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ansys structure changed

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6 merge requests!368Update to document the change from qprace to qprod as the default...,!367Update to document the change from qprace to qprod as the default...,!366Update to document the change from qprace to qprod as the default...,!323extended-acls-storage-section,!196Master,!161Gajdusek cleaning
[ANSYS CFX]( software is a high-performance, general purpose fluid dynamics program that has been applied to solve wide-ranging fluid flow problems for over 20 years. At the heart of ANSYS CFX is its advanced solver technology, the key to achieving reliable and accurate solutions quickly and robustly. The modern, highly parallelized solver is the foundation for an abundant choice of physical models to capture virtually any type of phenomena related to fluid flow. The solver and its many physical models are wrapped in a modern, intuitive, and flexible GUI and user environment, with extensive capabilities for customization and automation using session files, scripting and a powerful expression language.
To run ANSYS CFX in batch mode you can utilize/modify the default cfx.pbs script and execute it via the qsub command.
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=16
#PBS -q qprod
#PBS -N $USER-CFX-Project
#! Mail to user when job terminate or abort
#PBS -m ae
#!change the working directory (default is home directory)
#cd <working directory> (working directory must exists)
echo Running on host `hostname`
echo Time is `date`
echo Directory is `pwd`
echo This jobs runs on the following processors:
echo `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
module load ansys
#### Set number of processors per host listing
#### (set to 1 as $PBS_NODEFILE lists each node twice if :ppn=2)
#### Create host list
for host in `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
if ["$hl" = "" ]
then hl="$host:$procs_per_host"
else hl="${hl}:$host:$procs_per_host"
echo Machines: $hl
#-dev input.def includes the input of CFX analysis in DEF format
#-P the name of prefered license feature (aa_r=ANSYS Academic Research, ane3fl=Multiphysics(commercial))
/ansys_inc/v145/CFX/bin/cfx5solve -def input.def -size 4 -size-ni 4x -part-large -start-method "Platform MPI Distributed Parallel" -par-dist $hl -P aa_r
Header of the PBS file (above) is common and description can be find on [this site](../../anselm/job-submission-and-execution/). SVS FEM recommends to utilize sources by keywords: nodes, ppn. These keywords allows to address directly the number of nodes (computers) and cores (ppn) which will be utilized in the job. Also the rest of code assumes such structure of allocated resources.
Working directory has to be created before sending PBS job into the queue. Input file should be in working directory or full path to input file has to be specified. >Input file has to be defined by common CFX def file which is attached to the cfx solver via parameter -def
**License** should be selected by parameter -P (Big letter **P**). Licensed products are the following: aa_r (ANSYS **Academic** Research), ane3fl (ANSYS Multiphysics)-**Commercial**.
[More about licensing here](licensing/)
# ANSYS Fluent
[ANSYS Fluent](
software contains the broad physical modeling capabilities needed to model flow, turbulence, heat transfer, and reactions for industrial applications ranging from air flow over an aircraft wing to combustion in a furnace, from bubble columns to oil platforms, from blood flow to semiconductor manufacturing, and from clean room design to wastewater treatment plants. Special models that give the software the ability to model in-cylinder combustion, aeroacoustics, turbomachinery, and multiphase systems have served to broaden its reach.
## Common Way to Run Fluent Over PBS File
To run ANSYS Fluent in batch mode you can utilize/modify the default fluent.pbs script and execute it via the qsub command.
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=16
#PBS -q qprod
#PBS -N $USER-Fluent-Project
#! Mail to user when job terminate or abort
#PBS -m ae
#!change the working directory (default is home directory)
#cd <working directory> (working directory must exists)
echo Running on host `hostname`
echo Time is `date`
echo Directory is `pwd`
echo This jobs runs on the following processors:
echo `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
#### Load ansys module so that we find the cfx5solve command
module load ansys
# Use following line to specify MPI for message-passing instead
NCORES=`wc -l $PBS_NODEFILE |awk '{print $1}'`
/ansys_inc/v145/fluent/bin/fluent 3d -t$NCORES -cnf=$PBS_NODEFILE -g -i fluent.jou
Header of the pbs file (above) is common and description can be find on [this site](../../anselm/resources-allocation-policy/). [SVS FEM]( recommends to utilize sources by keywords: nodes, ppn. These keywords allows to address directly the number of nodes (computers) and cores (ppn) which will be utilized in the job. Also the rest of code assumes such structure of allocated resources.
