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Commit 175df807 authored by Michal Kravcenko's avatar Michal Kravcenko
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-Added a new learning algorithm (Particle Swarm) and a corresponding example to main

parent 0c9173d5
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* @author Michal Kravčenko
* @date 2.7.18 -
#include "ParticleSwarm.h"
Particle::Particle(unsigned int f_dim, double *domain_bounds, double (*F)(double*)) {
this->coordinate_dim = f_dim;
this->coordinate = new double[f_dim];
this->velocity = new double[f_dim];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < f_dim; ++i){
this->velocity[i] = (rand() % 100001 - 50000) / (double) 50000;
// this->r1 = (rand() % 100001) / (double) 100000;
// this->r2 = (rand() % 100001) / (double) 100000;
this->r1 = 1.0;
this->r2 = 1.0;
this->optimal_coordinate = new double[f_dim];
this->f = F;
this->domain_bounds = domain_bounds;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < f_dim; ++i){
this->coordinate[i] = (rand() % 100001) / (double)100000 * (domain_bounds[2 * i + 1] - domain_bounds[2 * i]) + domain_bounds[2 * i];
this->optimal_coordinate[i] = this->coordinate[i];
this->optimal_value = this->f(this->coordinate);
// this->print_coordinate();
Particle::~Particle() {
if( this->optimal_coordinate ){
delete [] this->optimal_coordinate;
if( this->coordinate ){
delete [] this->coordinate;
if( this->velocity ){
delete [] this->velocity;
double Particle::get_optimal_value() {
return this->optimal_value;
void Particle::get_optimal_coordinate(double *ref_coordinate) {
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < this->coordinate_dim; ++i ){
ref_coordinate[i] = this->optimal_coordinate[i];
double Particle::change_coordinate(double w, double c1, double c2, double *glob_min_coord) {
* v = w * v + c1r1(p_min_loc - x) + c2r2(p_min_glob - x)
* x = x + v
double vel_mem, output = 0.0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < this->coordinate_dim; ++i){
vel_mem = w * this->velocity[i] + c1 * this->r1 * (this->optimal_coordinate[i] - this->coordinate[i]) + c2 * this->r2 * (glob_min_coord[i] - this->coordinate[i]);
if( this->coordinate[i] + vel_mem > this->domain_bounds[2 * i + 1] ){
// vel_mem = vel_mem * (-1.0) * (vel_mem - this->domain_bounds[2 * i + 1]) / (this->domain_bounds[2 * i + 1] - this->velocity[i]);
vel_mem = -0.25 * w * vel_mem;
else if( this->coordinate[i] + vel_mem < this->domain_bounds[2 * i] ){
// vel_mem = vel_mem * (-1.0) * (this->domain_bounds[2 * i] - vel_mem) / (this->velocity[i] - this->domain_bounds[2 * i]);
vel_mem = -0.25 * w * vel_mem;
this->velocity[i] = vel_mem;
this->coordinate[i] += vel_mem;
output += vel_mem * vel_mem;
vel_mem = this->f(this->coordinate);
if(vel_mem < this->optimal_value){
this->optimal_value = vel_mem;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < this->coordinate_dim; ++i){
this->optimal_coordinate[i] = this->coordinate[i];
// this->print_coordinate();
return output;
void Particle::print_coordinate() {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < this->coordinate_dim - 1; ++i){
printf("%10.8f, ", this->coordinate[i]);
printf("%10.8f\n", this->coordinate[this->coordinate_dim - 1]);
ParticleSwarm::ParticleSwarm(double (*F)(double*), unsigned int f_dim, double *domain_bounds, double c1, double c2, double w,
unsigned int n_particles, unsigned int iter_max) {
this->func = F;
this->func_dim = f_dim;
this->c1 = c1;
this->c2 = c2;
this->w = w;
this->n_particles = n_particles;
this->iter_max = iter_max;
this->particle_swarm = new Particle*[this->n_particles];
for( unsigned int pi = 0; pi < this->n_particles; ++pi ){
this->particle_swarm[pi] = new Particle( f_dim, domain_bounds, F);
this->domain_bounds = domain_bounds;
ParticleSwarm::~ParticleSwarm() {
if( this->particle_swarm ){
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < this->n_particles; ++i ){
delete this->particle_swarm[i];
delete [] this->particle_swarm;
void ParticleSwarm::optimize( double epsilon ) {
epsilon *= epsilon;
unsigned int outer_it = 0;
double optimum_step = epsilon * 10;
