The Salomon cluster consists of 1008 computational nodes of which 576 are regular compute nodes and 432 accelerated nodes. Each node is a powerful x86-64 computer, equipped with 24 cores (two twelve-core Intel Xeon processors) and 128GB RAM. The nodes are interlinked by high speed InfiniBand and Ethernet networks. All nodes share 0.5PB /home NFS disk storage to store the user files. Users may use a DDN Lustre shared storage with capacity of 1.69 PB which is available for the scratch project data. The user access to the Salomon cluster is provided by four login nodes.
[More about schematic representation of the Salomon cluster compute nodes IB topology](../network/ib-single-plane-topology/).
[More about schematic representation of the Salomon cluster compute nodes IB topology](network/ib-single-plane-topology/).