Working directory has to be created before sending pbs job into the queue. Input file should be in working directory or full path to input file has to be specified. Input file has to be defined by common Fluent journal file which is attached to the Fluent solver via parameter -i fluent.jou
Journal file with definition of the input geometry and boundary conditions and defined process of solution has e.g. the following structure:
/file/read-case aircraft_2m.cas.gz
/file/write-case-dat aircraft_2m-solution
/exit yes
The appropriate dimension of the problem has to be set by parameter (2d/3d).
## Fast Way to Run Fluent From Command Line
fluent solver_version [FLUENT_options] -i journal_file -pbs
This syntax will start the ANSYS FLUENT job under PBS Professional using the qsub command in a batch manner. When resources are available, PBS Professional will start the job and return a job ID, usually in the form of _job_ID.hostname_. This job ID can then be used to query, control, or stop the job using standard PBS Professional commands, such as qstat or qdel. The job will be run out of the current working directory, and all output will be written to the file fluent.o _job_ID_.
## Running Fluent via User's Config File
The sample script uses a configuration file called pbs_fluent.conf if no command line arguments are present. This configuration file should be present in the directory from which the jobs are submitted (which is also the directory in which the jobs are executed). The following is an example of what the content of pbs_fluent.conf can be:
fluent_args="3d -pmyrinet"
The following is an explanation of the parameters:
input is the name of the input file.
case is the name of the .cas file that the input file will utilize.
fluent_args are extra ANSYS FLUENT arguments. As shown in the previous example, you can specify the interconnect by using the -p interconnect command. The available interconnects include ethernet (the default), myrinet, infiniband, vendor, altix, and crayx. The MPI is selected automatically, based on the specified interconnect.
outfile is the name of the file to which the standard output will be sent.
mpp="true" will tell the job script to execute the job across multiple processors.
To run ANSYS Fluent in batch mode with user's config file you can utilize/modify the following script and execute it via the qsub command.
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=4
#PBS -1 qprod
#PBS -N $USE-Fluent-Project
#We assume that if they didn’t specify arguments then they should use the
#config file if ["xx${input}${case}${mpp}${fluent_args}zz" = "xxzz" ]; then
if [ -f pbs_fluent.conf ]; then
. pbs_fluent.conf
printf "No command line arguments specified, "
printf "and no configuration file found. Exiting n"
#Augment the ANSYS FLUENT command line arguments case "$mpp" in
#MPI job execution scenario
num_nodes=‘cat $PBS_NODEFILE | sort -u | wc -l
cpus=‘expr $num_nodes * $NCPUS
#Default arguments for mpp jobs, these should be changed to suit your
fluent_args="-t${cpus} $fluent_args -cnf=$PBS_NODEFILE"
#SMP case
#Default arguments for smp jobs, should be adjusted to suit your
fluent_args="-t$NCPUS $fluent_args"
#Default arguments for all jobs
fluent_args="-ssh -g -i $input $fluent_args"
echo "---------- Going to start a fluent job with the following settings:
Input: $input
Case: $case
Output: $outfile
Fluent arguments: $fluent_args"
#run the solver
/ansys_inc/v145/fluent/bin/fluent $fluent_args > $outfile
It runs the jobs out of the directory from which they are submitted (PBS_O_WORKDIR).
## Running Fluent in Parralel
Fluent could be run in parallel only under Academic Research license. To do so this ANSYS Academic Research license must be placed before ANSYS CFD license in user preferences. To make this change anslic_admin utility should be run
ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility will be run
ANSYS Academic Research license should be moved up to the top of the list.
**[ANSYSLS-DYNA](** software provides convenient and easy-to-use access to the technology-rich, time-tested explicit solver without the need to contend with the complex input requirements of this sophisticated program. Introduced in 1996, ANSYS LS-DYNA capabilities have helped customers in numerous industries to resolve highly intricate design issues. ANSYS Mechanical users have been able take advantage of complex explicit solutions for a long time utilizing the traditional ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL) environment. These explicit capabilities are available to ANSYS Workbench users as well. The Workbench platform is a powerful, comprehensive, easy-to-use environment for engineering simulation. CAD import from all sources, geometry cleanup, automatic meshing, solution, parametric optimization, result visualization and comprehensive report generation are all available within a single fully interactive modern graphical user environment.
