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#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
#  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
#  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

# <pep8 compliant>

# Contributors: bart:neeneenee*de,, Campbell Barton

This script exports to X3D format.

Run this script from "File->Export" menu.  A pop-up will ask whether you
want to export only selected or all relevant objects.

Known issues:
    Doesn't handle multiple materials (don't use material indices);<br>
    Doesn't handle multiple UV textures on a single mesh (create a mesh for each texture);<br>
    Can't get the texture array associated with material * not the UV ones;

import math
import os

import bpy
import mathutils

from bpy_extras.io_utils import create_derived_objects, free_derived_objects
x3d_names_reserved = {'Anchor', 'Appearance', 'Arc2D', 'ArcClose2D', 'AudioClip', 'Background', 'Billboard',
                      'BooleanFilter', 'BooleanSequencer', 'BooleanToggle', 'BooleanTrigger', 'Box', 'Circle2D',
                      'Collision', 'Color', 'ColorInterpolator', 'ColorRGBA', 'component', 'Cone', 'connect',
                      'Contour2D', 'ContourPolyline2D', 'Coordinate', 'CoordinateDouble', 'CoordinateInterpolator',
                      'CoordinateInterpolator2D', 'Cylinder', 'CylinderSensor', 'DirectionalLight', 'Disk2D',
                      'ElevationGrid', 'EspduTransform', 'EXPORT', 'ExternProtoDeclare', 'Extrusion', 'field',
                      'fieldValue', 'FillProperties', 'Fog', 'FontStyle', 'GeoCoordinate', 'GeoElevationGrid',
                      'GeoLocationLocation', 'GeoLOD', 'GeoMetadata', 'GeoOrigin', 'GeoPositionInterpolator',
                      'GeoTouchSensor', 'GeoViewpoint', 'Group', 'HAnimDisplacer', 'HAnimHumanoid', 'HAnimJoint',
                      'HAnimSegment', 'HAnimSite', 'head', 'ImageTexture', 'IMPORT', 'IndexedFaceSet',
                      'IndexedLineSet', 'IndexedTriangleFanSet', 'IndexedTriangleSet', 'IndexedTriangleStripSet',
                      'Inline', 'IntegerSequencer', 'IntegerTrigger', 'IS', 'KeySensor', 'LineProperties', 'LineSet',
                      'LoadSensor', 'LOD', 'Material', 'meta', 'MetadataDouble', 'MetadataFloat', 'MetadataInteger',
                      'MetadataSet', 'MetadataString', 'MovieTexture', 'MultiTexture', 'MultiTextureCoordinate',
                      'MultiTextureTransform', 'NavigationInfo', 'Normal', 'NormalInterpolator', 'NurbsCurve',
                      'NurbsCurve2D', 'NurbsOrientationInterpolator', 'NurbsPatchSurface',
                      'NurbsPositionInterpolator', 'NurbsSet', 'NurbsSurfaceInterpolator', 'NurbsSweptSurface',
                      'NurbsSwungSurface', 'NurbsTextureCoordinate', 'NurbsTrimmedSurface', 'OrientationInterpolator',
                      'PixelTexture', 'PlaneSensor', 'PointLight', 'PointSet', 'Polyline2D', 'Polypoint2D',
                      'PositionInterpolator', 'PositionInterpolator2D', 'ProtoBody', 'ProtoDeclare', 'ProtoInstance',
                      'ProtoInterface', 'ProximitySensor', 'ReceiverPdu', 'Rectangle2D', 'ROUTE', 'ScalarInterpolator',
                      'Scene', 'Script', 'Shape', 'SignalPdu', 'Sound', 'Sphere', 'SphereSensor', 'SpotLight', 'StaticGroup',
                      'StringSensor', 'Switch', 'Text', 'TextureBackground', 'TextureCoordinate', 'TextureCoordinateGenerator',
                      'TextureTransform', 'TimeSensor', 'TimeTrigger', 'TouchSensor', 'Transform', 'TransmitterPdu',
                      'TriangleFanSet', 'TriangleSet', 'TriangleSet2D', 'TriangleStripSet', 'Viewpoint', 'VisibilitySensor',
                      'WorldInfo', 'X3D', 'XvlShell', 'VertexShader', 'FragmentShader', 'MultiShaderAppearance', 'ShaderAppearance'}
# h3d defines
H3D_VIEW_MATRIX = 'view_matrix'

