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Commit f06a63e9 authored by Christopher Schmied's avatar Christopher Schmied
Browse files

Fixed broken .yaml file

parent 52db9700
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Unstaged changes after reset:
M spim_registration/timelapse/dual_OneChannel.yaml
M spim_registration/timelapse/single.yaml
M spim_registration/timelapse/single_test.yaml
common: {
# ============================================================================
# yaml example file for single channel processing
# General settings for processing
# 2015-04-01_LZ2_Stock46
# Dpse_Dip3_VK33
# ============================================================================
# directory that contains the bean shell scripts and Snakefile
bsh_directory: "/projects/pilot_spim/Christopher/snakemake-workflows/spim_registration/timelapse/",
# Directory that contains the cuda libraries
directory_cuda: "/sw/users/schmied/cuda/",
# Directory that contains the current working Fiji
fiji-app: "/sw/users/schmied/packages/",
fiji-prefix: "/sw/users/schmied/packages/xvfb-run -a", # calls xvfb for Fiji headless mode
# ============================================================================
# Processing switches
# Description: Use switches to decide which processing steps you need:
# Options:
# transformation_switch: "timelapse" standard processing
# after timelapse registration directly goes into fusion, timelapse_duplicate
# "timelapse_duplicate" for dual channel processing one channel contains the beads
# Switches between content based fusion and deconvoltion
# "deconvolution" > for deconvolution
# "fusion" > for content based fusion
# ============================================================================
# Transformation switch:
transformation_switch: "timelapse",
# Fusion switch:
fusion_switch: "fusion",
# ============================================================================
# xml file names
# xml file names without .xml suffix
# ============================================================================
first_xml_filename: 'Dpse_Dip3_VK33', # Name of the xml file for the .czi or .tif files
hdf5_xml_filename: '"hdf5_Dpse_Dip3_VK33"', # Name of .xml file for the hdf5 data after resave_hdf5
