| [CubeLib](https://www.scalasca.org/software/cube-4.x/download.html) | Cube, which is used as performance report explorer for Scalasca and Score-P, is a generic tool for displaying a multi-dimensional performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric, (ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. This module provides the Cube general purpose C++ library component and command-line tools. |
| [CubeWriter](https://www.scalasca.org/software/cube-4.x/download.html) | Cube, which is used as performance report explorer for Scalasca and Score-P, is a generic tool for displaying a multi-dimensional performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric, (ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. This module provides the Cube high-performance C writer library component. |
| [Extrae](https://www.bsc.es/computer-sciences/performance-tools) | Extrae is the core instrumentation package developed by the Performance Tools group at BSC. Extrae is capable of instrumenting applications based on MPI, OpenMP, pthreads, CUDA1, OpenCL1, and StarSs1 using different instrumentation approaches. The information gathered by Extrae typically includes timestamped events of runtime calls, performance counters and source code references. Besides, Extrae provides its own API to allow the user to manually instrument his or her application. |
| [MUST](https://hpc.rwth-aachen.de/must/) | MUST detects usage errors of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and reports them to the user. As MPI calls are complex and usage errors common, this functionality is extremely helpful for application developers that want to develop correct MPI applications. This includes errors that already manifest --segmentation faults or incorrect results -- as well as many errors that are not visible to the application developer or do not manifest on a certain system or MPI implementation. |
| [OPARI2](https://www.score-p.org) | OPARI2, the successor of Forschungszentrum Juelich's OPARI, is a source-to-source instrumentation tool for OpenMP and hybrid codes. It surrounds OpenMP directives and runtime library calls with calls to the POMP2 measurement interface. |
| [OTF2](https://www.score-p.org) | The Open Trace Format 2 is a highly scalable, memory efficient event trace data format plus support library. It is the new standard trace format for Scalasca, Vampir, and TAU and is open for other tools. |
| [PAPI](https://icl.cs.utk.edu/projects/papi/) | PAPI provides the tool designer and application engineer with a consistent interface and methodology for use of the performance counter hardware found in most major microprocessors. PAPI enables software engineers to see, in near real time, the relation between software performance and processor events. In addition Component PAPI provides access to a collection of components that expose performance measurement opportunites across the hardware and software stack. |