If this process is repeated often enough, the difference between
successive estimates of the solution will go to zero.
This program carries out such an iteration, using a tolerance specified
by the user, and writes the final estimate of the solution to a file
that can be used for graphic processing.
## STEP 0: Create git repository (10%)
Your code should be forked from this repository and hosted on code.it4i.cz as a private project with access for all teachers.
## STEP 1: Building the library (10%)
Provide compilation script for your application (the script should run independently on a current path). Script should load all necessary modules and call `cmake`.
## STEP 2: Analysis of the application (10%)
Use `Arm map` (module Forge) to analyze a sequential run of your application with given use case (`tests/large`). Identify the most time consuming regions that can be parallelized by OpenMP.
## STEP 3: Use OpenMP to run the application in parallel (10%)
Put OpenMP pragmas to a correct positions with appropriate variables visibility in order to utilize more threads effectively.
## STEP 4: Test the correctness of the code (10%)
Create script that automatically check correctness of your application for at least 3 different test cases. Comparison can be implemented as comparison of outputs of sequential and parallel runs.
## STEP 5: Test the behavior of the code on the Karolina cluster (40%)
1. Implement time measurement for all parallel regions using omp_get_wtime().
2. Create script for run strong scalability measurement (PBS script).
3. Evaluate strong scalability of measured regions up to 128 threads and different thread affinity (compact, scatter, balanced, none).
4. Evaluate behaviour for domain specific parameters of your applications (project dependent, maybe none). (Blocking implementation for this project)
5. Prepare charts for all measurements.
## STEP 6: Presentation of your project (10%)
Prepare presentation in form of slides (pptx, pdf). The slides should address all topics requested above.