merged_xml: 'hdf5_Dpse_Dip3_VK33_merge', # Name of .xml file after merge
# ============================================================================
# Describe the dataset
# Options: number of timepoints
# angles
# channels
# illuminations
# pixel size
# ============================================================================
ntimepoints: 72, # number of timepoints of dataset
angles: "0,72,144,216,288", # angles
channels: "green", # channels
illumination: "0", # illuminations
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# For .czi datasets
# master .czi file
first_czi: "2015-04-01_LZ2_Stock46.czi",
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# For .tif datasets
# file pattern of .tif files:
# for multi channel give spim_TL{tt}_Angle{a}_Channel{c}.tif
# for padded zeros use tt
# specify calibration
image_file_pattern: 'img_TL{{t}}_Angle{{a}}.tif',
pixel_distance_x: '0.285901069641113', # Manual calibration x
pixel_distance_y: '0.285901069641113', # Manual calibration y
pixel_distance_z: '1.500000000000000', # Manual calibration z
pixel_unit: "um", # unit of manual calibration
# ============================================================================
# Detection and registration
# Description: settings for interest point detection and registration
# Options: Single channel and dual channel processing
# Difference-of-mean or difference-of-gaussian detection
# ============================================================================
# reg_process_channel:
# Single Channel: '"All channels"'
# Dual Channel: '"All channels"'
# Dual Channel one Channel contains beads: '"Single channel (Select from List)"'
reg_process_channel: '"All channels"',
# Dual channel 1 Channel contains the beads: which channel contains the beads?
reg_processing_channel: '"green"',
# reg_interest_points_channel:
# Single Channel: '"beads"'
# Dual Channel: '"beads,beads"'
# Dual Channel: Channel does not contain the beads '"[DO NOT register this channel],beads"'
reg_interest_points_channel: '"beads"',
# type of detection: '"Difference-of-Mean (Integral image based)"' or '"Difference-of-Gaussian"'
type_of_detection: '"Difference-of-Gaussian"',
# Settings for Difference-of-Mean
# For multiple channels 'value1,value2' delimiter is ,
reg_radius_1: '2',
reg_radius_2: '3',
reg_threshold: '0.005',
# Settings for Difference-of-Gaussian
# For multiple channels 'value1,value2' delimiter is ,
sigma: '1.3',
threshold_gaussian: '0.025',
# ============================================================================
# Timelapse registration
# Description: settings for timelapse registration
# Options: reference timepoint
# ============================================================================
reference_timepoint: '40', # Reference timepoint
# ============================================================================
# Content-based multiview fusion
# Description: settings for content-based multiview fusion
# Options: downsampling
# Cropping parameters based on full resolution
# ============================================================================
downsample: '1', # set downsampling
minimal_x: '237', # Cropping parameters of full resolution
minimal_y: '-16',
minimal_z: '-292',
maximal_x: '1041',
maximal_y: '1853',
maximal_z: '509',
# ============================================================================
# Multiview deconvolution
# Description: settings for multiview deconvolution
# Options: number of iterations
# Cropping parameters taking downsampling into account
# Channel settings for deconvolution
# ============================================================================
iterations: '1', # number of iterations
minimal_x_deco: '237', # Cropping parameters: take downsampling into account
minimal_y_deco: '-16',
minimal_z_deco: '-292',
maximal_x_deco: '1041',
maximal_y_deco: '1853',
maximal_z_deco: '509',
# Channel settings for deconvolution
# Single Channel: '"beads"'
# Dual Channel: '"beads,beads"'
# Dual Channel one channel contains beads: '"[Same PSF as channel red],beads"'
detections_to_extract_psf_for_channel: '"beads"',
# ============================================================================
# Resave output
# Description: writes new hdf5 dataset for fusion output
# Options: Naming pattern of output based on channel number
# Channel settings
# File name for resaving output into hdf5
# Pixel size > isotropic resolution
# Image type (16Bit from content-based fusion, 32Bit from deconvolution)
# ============================================================================
# Number of timepoints
output_timepoints: '0-71', # Timepoints format: '1-2'
# Naming pattern:
# Single Channel: TP{{t}}_Chgreen_Ill0_Ang0,72,144,216,288.tif > Ch{name} is added here
# Dual Channel: TP{{t}}_Ch{{0}}_Ill0_Ang0,72,144,216,288.tif > Ch{name} is added here
output_image_file_pattern: '"TP{{t}}_Chgreen_Ill0_Ang0,72,144,216,288.tif"',
# channel setting:
# Single channel: '"NO (one channel)"'
# Dual channel: '"YES (one file per channel)"'
output_multiple_channels: '"NO (one channel)"',
output_channels: "green",
# .xml file names
output_xml: '"fused_Dpse_Dip3_VK33"',
output_hdf5_xml: '"hdf5_fused_Dpse_Dip3_VK33"',
# pixel size of output: take downsampling into account!
output_pixel_distance_x: 0.285901069641113,
output_pixel_distance_y: 0.285901069641113,
output_pixel_distance_z: 0.285901069641113,
output_pixel_unit: 'um',
# File type
output_data_type: "16Bit" # "32Bit" or "16Bit"
# ============================================================================
# Advanced settings
# ============================================================================
define_xml_czi: {
manual_calibration_czi: "Yes", # calibration override: No or Yes
czi_pixel_distance_x: '0.285901069641113', # Manual calibration x
czi_pixel_distance_y: '0.285901069641113', # Manual calibration y
czi_pixel_distance_z: '1.500000000000000', # Manual calibration z
czi_pixel_unit: "um", # unit of manual calibration