To run ANSYS LS-DYNA in batch mode you can utilize/modify the default ansysdyna.pbs script and execute it via the qsub command.
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=16
#PBS -q qprod
#PBS -N $USER-DYNA-Project
#! Mail to user when job terminate or abort
#PBS -m ae
#!change the working directory (default is home directory)
#cd <working directory>
echo Running on host `hostname`
echo Time is `date`
echo Directory is `pwd`
echo This jobs runs on the following processors:
echo `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
#! Counts the number of processors
echo This job has allocated $NPROCS nodes
module load ansys
#### Set number of processors per host listing
#### (set to 1 as $PBS_NODEFILE lists each node twice if :ppn=2)
#### Create host list
for host in `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
if ["$hl" = "" ]
then hl="$host:$procs_per_host"
else hl="${hl}:$host:$procs_per_host"
echo Machines: $hl
/ansys_inc/v145/ansys/bin/ansys145 -dis -lsdynampp i=input.k -machines $hl
Header of the PBS file (above) is common and description can be find on [this site](../../anselm/job-submission-and-execution/). [SVS FEM]( recommends to utilize sources by keywords: nodes, ppn. These keywords allows to address directly the number of nodes (computers) and cores (ppn) which will be utilized in the job. Also the rest of code assumes such structure of allocated resources.
Working directory has to be created before sending PBS job into the queue. Input file should be in working directory or full path to input file has to be specified. Input file has to be defined by common LS-DYNA .**k** file which is attached to the ANSYS solver via parameter i=
**[ANSYS Multiphysics](**
software offers a comprehensive product solution for both multiphysics and single-physics analysis. The product includes structural, thermal, fluid and both high- and low-frequency electromagnetic analysis. The product also contains solutions for both direct and sequentially coupled physics problems including direct coupled-field elements and the ANSYS multi-field solver.
To run ANSYS MAPDL in batch mode you can utilize/modify the default mapdl.pbs script and execute it via the qsub command.
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=16
#PBS -q qprod
#! Mail to user when job terminate or abort
#PBS -m ae
#!change the working directory (default is home directory)
#cd <working directory> (working directory must exists)
echo Running on host `hostname`
echo Time is `date`
echo Directory is `pwd`
echo This jobs runs on the following processors:
echo `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
module load ansys
#### Set number of processors per host listing
#### (set to 1 as $PBS_NODEFILE lists each node twice if :ppn=2)
#### Create host list
for host in `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
if ["$hl" = "" ]
then hl="$host:$procs_per_host"
else hl="${hl}:$host:$procs_per_host"
echo Machines: $hl
#-i input.dat includes the input of analysis in APDL format
#-o file.out is output file from ansys where all text outputs will be redirected
#-p the name of license feature (aa_r=ANSYS Academic Research, ane3fl=Multiphysics(commercial), aa_r_dy=Academic AUTODYN)
/ansys_inc/v145/ansys/bin/ansys145 -b -dis -p aa_r -i input.dat -o file.out -machines $hl -dir $WORK_DIR
Header of the PBS file (above) is common and description can be found on [this site](../../anselm/resources-allocation-policy/). [SVS FEM]( recommends to utilize sources by keywords: nodes, ppn. These keywords allow to address directly the number of nodes (computers) and cores (ppn) which will be utilized in the job. Also the rest of code assumes such structure of allocated resources.
Working directory has to be created before sending PBS job into the queue. Input file should be in working directory or full path to input file has to be specified. Input file has to be defined by common APDL file which is attached to the ANSYS solver via parameter -i
**License** should be selected by parameter -p. Licensed products are the following: aa_r (ANSYS **Academic** Research), ane3fl (ANSYS Multiphysics)-**Commercial**, aa_r_dy (ANSYS **Academic** AUTODYN)
[More about licensing here](licensing/)
# Overview of ANSYS Products
**[SVS FEM](** as **[ANSYS Channel partner](** for Czech Republic provided all ANSYS licenses for ANSELM cluster and supports of all ANSYS Products (Multiphysics, Mechanical, MAPDL, CFX, Fluent, Maxwell, LS-DYNA...) to IT staff and ANSYS users. If you are challenging to problem of ANSYS functionality contact please [](
Anselm provides commercial as well as academic variants. Academic variants are distinguished by "**Academic...**" word in the name of license or by two letter preposition "**aa\_**" in the license feature name. Change of license is realized on command line respectively directly in user's PBS file (see individual products). [More about licensing here](licensing/)
To load the latest version of any ANSYS product (Mechanical, Fluent, CFX, MAPDL,...) load the module:
$ ml ansys
ANSYS supports interactive regime, but due to assumed solution of extremely difficult tasks it is not recommended.