def clamp_color(col):
    return tuple([max(min(c, 1.0), 0.0) for c in col])
    return (matrix.to_3x3() * mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, -1.0))).normalized()[:]
def prefix_quoted_str(value, prefix):
    return value[0] + prefix + value[1:]
def suffix_quoted_str(value, suffix):
    return value[:-1] + suffix + value[-1:]

def clean_def(str):
    # see report [#28256]
    if not str:
        str = "None"
    # no digit start
    if str[0] in "1234567890+-":
        str = "_" + str
Campbell Barton's avatar
Campbell Barton committed
    return str.translate({  # control characters 0x0-0x1f
                            # 0x00: "_",
                          0x01: "_",
                          0x02: "_",
                          0x03: "_",
                          0x04: "_",
                          0x05: "_",
                          0x06: "_",
                          0x07: "_",
                          0x08: "_",
                          0x09: "_",
                          0x0a: "_",
                          0x0b: "_",
                          0x0c: "_",
                          0x0d: "_",
                          0x0e: "_",
                          0x0f: "_",
                          0x10: "_",
                          0x11: "_",
                          0x12: "_",
                          0x13: "_",
                          0x14: "_",
                          0x15: "_",
                          0x16: "_",
                          0x17: "_",
                          0x18: "_",
                          0x19: "_",
                          0x1a: "_",
                          0x1b: "_",
                          0x1c: "_",
                          0x1d: "_",
                          0x1e: "_",
                          0x1f: "_",

Campbell Barton's avatar
Campbell Barton committed
                          0x7f: "_",  # 127

                          0x20: "_",  # space
                          0x22: "_",  # "
                          0x27: "_",  # '
                          0x23: "_",  # #
                          0x2c: "_",  # ,
                          0x2e: "_",  # .
                          0x5b: "_",  # [
                          0x5d: "_",  # ]
                          0x5c: "_",  # \
                          0x7b: "_",  # {
                          0x7d: "_",  # }
Campbell Barton's avatar
Campbell Barton committed
    """ returns parent child relationships, skipping
    objects_set = set(objects)
    par_lookup = {}

    def test_parent(parent):
        while (parent is not None) and (parent not in objects_set):
            parent = parent.parent
        return parent

    for obj in objects:
        par_lookup.setdefault(test_parent(obj.parent), []).append((obj, []))

    for parent, children in par_lookup.items():
        for obj, subchildren in children:
            subchildren[:] = par_lookup.get(obj, [])

    return par_lookup.get(None, [])
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# H3D Functions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def h3d_shader_glsl_frag_patch(filepath, global_vars):
    h3d_file = open(filepath, 'r')
    lines = []
    for l in h3d_file:
        if l.startswith("void main(void)"):
            lines.append("// h3d custom vars begin\n")
            for v in global_vars:
                lines.append("%s\n" % v)
            lines.append("// h3d custom vars end\n")
        elif l.lstrip().startswith("lamp_visibility_other("):
            w = l.split(', ')
            w[1] = '(view_matrix * %s_transform * vec4(%s.x, %s.y, %s.z, 1.0)).xyz' % (w[1], w[1], w[1], w[1])
            l = ", ".join(w)
        elif l.lstrip().startswith("lamp_visibility_sun_hemi("):
            w = l.split(', ')
            w[0] = w[0][len("lamp_visibility_sun_hemi(") + 1:]
            w[0] = '(mat3(normalize(view_matrix[0].xyz), normalize(view_matrix[1].xyz), normalize(view_matrix[2].xyz)) * -%s)' % w[0]
            l = "\tlamp_visibility_sun_hemi(" + ", ".join(w)
        elif l.lstrip().startswith("lamp_visibility_spot_circle("):
            w = l.split(', ')
            w[0] = w[0][len("lamp_visibility_spot_circle(") + 1:]
            w[0] = '(mat3(normalize(view_matrix[0].xyz), normalize(view_matrix[1].xyz), normalize(view_matrix[2].xyz)) * -%s)' % w[0]
            l = "\tlamp_visibility_spot_circle(" + ", ".join(w)

    h3d_file = open(filepath, 'w')

