| [LAMMPS](https://www.lammps.org) | LAMMPS is a classical molecular dynamics code, and an acronym for Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator. LAMMPS has potentials for solid-state materials (metals, semiconductors) and soft matter (biomolecules, polymers) and coarse-grained or mesoscopic systems. It can be used to model atoms or, more generically, as a parallel particle simulator at the atomic, meso, or continuum scale. LAMMPS runs on single processors or in parallel using message-passing techniques and a spatial-decomposition of the simulation domain. The code is designed to be easy to modify or extend with new functionality. |
| [LAMMPS](https://www.lammps.org) | LAMMPS is a classical molecular dynamics code, and an acronym for Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator. LAMMPS has potentials for solid-state materials (metals, semiconductors) and soft matter (biomolecules, polymers) and coarse-grained or mesoscopic systems. It can be used to model atoms or, more generically, as a parallel particle simulator at the atomic, meso, or continuum scale. LAMMPS runs on single processors or in parallel using message-passing techniques and a spatial-decomposition of the simulation domain. The code is designed to be easy to modify or extend with new functionality. |
| [libcint](https://github.com/sunqm/libcint) | libcint is an open source library for analytical Gaussian integrals. |
| [libcint](https://github.com/sunqm/libcint) | libcint is an open source library for analytical Gaussian integrals. |
| [Libint](https://github.com/evaleev/libint) | Libint library is used to evaluate the traditional (electron repulsion) and certain novel two-body matrix elements (integrals) over Cartesian Gaussian functions used in modern atomic and molecular theory. |
| [Libint](https://github.com/evaleev/libint) | Libint library is used to evaluate the traditional (electron repulsion) and certain novel two-body matrix elements (integrals) over Cartesian Gaussian functions used in modern atomic and molecular theory. |
| [libvdwxc](https://libvdwxc.org) | libvdwxc is a general library for evaluating energy and potential for exchange-correlation (XC) functionals from the vdW-DF family that can be used with various of density functional theory (DFT) codes. |
| [libxc](https://libxc.gitlab.io) | Libxc is a library of exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory. The aim is to provide a portable, well tested and reliable set of exchange and correlation functionals. |
| [libxc](https://libxc.gitlab.io) | Libxc is a library of exchange-correlation functionals for density-functional theory. The aim is to provide a portable, well tested and reliable set of exchange and correlation functionals. |
| [MDI](https://github.com/MolSSI-MDI/MDI_Library) | The MolSSI Driver Interface (MDI) project provides a standardized API for fast, on-the-fly communication between computational chemistry codes. This greatly simplifies the process of implementing methods that require the cooperation of multiple software packages and enables developers to write a single implementation that works across many different codes. The API is sufficiently general to support a wide variety of techniques, including QM/MM, ab initio MD, machine learning, advanced sampling, and path integral MD, while also being straightforwardly extensible. Communication between codes is handled by the MDI Library, which enables tight coupling between codes using either the MPI or TCP/IP methods. |
| [MDI](https://github.com/MolSSI-MDI/MDI_Library) | The MolSSI Driver Interface (MDI) project provides a standardized API for fast, on-the-fly communication between computational chemistry codes. This greatly simplifies the process of implementing methods that require the cooperation of multiple software packages and enables developers to write a single implementation that works across many different codes. The API is sufficiently general to support a wide variety of techniques, including QM/MM, ab initio MD, machine learning, advanced sampling, and path integral MD, while also being straightforwardly extensible. Communication between codes is handled by the MDI Library, which enables tight coupling between codes using either the MPI or TCP/IP methods. |
| [Molden](https://www.theochem.ru.nl/molden/) | Molden is a package for displaying Molecular Density from the Ab Initio packages GAMESS-UK, GAMESS-US and GAUSSIAN and the Semi-Empirical packages Mopac/Ampac |
| [Molden](https://www.theochem.ru.nl/molden/) | Molden is a package for displaying Molecular Density from the Ab Initio packages GAMESS-UK, GAMESS-US and GAUSSIAN and the Semi-Empirical packages Mopac/Ampac |