6 merge requests!368Update prace.md to document the change from qprace to qprod as the default...,!367Update prace.md to document the change from qprace to qprod as the default...,!366Update prace.md to document the change from qprace to qprod as the default...,!323extended-acls-storage-section,!196Master,!178Apidocs
account-expire [GET /api/v1/account-expire/(login)](#get--api-v1-account-expire-(login)){.reference .external} Account expiration date
accounts-to-close [GET /api/v1/accounts-to-close/(category)](#get--api-v1-accounts-to-close-(category)){.reference .external} Standard accounts close to expiration date
check-access [POST /api/v1/check-access](#post--api-v1-check-access){.reference .external} Access check to queue
dedicated-time [GET /api/v1/dedicated-time/(cluster\_type)](#get--api-v1-dedicated-time-(cluster_type)){.reference .external} HPC dedicated time
graph\_research\_area\_stats [GET /api/v1/graph\_research\_area\_stats](#get--api-v1-graph_research_area_stats){.reference .external} Graph research area statistics
irregular-accounts-to-close [GET /api/v1/irregular-accounts-to-close](#get--api-v1-irregular-accounts-to-close){.reference .external} Special accounts close to expiration date
`GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/account-expire/`{.descname}[(]{.sig-paren}*login*[)]{.sig-paren}[](#get--api-v1-account-expire-(login) "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
: Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4
It returns the account expiration date. The account may participates
on several projects. If all projects were already finished, there
will come a time when the account expires as well. It will happen
> <div>
> - 365 days - for all standard accounts
> - 31 days - for special (e.g. training) accounts
`GET /api/v1/account-expire/`<spanclass="sig-paren">(</span>*login*<spanclass="sig-paren">)</span><ahref="#get--api-v1-account-expire-(login)"class="headerlink"title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4 addresses.
It returns the account expiration date. The account may participates on
several projects. If all projects were already finished, there will come
a time when the account expires as well. It will happen after:
`GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/accounts-to-close/`{.descname}[(]{.sig-paren}*category*[)]{.sig-paren}[](#get--api-v1-accounts-to-close-(category) "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
: Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4
The standard account expires 365 days after the date when the last
project was finished. This service returns the list of standard
accounts which are close to the expiration date. The closeness time
interval depends on requested parameter.
Query Parameters:
`GET /api/v1/accounts-to-close/`<spanclass="sig-paren">(</span>*category*<spanclass="sig-paren">)</span><ahref="#get--api-v1-accounts-to-close-(category)"class="headerlink"title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4 addresses.
- **first** – 93±2 days before expiration date
- **second** – 31±2 days before expiration date
- **third** – 7±2 days before expiration date
The standard account expires 365 days after the date when the last
project was finished. This service returns the list of standard accounts
which are close to the expiration date. The closeness time interval
depends on requested parameter.
Response JSON Object:
Query Parameters:
- **fullname** (*string*) – user full name
- **login** (*string*) – account id
- **projectendtime** (*string*) – project end date
- **userclosetime** (*string*) – project end date shifted by
`GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/dedicated-time/`{.descname}[(]{.sig-paren}*cluster\_type*[)]{.sig-paren}[](#get--api-v1-dedicated-time-(cluster_type) "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
: Returns list of times dedicated for HPC maintainance. It is not
possible to use HPC services during maintainance.
Query Parameters:
- **all** – returns all dedicated times for all clusters
- **salomon** – returns all times just for salomon cluster
- **anselm** – returns all times just for anselm cluster
- **active** – returns dedicated times for all clusters which are
now active
- **planned** – returns dedicated times for all clusters which are
now active or scheduled in the future
Status Codes:
`GET /api/v1/dedicated-time/`<spanclass="sig-paren">(</span>*cluster\_type*<spanclass="sig-paren">)</span><ahref="#get--api-v1-dedicated-time-(cluster_type)"class="headerlink"title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
Returns list of times dedicated for HPC maintainance. It is not possible
-<ahref="http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.4.6"class="reference external">405 Method Not Allowed</a>
– restricted access, your ipv4 address is not allowed
<div class="highlight-console">
**Example request**:
<div class="highlight">
curl -i -X GET -G https://scs.it4i.cz/api/v1/graph_utilization_stats
curl -i -X GET -G https://scs.it4i.cz/api/v1/graph_utilization_stats
**Example response**:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
**Example response**:
<div class="highlight-http">
<div class="highlight">
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
chart: {
zoomType: 'x',
plotBorderWidth: 0,
borderWidth: 0,
borderRadius: 0,
borderColor: '#DDDDDD',
height: 300,
width: 420
series: [
chart: {
zoomType: 'x',
plotBorderWidth: 0,
borderWidth: 0,
borderRadius: 0,
borderColor: '#DDDDDD',
height: 300,
width: 420
series: [
name: 'Cores utilized',
type: 'areaspline',
data: [
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,6), 18466],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,7), 18606],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,8), 19075],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,9), 19962],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,10), 20239],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,11), 20425],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,12), 20110],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,13), 19413],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,14), 20204],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,15), 20058],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,16), 19890],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,17), 18102],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,18), 18529],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,19), 18871],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,20), 18704],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,21), 17106],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,22), 17854],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,23), 19541],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,24), 19691],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,25), 19335],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,26), 20776],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,27), 20856],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,28), 21116],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,29), 21705],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,30), 17907],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,31), 18085],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,1), 18564],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,2), 17449],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,3), 17472],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,4), 17173],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,5), 14445],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,6), 17952],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,7), 18813],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,8), 17847],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,9), 16434],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,10), 14957],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,11), 15695],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,12), 15495],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,13), 11848],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,14), 9612],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,15), 9765],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,16), 11730],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,17), 12932],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,18), 12296],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,19), 11230],
