The Salomon cluster consists of 1008 computational nodes of which 576 are regular compute nodes and 432 accelerated nodes. Each node is a powerful x86-64 computer, equipped with 24 cores (two twelve-core Intel Xeon processors) and 128GB RAM. The nodes are interlinked by high speed InfiniBand and Ethernet networks. All nodes share 0.5PB /home NFS disk storage to store the user files. Users may use a DDN Lustre shared storage with capacity of 1.69 PB which is available for the scratch project data. The user access to the Salomon cluster is provided by four login nodes.
The Salomon cluster consists of 1008 computational nodes of which 576 are regular compute nodes and 432 accelerated nodes. Each node is a powerful x86-64 computer, equipped with 24 cores (two twelve-core Intel Xeon processors) and 128GB RAM. The nodes are interlinked by high speed InfiniBand and Ethernet networks. All nodes share 0.5PB /home NFS disk storage to store the user files. Users may use a DDN Lustre shared storage with capacity of 1.69 PB which is available for the scratch project data. The user access to the Salomon cluster is provided by four login nodes.
[More about schematic representation of the Salomon cluster compute nodes IB topology](../network/ib-single-plane-topology/).
[More about schematic representation of the Salomon cluster compute nodes IB topology](network/ib-single-plane-topology/).