| [tbb](https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB) | Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks (Intel(R) TBB) lets you easily write parallel C++ programs that take full advantage of multicore performance, that are portable, composable and have future-proof scalability. |
| [tbb](https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB) | Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks (Intel(R) TBB) lets you easily write parallel C++ programs that take full advantage of multicore performance, that are portable, composable and have future-proof scalability. |
| [tblite](http://www.example.com) | This project is an effort to create a library implementation of the extended tight binding (xTB) Hamiltonian which can be shared between xtb and dftb+. The current state of this project should be considered as highly experimental. |
| [tblite](http://www.example.com) | This project is an effort to create a library implementation of the extended tight binding (xTB) Hamiltonian which can be shared between xtb and dftb+. The current state of this project should be considered as highly experimental. |
| [UCC](https://www.openucx.org/) | UCC (Unified Collective Communication) is a collective communication operations API and library that is flexible, complete, and feature-rich for current and emerging programming models and runtimes. |
| [UCC](https://www.openucx.org/) | UCC (Unified Collective Communication) is a collective communication operations API and library that is flexible, complete, and feature-rich for current and emerging programming models and runtimes. |
| [UCC-CUDA](https://www.openucx.org/) | UCC (Unified Collective Communication) is a collective communication operations API and library that is flexible, complete, and feature-rich for current and emerging programming models and runtimes. This module adds the UCC CUDA support. |
| [UCX](https://www.openucx.org/) | Unified Communication X An open-source production grade communication framework for data centric and high-performance applications |
| [UCX](https://www.openucx.org/) | Unified Communication X An open-source production grade communication framework for data centric and high-performance applications |
| [UCX-CUDA](http://www.openucx.org/) | Unified Communication X An open-source production grade communication framework for data centric and high-performance applications This module adds the UCX CUDA support. |
| [UCX-CUDA](http://www.openucx.org/) | Unified Communication X An open-source production grade communication framework for data centric and high-performance applications This module adds the UCX CUDA support. |
| [zlib](http://www.zlib.net/) | zlib is designed to be a free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered -- that is, not covered by any patents -- lossless data-compression library for use on virtually any computer hardware and operating system. |
| [zlib](http://www.zlib.net/) | zlib is designed to be a free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered -- that is, not covered by any patents -- lossless data-compression library for use on virtually any computer hardware and operating system. |