rotation_around: "X-Axis", # axis of acquistion
bsh_file: "define_czi.bsh" # .bsh script for defining .czi file
define_xml_tif: {
# Settings for ImageJ Opener
type_of_dataset: '"Image Stacks (ImageJ Opener)"',
multiple_timepoints: '"YES (one file per time-point)"', # or NO (one time-point)
multiple_angles: '"YES (one file per angle)"', # or NO (one angle)
multiple_channels: '"NO (one channel)"', # or "\"NO (one channel)\""
multiple_illumination_directions: '"NO (one illumination direction)"', # or YES (one file per illumination direction)
imglib_container: '"ArrayImg (faster)"', # '"ArrayImg (faster)"'
bsh_file: "define_tif_zip.bsh"
resave_hdf5: {
# Resaves .tif or .czi data into hdf5
# Subsampling and resolution settings for hdf5: data dependent
hdf5_chunk_sizes: '"{{ {{32,32,4}}, {{32,32,4}}, {{16,16,16}}, {{16,16,16}} }}"',
subsampling_factors: '"{{ {{1,1,1}}, {{2,2,1}}, {{4,4,1}}, {{8,8,1}} }}"',
# Standard settings for cluster processing
setups_per_partition: '0',
timepoints_per_partition: '1',
resave_timepoint: '"All Timepoints"',
resave_angle: '"All angles"',
resave_channel: '"All channels"',
resave_illumination: '"All illuminations"',
bsh_file: "export.bsh"
registration: {
# Processing setting for Difference-of-Gaussian detection
# compute_on:'"GPU accurate (Nvidia CUDA via JNA)"'
compute_on: '"CPU (Java)"',
separableconvolution: '""',
# Downsampling settings
downsample_detection: "Yes", # "No" or "Yes"
downsample_xy: '"Match Z Resolution (less downsampling)"',
downsample_z: "1x",
# Standard Settings for bead based registration
label_interest_points: '"beads"',
reg_process_timepoint: '"Single Timepoint (Select from List)"',
reg_process_angle: '"All angles"',
reg_process_illumination: '"All illuminations"',
subpixel_localization: '"3-dimensional quadratic fit"',
detection_min_max: "find_maxima",
type_of_registration: '"Register timepoints individually"',
algorithm: '"Fast 3d geometric hashing (rotation invariant)"',
transformation_model: "Affine",
allowed_error_for_ransac: '5',
significance: '10',
fix_tiles: '"Fix first tile"',
map_back_tiles: '"Map back to first tile using rigid model"',
model_to_regularize_with: "Rigid",
lambda: '0.10',
imglib_container: '"ArrayImg (faster)"',
bsh_file: "registration.bsh" # .bsh script for registration
xml_merge: {
bsh_file: "xml_merge.bsh"
timelapse: {
# Standard settings for timelapse registration
type_of_registration_timelapse: '"Match against one reference timepoint (no global optimization)"',
timelapse_process_timepoints: '"All Timepoints"',
bsh_file: "timelapse_registration.bsh"
dublicate_transformations: {
# If dual channel processing and only one channel contains beads
# this allows you to dublicate the transformation for the
# channel that does not contain beas
source_dublication: "red", # source channel
target_dublication: "green", # target channel
duplicate_which_transformations: '"Replace all transformations"', # mode of dublication
bsh_file: "dublicate_transformations.bsh" # .bsh script for dublication
fusion: {
# fused_image: '"Append to current XML Project"', does not work yet
process_timepoint: '"Single Timepoint (Select from List)"',
process_angle: '"All angles"',
process_channel: '"All channels"',
process_illumination: '"All illuminations"',
imglib2_container_fusion: '"ArrayImg"',
interpolation: '"Linear Interpolation"',
pixel_type: '"16-bit unsigned integer"',
imglib2_data_container: '"ArrayImg (faster)"',
process_views_in_paralell: '"All"',
xml_output: '"Save every XML with user-provided unique id"',
bsh_file: "fusion.bsh"
external_transform: {
# Downsamples for deconvolution
# BUG: external transformation breaks .xml file
# channel setting: '"all_channels"'
channel_setting: '"green"',
transform_timepoint: '"All Timepoints"',
transform_angle: '"All angles"',
transform_channel: '"All channels"',
transform_illumination: '"All illuminations"',
apply_transformation: '"Current view transformations (appends to current transforms)"',
define_mode_transform: '"Matrix"',
# Matrix for downsampling
matrix_transform: '"0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0"',
transformation: '"Rigid"',
bsh_file: "transform.bsh"
deconvolution: {
# Settings for GPU or CPU processing
# '"CPU (Java)"' or '"GPU (Nvidia CUDA via JNA)"'
compute_on: '"GPU (Nvidia CUDA via JNA)"',
cudafourierconvolution: "", # GPU processing name of cuda library
# Standard settings for deconvolution
process_timepoint: '"Single Timepoint (Select from List)"',
process_angle: '"All angles"',
process_channel: '"All channels"',
process_illumination: '"All illuminations"',
type_of_iteration: '"Efficient Bayesian - Optimization I (fast, precise)"',
Tikhonov_parameter: '0.0006',
compute: '"in 512x512x512 blocks"',
osem_acceleration: '"1 (balanced)"',
psf_estimation: '"Extract from beads"',
psf_size_x: '19',
psf_size_y: '19',
psf_size_z: '25',
imglib2_container: '"ArrayImg"',
bsh_file: "deconvolution.bsh"
hdf5_output: {
# if data is 32Bit then the data is converted into 16Bit data
convert_32bit: '"[Use min/max of first image (might saturate intenities over time)]"',
# subsampling and chunk size settings: dataset dependent
subsampling_output: '"{{ {{1,1,1}}, {{2,2,2}}, {{4,4,4}}, {{8,8,8}} }}"', # data dependent
chunk_sizes_output: '"{{ {{16,16,16}}, {{16,16,16}}, {{16,16,16}}, {{16,16,16}} }}"', # data dependent
# subsampling_output: '"{{ {{1,1,1}}, {{2,2,2}} }}"',
# chunk_sizes_output: '"{{ {{16,16,16}}, {{16,16,16}} }}"',
# Standard settings for hdf5_output
output_type_of_dataset: '"Image Stacks (ImageJ Opener)"',
output_multiple_timepoints: '"YES (one file per time-point)"',
output_multiple_angles: '"NO (one angle)"',
output_illumination_directions: '"NO (one illumination direction)"',
output_imglib_container: '"ArrayImg (faster)"',
bsh_file_define: "define_output.bsh", # .bsh script for defining the dataset
bsh_file_hdf5: "export_output.bsh" # .bsh script for resaving into hdf5
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