# Licensing and Available Versions
## Comsol Licence Can Be Used By:
* all persons in the carrying out of the CE IT4Innovations Project (In addition to the primary licensee, which is VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, users are CE IT4Innovations third parties - CE IT4Innovations project partners, particularly the University of Ostrava, the Brno University of Technology - Faculty of Informatics, the Silesian University in Opava, Institute of Geonics AS CR.)
* all persons who have a valid license
* students of the Technical University
## Comsol EDU Network Licence
The licence intended to be used for science and research, publications, students’ projects, teaching (academic licence).
## Comsol COM Network Licence
The licence intended to be used for science and research, publications, students’ projects, commercial research with no commercial use restrictions. Enables the solution of at least one job by one user in one program start.
## Available Versions
* ver. 51