If user needs to work in interactive regime we recommend to configure the RSM service on the client machine which allows to forward the solution to the Anselm directly from the client's Workbench project (see ANSYS RSM service).
# Licensing and Available Versions
## ANSYS Licence Can Be Used By:
* all persons in the carrying out of the CE IT4Innovations Project (In addition to the primary licensee, which is VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, users are CE IT4Innovations third parties - CE IT4Innovations project partners, particularly the University of Ostrava, the Brno University of Technology - Faculty of Informatics, the Silesian University in Opava, Institute of Geonics AS CR.)
* all persons who have a valid license
* students of the Technical University
## ANSYS Academic Research
The licence intended to be used for science and research, publications, students’ projects (academic licence).
The licence intended to be used for science and research, publications, students’ projects, commercial research with no commercial use restrictions.
## Available Versions
* 16.1
* 17.0
* 18.0
## License Preferences
Please [see this page to set license preferences](setting-license-preferences/).
[LS-DYNA]( is a multi-purpose, explicit and implicit finite element program used to analyze the nonlinear dynamic response of structures. Its fully automated contact analysis capability, a wide range of constitutive models to simulate a whole range of engineering materials (steels, composites, foams, concrete, etc.), error-checking features and the high scalability have enabled users worldwide to solve successfully many complex problems. Additionally LS-DYNA is extensively used to simulate impacts on structures from drop tests, underwater shock, explosions or high-velocity impacts. Explosive forming, process engineering, accident reconstruction, vehicle dynamics, thermal brake disc analysis or nuclear safety are further areas in the broad range of possible applications. In leading-edge research LS-DYNA is used to investigate the behavior of materials like composites, ceramics, concrete, or wood. Moreover, it is used in biomechanics, human modeling, molecular structures, casting, forging, or virtual testing.
Anselm provides **1 commercial license of LS-DYNA without HPC** support now.
To run LS-DYNA in batch mode you can utilize/modify the default lsdyna.pbs script and execute it via the qsub command.
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=16
#PBS -q qprod
#! Mail to user when job terminate or abort
#PBS -m ae
#!change the working directory (default is home directory)
#cd <working directory> (working directory must exists)
echo Running on host `hostname`
echo Time is `date`
echo Directory is `pwd`
module load lsdyna
/apps/engineering/lsdyna/lsdyna700s i=input.k
Header of the PBS file (above) is common and description can be find on [this site](../../anselm/job-submission-and-execution/). [SVS FEM]( recommends to utilize sources by keywords: nodes, ppn. These keywords allows to address directly the number of nodes (computers) and cores (ppn) which will be utilized in the job. Also the rest of code assumes such structure of allocated resources.
Working directory has to be created before sending PBS job into the queue. Input file should be in working directory or full path to input file has to be specified. Input file has to be defined by common LS-DYNA **.k** file which is attached to the LS-DYNA solver via parameter i=
# Setting license preferences
Some ANSYS tools allow you to explicitly specify usage of academic or commercial licenses in the command line (eg. ansys161 -p aa_r to select Academic Research license). However, we have observed that not all tools obey this option and choose commercial license.
Thus you need to configure preferred license order with ANSLIC_ADMIN. Please follow these steps and move Academic Research license to the top or bottom of the list accordingly.
Launch the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility in a graphical environment:
ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility will be run
ANSYS Academic Research license should be moved up to the top or down to the bottom of the list.
# Workbench
## Workbench Batch Mode
It is possible to run Workbench scripts in batch mode. You need to configure solvers of individual components to run in parallel mode. Open your project in Workbench. Then, for example, in Mechanical, go to Tools - Solve Process Settings ...
