# Overview of ANSYS Products
**[SVS FEM](** as **[ANSYS Channel partner](** for Czech Republic provided all ANSYS licenses for ANSELM cluster and supports of all ANSYS Products (Multiphysics, Mechanical, MAPDL, CFX, Fluent, Maxwell, LS-DYNA...) to IT staff and ANSYS users. If you are challenging to problem of ANSYS functionality contact please [](
Anselm provides commercial as well as academic variants. Academic variants are distinguished by "**Academic...**" word in the name of license or by two letter preposition "**aa\_**" in the license feature name. Change of license is realized on command line respectively directly in user's PBS file (see individual products). [More about licensing here](licensing/)
To load the latest version of any ANSYS product (Mechanical, Fluent, CFX, MAPDL,...) load the module:
$ ml ansys
ANSYS supports interactive regime, but due to assumed solution of extremely difficult tasks it is not recommended.
If user needs to work in interactive regime we recommend to configure the RSM service on the client machine which allows to forward the solution to the Anselm directly from the client's Workbench project (see ANSYS RSM service).