Particle *particle;
double *p_min_glob = new double[this->func_dim];
double optimal_value;
this->determine_optimal_coordinate_and_value(p_min_glob, optimal_value);
double optimum_prev;
double max_velocity, mem;
printf("%10d: max. velocity^2: %10.8f, optimum: %10.5f\n", outer_it, max_velocity, optimal_value);
while( outer_it < this->iter_max && optimum_step > epsilon ){
optimum_prev = optimal_value;
max_velocity = 0.0;
for(unsigned int pi = 0; pi < this->n_particles; ++pi){
particle = this->particle_swarm[pi];
mem = particle->change_coordinate( this->w, this->c1, this->c2, p_min_glob );
if(mem > max_velocity){
max_velocity = mem;
this->determine_optimal_coordinate_and_value(p_min_glob, optimal_value);
// optimum_step = std::abs( optimal_value - optimum_prev );
optimum_step = max_velocity;
printf("%10d: max. velocity^2: %10.8f, optimum: %10.5f\n", outer_it, max_velocity, optimal_value);
// this->w *= 0.999;
// printf("\n");
printf("Found optimum in %6d iterations: %10.8f at coordinate: ", outer_it, optimal_value);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < this->func_dim - 1; ++i){
printf("%10.8f, ", p_min_glob[i]);
printf("%10.8f\n", p_min_glob[this->func_dim - 1]);
delete [] p_min_glob;
void ParticleSwarm::determine_optimal_coordinate_and_value(double *coord, double &val) {
val = this->particle_swarm[0]->get_optimal_value( );
for(unsigned int i = 1; i < this->n_particles; ++i){
double val_m = this->particle_swarm[i]->get_optimal_value( );
if(val_m < val){
val = val_m;
\ No newline at end of file
* @author Michal Kravčenko
* @date 2.7.18 -
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "../Network/NeuralNetwork.h"
class Particle{
unsigned int coordinate_dim;
double *coordinate = nullptr;
double *velocity;
double *optimal_coordinate = nullptr;
double optimal_value;
double r1;
double r2;
double (*f)(double*);
double *domain_bounds;
void print_coordinate();
* @param f_dim
Particle(unsigned int f_dim, double *domain_bounds, double (*F)(double*));
~Particle( );
* @return
double get_optimal_value();
* @param ref_coordinate
void get_optimal_coordinate(double *ref_coordinate);
* @param w
* @param c1
* @param c2
* @param glob_min_coord
* @return
double change_coordinate(double w, double c1, double c2, double* glob_min_coord);
class ParticleSwarm {
Particle** particle_swarm = nullptr;
double (*func)(double*);
unsigned int func_dim;
unsigned int n_particles;
unsigned int iter_max;
double c1;
double c2;
double w;
double global_optimal_value;
double *domain_bounds;
* @param coord
* @param val
void determine_optimal_coordinate_and_value(double *coord, double &val);
* @param F
* @param f_dim
* @param domain_bounds
* @param c1
* @param c2
* @param w
* @param n_particles
* @param iter_max
ParticleSwarm( double (*F)(double*), unsigned int f_dim, double* domain_bounds, double c1, double c2, double w, unsigned int n_particles, unsigned int iter_max = 1 );
~ParticleSwarm( );
* @param epsilon
void optimize( double epsilon );
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ NeuralNetwork::NeuralNetwork() {
this->neurons = new std::vector<Neuron*>(0);
this->connection_weights = new std::vector<double>(0);
//TODO tady pozor, pri nedostatecne alokaci se pri pridani hrany nad limit reserve prealokuje cele pole a tim padem padaji reference na vahy v ConnectionWeight
......@@ -170,6 +169,7 @@ void NeuralNetwork::eval_single(std::vector<double> &input, std::vector<double>
printf("INPUT NEURON %2d, POTENTIAL: %f\n", i, input[i]);
......@@ -206,6 +206,17 @@ void NeuralNetwork::eval_single(std::vector<double> &input, std::vector<double>
for(Neuron* neuron: *this->output_neurons){
output[i] = neuron->get_state();
printf("OUTPUT NEURON %2d, VALUE: %f\n", i, output[i]);
void NeuralNetwork::copy_weights(double *weights) {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < this->connection_weights->size(); ++i){
(*this->connection_weights)[i] = weights[i];
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -120,6 +120,11 @@ public:
void add_connection_general(int n1_idx, int n2_idx, std::function<double(double *, int*, int)> *f, int* weight_indices, double* weight_values, int n_weights);
