The Salomon cluster consists of 1008 computational nodes of which 576 are regular compute nodes and 432 accelerated nodes. Each node is a powerful x86-64 computer, equipped with 24 cores (two twelve-core Intel Xeon processors) and 128 GB RAM. The nodes are interlinked by high speed InfiniBand and Ethernet networks. All nodes share 0.5 PB /home NFS disk storage to store the user files. Users may use a DDN Lustre shared storage with capacity of 1.69 PB which is available for the scratch project data. The user access to the Salomon cluster is provided by four login nodes.
[More about schematic representation of the Salomon cluster compute nodes IB topology](ib-single-plane-topology/).
The parameters are summarized in the following tables:
| **In general** | |
| ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| Primary purpose | High Performance Computing |
| Architecture of compute nodes | x86-64 |
| Operating system | CentOS 6.x Linux |
| [**Compute nodes**](compute-nodes/) | |
| Totally | 1008 |
| Processor | 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2680v3, 2.5 GHz, 12 cores |
| RAM | 128GB, 5.3 GB per core, DDR4@2133 MHz |
| Local disk drive | no |
| Compute network / Topology | InfiniBand FDR56 / 7D Enhanced hypercube |
| w/o accelerator | 576 |
| MIC accelerated | 432 |
| **In total** | |
| Total theoretical peak performance (Rpeak) | 2011 TFLOP/s |
| Total amount of RAM | 129.024 TB |
| Node | Count | Processor | Cores | Memory | Accelerator |
| --------------- | ----- | --------------------------------- | ----- | ------ | --------------------------------------------- |
| w/o accelerator | 576 | 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2680v3, 2.5 GHz | 24 | 128 GB | - |
| MIC accelerated | 432 | 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2680v3, 2.5 GHz | 24 | 128 GB | 2 x Intel Xeon Phi 7120P, 61 cores, 16 GB RAM |
For more details please refer to the [Compute nodes](compute-nodes/).
For remote visualization two nodes with NICE DCV software are available each configured:
| Node | Count | Processor | Cores | Memory | GPU Accelerator |
| ------------- | ----- | --------------------------------- | ----- | ------ | ----------------------------- |
| visualization | 2 | 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2695v3, 2.3 GHz | 28 | 512 GB | NVIDIA QUADRO K5000, 4 GB RAM |
For large memory computations a special SMP/NUMA SGI UV 2000 server is available:
| Node | Count | Processor | Cores | Memory | Extra HW |
| ------ | ----- | ------------------------------------------- | ----- | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| UV2000 | 1 | 14 x Intel Xeon E5-4627v2, 3.3 GHz, 8 cores | 112 | 3328 GB DDR3@1866 MHz | 2 x 400GB local SSD</br>1x NVIDIA GM200 (GeForce GTX TITAN X), 12 GB RAM |