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions for writing output file
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def export(file,
Campbell Barton's avatar
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Campbell Barton's avatar
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    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Campbell Barton's avatar
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    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    import bpy_extras
    from bpy_extras.io_utils import unique_name
    from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr

    uuid_cache_object = {}    # object
Campbell Barton's avatar
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    uuid_cache_lamp = {}      # 'LA_' +
    uuid_cache_view = {}      # object, different namespace
    uuid_cache_mesh = {}      # mesh
    uuid_cache_material = {}  # material
    uuid_cache_image = {}     # image
    uuid_cache_world = {}     # world

    # store files to copy
    copy_set = set()

    base_src = os.path.dirname(
    base_dst = os.path.dirname(
    filename_strip = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename([0]
Campbell Barton's avatar
Campbell Barton committed
    gpu_shader_cache = {}

    if use_h3d:
        import gpu
        gpu_shader_dummy_mat ='X3D_DYMMY_MAT')
Campbell Barton's avatar
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        gpu_shader_cache[None] = gpu.export_shader(scene, gpu_shader_dummy_mat)
        h3d_material_route = []
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    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # File Writing Functions
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def writeHeader(ident):
        filepath_quoted = quoteattr(os.path.basename(
        blender_ver_quoted = quoteattr('Blender %s' %

        fw('%s<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' % ident)
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        if use_h3d:
            fw('%s<X3D profile="H3DAPI" version="1.4">\n' % ident)
Campbell Barton's avatar
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            fw('%s<!DOCTYPE X3D PUBLIC "ISO//Web3D//DTD X3D 3.0//EN" "">\n' % ident)
            fw('%s<X3D version="3.0" profile="Immersive" xmlns:xsd="" xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">\n' % ident)

        ident += '\t'
        fw('%s<head>\n' % ident)
        ident += '\t'
        fw('%s<meta name="filename" content=%s />\n' % (ident, filepath_quoted))
        fw('%s<meta name="generator" content=%s />\n' % (ident, blender_ver_quoted))
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        # this info was never updated, so blender version should be enough
        # fw('%s<meta name="translator" content="X3D exporter v1.55 (2006/01/17)" />\n' % ident)
        fw('%s</head>\n' % ident)
        fw('%s<Scene>\n' % ident)
        ident += '\t'

        if use_h3d:
            # outputs the view matrix in glModelViewMatrix field
            fw('%s<TransformInfo DEF="%s" outputGLMatrices="true" />\n' % (ident, H3D_TOP_LEVEL))

    def writeFooter(ident):
        if use_h3d:
            # global
            for route in h3d_material_route:
                fw('%s%s\n' % (ident, route))

        fw('%s</Scene>\n' % ident)
        fw('%s</X3D>' % ident)
    def writeViewpoint(ident, obj, matrix, scene):
        view_id = quoteattr(unique_name(obj, 'CA_' +, uuid_cache_view, clean_func=clean_def, sep="_"))
Campbell Barton's avatar
Campbell Barton committed

        ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
        fw('%s<Viewpoint ' % ident)))
Campbell Barton's avatar
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        fw(ident_step + 'centerOfRotation="0 0 0"\n')
        fw(ident_step + 'position="%3.2f %3.2f %3.2f"\n' % loc[:])
        fw(ident_step + 'orientation="%3.2f %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f"\n' % (quat.axis.normalized()[:] + (quat.angle, )))
        fw(ident_step + 'fieldOfView="%.3g"\n' %
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        fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
    def writeFog(ident, world):
        if world:
            mtype = world.mist_settings.falloff
            mparam = world.mist_settings
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Campbell Barton committed
            ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
            fw('%s<Fog ' % ident)))
            fw('fogType="%s"\n' % ('LINEAR' if (mtype == 'LINEAR') else 'EXPONENTIAL'))
            fw(ident_step + 'color="%.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % clamp_color(world.horizon_color))
            fw(ident_step + 'visibilityRange="%.3g"\n' % mparam.depth)
            fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
    def writeNavigationInfo(ident, scene):
Campbell Barton's avatar
Campbell Barton committed
        ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
        fw('%s<NavigationInfo ' % ident)))
        fw(ident_step + 'visibilityLimit="0.0"\n')
        fw(ident_step + 'type=\'"EXAMINE", "ANY"\'\n')
        fw(ident_step + 'avatarSize="0.25, 1.75, 0.75"\n')
        fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
    def writeTransform_begin(ident, matrix, def_id):
        ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
        fw('%s<Transform ' % ident)))
        if def_id is not None:
            fw('DEF=%s\n' % def_id)

        loc, quat, sca = matrix.decompose()

        fw(ident_step + 'translation="%.6g %.6g %.6g"\n' % loc[:])
        # fw(ident_step + 'center="%.6g %.6g %.6g"\n' % (0, 0, 0))
        fw(ident_step + 'scale="%.6g %.6g %.6g"\n' % sca[:])
        fw(ident_step + 'rotation="%.6g %.6g %.6g %.6g"\n' % (quat.axis.normalized()[:] + (quat.angle, )))
        fw(ident_step + '>\n')
        ident += '\t'
        return ident
    def writeTransform_end(ident):
        ident = ident[:-1]
        fw('%s</Transform>\n' % ident)
        return ident

    def writeSpotLight(ident, obj, matrix, lamp, world):
        # note, lamp_id is not re-used
        lamp_id = quoteattr(unique_name(obj, 'LA_' +, uuid_cache_lamp, clean_func=clean_def, sep="_"))
        if world:
            ambi = world.ambient_color
            amb_intensity = ((ambi[0] + ambi[1] + ambi[2]) / 3.0) / 2.5

        # compute cutoff and beamwidth
        intensity = min( / 1.75, 1.0)
        beamWidth = lamp.spot_size * 0.37
        # beamWidth=((lamp.spotSize*math.pi)/180.0)*.37
        cutOffAngle = beamWidth * 1.3

        orientation = matrix_direction_neg_z(matrix)

        radius = lamp.distance * math.cos(beamWidth)
        # radius = lamp.dist*math.cos(beamWidth)
Campbell Barton's avatar
Campbell Barton committed
        ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
        fw('%s<SpotLight ' % ident)))
Campbell Barton's avatar
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        fw(ident_step + 'radius="%.4g"\n' % radius)
        fw(ident_step + 'ambientIntensity="%.4g"\n' % amb_intensity)
        fw(ident_step + 'intensity="%.4g"\n' % intensity)
        fw(ident_step + 'color="%.4g %.4g %.4g"\n' % clamp_color(lamp.color))
        fw(ident_step + 'beamWidth="%.4g"\n' % beamWidth)
        fw(ident_step + 'cutOffAngle="%.4g"\n' % cutOffAngle)
        fw(ident_step + 'direction="%.4g %.4g %.4g"\n' % orientation)
        fw(ident_step + 'location="%.4g %.4g %.4g"\n' % location)
        fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
    def writeDirectionalLight(ident, obj, matrix, lamp, world):
        # note, lamp_id is not re-used
        lamp_id = quoteattr(unique_name(obj, 'LA_' +, uuid_cache_lamp, clean_func=clean_def, sep="_"))
        if world:
            ambi = world.ambient_color
            # ambi = world.amb
            amb_intensity = ((float(ambi[0] + ambi[1] + ambi[2])) / 3.0) / 2.5