* @param weights
void copy_weights(double *weights);
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "../constants.h"
class NeuronLogistic:public Neuron {
* Constructs the object of the Logistic neuron with activation function
* f(x) = (1 + e^(-x + b))^(-a)
......@@ -11,16 +11,20 @@
#include "Neuron/NeuronLinear.h"
#include "Neuron/NeuronLogistic.h"
#include "NetConnection/Connection.h"
#include "NetConnection/ConnectionWeightIdentity.h"
#include "LearningMethods/ParticleSwarm.h"
//TODO prepsat tak, aby neuronova sit managovala destruktory vsech potrebnych objektu (kvuli serializaci)
* Test of simple neural network
* Network should evaluate the function f(x) = x + 1
void test1(){
void test1( ){
std::vector<double> in(1);
std::vector<double> out(1);
......@@ -57,11 +61,148 @@ void test1(){
delete u2;
double particle_swarm_test_function(double *x){
// return x[0] * x[1] - x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[2];
return x[0] * x[0];
NeuralNetwork net;
std::vector<std::vector<double>*> *train_data_input;
std::vector<std::vector<double>*> *train_data_output;
double test_particle_swarm_neural_net_error_function(double *weights){
unsigned int dim_out = train_data_output->at(0)->size();
unsigned int dim_in = train_data_input->at(0)->size();
double error = 0.0, val;
std::vector<double> output( dim_out );
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < train_data_input->size(); ++i){
net.eval_single(*train_data_input->at(i), output);
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < dim_out; ++j){
val = output[j] - train_data_output->at(i)->at(j);
error += val * val;
printf("INPUT: ");
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < dim_in; ++i){
printf("%f ", weights[i]);
printf(", ERROR: %f\n", 0.5 * error);
return 0.5 * error;
//TODO proper memory management
void test_particle_swarm_neural_net(){
unsigned int dim_in = 2;
unsigned int dim_out = 1;
train_data_input = new std::vector<std::vector<double>*>();
train_data_output = new std::vector<std::vector<double>*>();
std::vector<double> *input_01 = new std::vector<double>(dim_in);
std::vector<double> *input_02 = new std::vector<double>(dim_in);
std::vector<double> *output_01 = new std::vector<double>(dim_out);
std::vector<double> *output_02 = new std::vector<double>(dim_out);
(*input_01)[0] = 0.0;
(*input_01)[1] = 1.0;
(*output_01)[0] = 0.5;
(*input_02)[0] = 1.0;
(*input_02)[1] = 0.5;
(*output_02)[0] = 0.75;
NeuronLinear* i1 = new NeuronLinear(0.0, 1.0); //f(x) = x
NeuronLinear* i2 = new NeuronLinear(0.0, 1.0); //f(x) = x
// NeuronLogistic* o1 = new NeuronLogistic(1.0, 0.0); //f(x) = (1 + e^(-x + 0.0))^(1.0)
NeuronLinear* o1 = new NeuronLinear(1.0, 2.0); //f(x) = 2x + 1
int idx1 = net.add_neuron(i1);
int idx2 = net.add_neuron(i2);
int idx3 = net.add_neuron(o1);
net.add_connection_simple(idx1, idx3, -1, 1.0);
net.add_connection_simple(idx2, idx3, -1, 1.0);
double (*F)(double*) = &test_particle_swarm_neural_net_error_function;
unsigned int n_edges = 2;
unsigned int dim = n_edges, max_iters = 2;
double domain_bounds [4] = {-800.0, 800.0, -800.0, 800.0};
double c1 = 0.5, c2 = 1.5, w = 1.0;
unsigned int n_particles = 2;
double accuracy = 1e-6;
ParticleSwarm swarm_01(F, dim, domain_bounds, c1, c2, w, n_particles, max_iters);
for( std::vector<double> *input: *train_data_input){
delete input;
for( std::vector<double> *output: *train_data_output){
delete output;
delete train_data_output;
delete train_data_input;
void test_particle_swarm(){
double (*F)(double*) = &particle_swarm_test_function;
unsigned int dim = 3, max_iters = 100;
// double domain_bounds [2] = {2.0, 3.0};
double domain_bounds [6] = {-3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 5.0, 1.0, 15.0};
double c1 = 0.5, c2 = 1.5, w = 1.0;
unsigned int n_particles = 1000;
double accuracy = 1e-6;
ParticleSwarm swarm_01(F, dim, domain_bounds, c1, c2, w, n_particles, max_iters);
int main(int argc, char** argv){
// test1();
// test_particle_swarm();
printf("hello biatch\n");
return 0;
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