Enable Distribute Solution checkbox and enter number of cores (eg. 48 to run on two Salomon nodes). If you want the job to run on more then 1 node, you must also provide a so called MPI appfile. In the Additional Command Line Arguments input field, enter:
-mpifile /path/to/my/job/mpifile.txt
Where /path/to/my/job is the directory where your project is saved. We will create the file mpifile.txt programatically later in the batch script. For more information, refer to \*ANSYS Mechanical APDL Parallel Processing\* \*Guide\*.
Now, save the project and close Workbench. We will use this script to launch the job:
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=24
#PBS -q qprod
#PBS -N test9_mpi_2
#PBS -A OPEN-0-0
# Mail to user when job terminate or abort
#PBS -m a
# change the working directory
echo Running on host `hostname`
echo Time is `date`
echo Directory is `pwd`
echo This jobs runs on the following nodes:
echo `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
module load ANSYS
#### Set number of processors per host listing
#### Create MPI appfile
echo -n "" > mpifile.txt
for host in `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`
echo "-h $host -np $procs_per_host $ANSYS160_DIR/bin/ansysdis161 -dis" > mpifile.txt
#-i input.dat includes the input of analysis in APDL format
#-o file.out is output file from ansys where all text outputs will be redirected
#-p the name of license feature (aa_r=ANSYS Academic Research, ane3fl=Multiphysics(commercial), aa_r_dy=Academic AUTODYN)
# prevent using scsif0 interface on accelerated nodes
# spawn remote process using SSH (default is RSH)
export MPI_REMSH="/usr/bin/ssh"
runwb2 -R jou6.wbjn -B -F test9.wbpj
The solver settings are saved in file solvehandlers.xml, which is not located in the project directory. Verify your solved settings when uploading a project from your local computer.
......@@ -58,6 +58,16 @@ pages:
- Remote Visualization: anselm/
- PRACE User Support: anselm/
- 'Software':
- 'ANSYS':
- Introduction: software/ansys/
- ANSYS CFX: software/ansys/
- ANSYS Fluent: software/ansys/
- ANSYS LS-DYNA: software/ansys/
- ANSYS MAPDL: software/ansys/
- LS-DYNA: software/ansys/
- Workbench: software/ansys/
- Setting License Preferences: software/ansys/
- Licensing and Available Versions: software/ansys/
- Bioinformatics: software/
- COMSOL: software/comsol/
......@@ -89,15 +99,6 @@ pages:
- 'Machine learning':
- Introduction: salomon/software/machine-learning/
- TensorFlow: salomon/software/machine-learning/
- 'ANSYS':
- Introduction: salomon/software/ansys/
- ANSYS CFX: salomon/software/ansys/
- ANSYS Fluent: salomon/software/ansys/
- ANSYS LS-DYNA: salomon/software/ansys/
- ANSYS MAPDL: salomon/software/ansys/
- Workbench: salomon/software/ansys/
- Setting License Preferences: salomon/software/ansys/
- Licensing and Available Versions: salomon/software/ansys/
- Compilers: salomon/software/
- 'Debuggers':
- Introduction: salomon/software/debuggers/
......@@ -129,13 +130,6 @@ pages:
- 'Machine learning':
- Introduction: anselm/software/machine-learning/
- TensorFlow: anselm/software/machine-learning/
- 'ANSYS':
- Introduction: anselm/software/ansys/
- ANSYS CFX: anselm/software/ansys/
- ANSYS Fluent: anselm/software/ansys/
- ANSYS LS-DYNA: anselm/software/ansys/
- ANSYS MAPDL: anselm/software/ansys/
- LS-DYNA: anselm/software/ansys/
- 'Debuggers':
- Allinea Forge (DDT,MAP): anselm/software/debuggers/
- Allinea Performance Reports: anselm/software/debuggers/
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
for file in $@; do
check=$(cat $file | grep -Po "\[.*?\]\([^ ]*?\)" | grep -v "#" | grep -vE "http|www|ftp|none" | sed 's/\[.*\]//g' | sed 's/[()]//g' | sed 's/\/$/.md/g')
check=$(cat $file | grep -Po "\[.*?\]\([^ ]*?\)" | grep -v "#" | grep -vE "http|@|www|ftp|none" | sed 's/\[.*\]//g' | sed 's/[()]//g' | sed 's/\/$/.md/g')
if [ ! -z "$check" ]; then
# echo "\n+++++ $file +++++\n"
......@@ -10,3 +10,17 @@ docs.it4i/salomon/software/numerical-languages/
0% Loading or .
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