
datasets = [ config["common"]["hdf5_xml_filename"].strip('\"')+"-{0:02d}-00.h5".format(item) for item in range(int(config["common"]["ntimepoints"])) ]
#TODO: this should go into a python module in this path