color: '#AA4643'
name: 'Cores utilized',
type: 'areaspline',
data: [
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,6), 18466],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,7), 18606],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,8), 19075],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,9), 19962],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,10), 20239],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,11), 20425],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,12), 20110],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,13), 19413],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,14), 20204],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,15), 20058],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,16), 19890],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,17), 18102],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,18), 18529],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,19), 18871],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,20), 18704],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,21), 17106],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,22), 17854],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,23), 19541],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,24), 19691],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,25), 19335],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,26), 20776],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,27), 20856],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,28), 21116],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,29), 21705],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,30), 17907],
[ Date.UTC(2017,7,31), 18085],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,1), 18564],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,2), 17449],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,3), 17472],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,4), 17173],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,5), 14445],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,6), 17952],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,7), 18813],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,8), 17847],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,9), 16434],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,10), 14957],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,11), 15695],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,12), 15495],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,13), 11848],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,14), 9612],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,15), 9765],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,16), 11730],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,17), 12932],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,18), 12296],
[ Date.UTC(2017,8,19), 11230],
title: {
text: ''
credits: {
text: 'IT4Innovations 2017-11-14 14:14'
exporting: {
color: '#AA4643'
title: {
text: ''
credits: {
text: 'IT4Innovations 2017-11-14 14:14'
exporting: {
enabled: false
plotOptions: {
areaspline: {
fillOpacity: 0.5
pie: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: false
plotOptions: {
areaspline: {
fillOpacity: 0.5
pie: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: false
showInLegend: true
series: {
turboThreshold: 0
line: {
marker: {
enabled: false
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
title: {
text: 'Date',
style: {
color: '#000000'
yAxis: {
min: 0,
tickInterval: 1000,
title: {
text: 'Cores [-]',
style: {
color: '#000000'
showInLegend: true
series: {
turboThreshold: 0
line: {
marker: {
enabled: false
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
title: {
text: 'Date',
style: {
color: '#000000'
yAxis: {
min: 0,
tickInterval: 1000,
title: {
text: 'Cores [-]',
style: {
color: '#000000'
<!-- -->
`GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/irregular-accounts-to-close`{.descname}[](#get--api-v1-irregular-accounts-to-close"Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
: Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4
The special (e.g. training) account expires 31 days after the date
when the last project was finished. This service returns the list of
special accounts which are already after this the expiration date.
Response JSON Object:
`GET /api/v1/irregular-accounts-to-close`<ahref="#get--api-v1-irregular-accounts-to-close"class="headerlink"title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4 addresses.
The special (e.g. training) account expires 31 days after the date when
the last project was finished. This service returns the list of special
accounts which are already after this the expiration date.
- **login** (*string*) – account id
- **projectendtime** (*string*) – project end date
`POST `{.descname}`/api/v1/it4ifree/`{.descname}[(]{.sig-paren}*login*[)]{.sig-paren}[](#post--api-v1-it4ifree-(login) "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
: A service to check resources of the projects on which the account
participate. If the calculation run on 1 cpu core during 1 hour, it
consumes 1 core-hour from the project resources. However, some
calculations (or their placement) can be cheaper. Actual consumed
core-hours are reduced by a cheaping factor and then deduct from the
for more details about so-called normalized core-hours. The json
response contains two parts:
> <div>
> - `me`{.docutils .literal} – data from projects, where the
> account has access
> - `me_as_pi`{.docutils .literal} – data from projects, where the
> account is PI (primary investigator)
> </div>
Request JSON Object:
- **login** (*string*) – account id
- **it4ifreetoken** (*string*) – token
Response JSON Object:
`POST /api/v1/it4ifree/`<spanclass="sig-paren">(</span>*login*<spanclass="sig-paren">)</span><ahref="#post--api-v1-it4ifree-(login)"class="headerlink"title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
A service to check resources of the projects on which the account
participate. If the calculation run on 1 cpu core during 1 hour, it
consumes 1 core-hour from the project resources. However, some
calculations (or their placement) can be cheaper. Actual consumed
core-hours are reduced by a cheaping factor and then deduct from the
`GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/it4ifreetoken/`{.descname}[(]{.sig-paren}*login*[)]{.sig-paren}[](#get--api-v1-it4ifreetoken-(login) "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
: Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4
`GET `{.descname}`/api/v1/motd/`{.descname}[(]{.sig-paren}*category*[)]{.sig-paren}[](#get--api-v1-motd-(category) "Permalink to this definition"){.headerlink}
: Returns SCS messages of the day.
Query Parameters:
`GET /api/v1/it4ifreetoken/`<spanclass="sig-paren">(</span>*login*<spanclass="sig-paren">)</span><ahref="#get--api-v1-it4ifreetoken-(login)"class="headerlink"title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>
Access to this service is restricted to just few source ipv4 addresses.
`GET /api/v1/motd/`<spanclass="sig-paren">(</span>*category*<spanclass="sig-paren">)</span><ahref="#get--api-v1-motd-(category)"class="headerlink"title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a>