        intensity = min( / 1.75, 1.0)
        orientation = matrix_direction_neg_z(matrix)
Campbell Barton's avatar
Campbell Barton committed
        ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
        fw('%s<DirectionalLight ' % ident)))
Campbell Barton's avatar
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        fw(ident_step + 'ambientIntensity="%.4g"\n' % amb_intensity)
        fw(ident_step + 'color="%.4g %.4g %.4g"\n' % clamp_color(lamp.color))
        fw(ident_step + 'intensity="%.4g"\n' % intensity)
        fw(ident_step + 'direction="%.4g %.4g %.4g"\n' % orientation)
        fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
    def writePointLight(ident, obj, matrix, lamp, world):
        # note, lamp_id is not re-used
        lamp_id = quoteattr(unique_name(obj, 'LA_' +, uuid_cache_lamp, clean_func=clean_def, sep="_"))
        if world:
            ambi = world.ambient_color
            # ambi = world.amb
            amb_intensity = ((float(ambi[0] + ambi[1] + ambi[2])) / 3.0) / 2.5
            ambi = 0.0
            amb_intensity = 0.0
        intensity = min( / 1.75, 1.0)
Campbell Barton's avatar
Campbell Barton committed
        ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
        fw('%s<PointLight ' % ident)))
Campbell Barton's avatar
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        fw(ident_step + 'ambientIntensity="%.4g"\n' % amb_intensity)
        fw(ident_step + 'color="%.4g %.4g %.4g"\n' % clamp_color(lamp.color))
Campbell Barton's avatar
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        fw(ident_step + 'intensity="%.4g"\n' % intensity)
        fw(ident_step + 'radius="%.4g" \n' % lamp.distance)
        fw(ident_step + 'location="%.4g %.4g %.4g"\n' % location)
        fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
    def writeIndexedFaceSet(ident, obj, mesh, matrix, world):
        obj_id = quoteattr(unique_name(obj, 'OB_' +, uuid_cache_object, clean_func=clean_def, sep="_"))
        mesh_id = quoteattr(unique_name(mesh, 'ME_' +, uuid_cache_mesh, clean_func=clean_def, sep="_"))
        mesh_id_group = prefix_quoted_str(mesh_id, 'group_')
        mesh_id_coords = prefix_quoted_str(mesh_id, 'coords_')
        mesh_id_normals = prefix_quoted_str(mesh_id, 'normals_')
        texface_use_halo = 0
        texface_use_billboard = 0
        # texface_use_collision = 0

        use_halonode = False
        use_billnode = False
        use_collnode = False

        if  # if mesh.faceUV:
            for face in  # for face in mesh.faces:
                texface_use_halo |= face.use_halo
                texface_use_billboard |= face.use_billboard
                # texface_use_collision |= face.use_collision
                # texface_use_object_color |= face.use_object_color

        # use modifier instead
        texface_use_collision = bool([mod for mod in obj.modifiers
                                      if mod.type == 'COLLISION'
                                      if mod.show_viewport])

            fw('%s<Billboard axisOfRotation="0 0 0">\n' % ident)
            ident += '\t'
            fw('%s<Billboard axisOfRotation="0 1 0">\n' % ident)
            ident += '\t'
            fw('%s<Collision enabled="true">\n' % ident)
            ident += '\t'
        del texface_use_halo
        del texface_use_billboard
        del texface_use_collision
        # del texface_use_object_color

        ident = writeTransform_begin(ident, matrix, suffix_quoted_str(obj_id, "_TRANSFORM"))
            fw('%s<Group USE=%s />\n' % (ident, mesh_id_group))
            fw('%s<Group DEF=%s>\n' % (ident, mesh_id_group))
            ident += '\t'

            is_uv = bool(
            # is_col, defined for each material

            is_coords_written = False

            mesh_materials = mesh.materials[:]
            if not mesh_materials:
                mesh_materials = [None]

            mesh_material_tex = [None] * len(mesh_materials)
            mesh_material_mtex = [None] * len(mesh_materials)
            mesh_material_images = [None] * len(mesh_materials)

            for i, material in enumerate(mesh_materials):
                if material:
                    for mtex in material.texture_slots:
                        if mtex:
                            tex = mtex.texture
                            if tex and tex.type == 'IMAGE':
                                image = tex.image
                                if image:
                                    mesh_material_tex[i] = tex
                                    mesh_material_mtex[i] = mtex
                                    mesh_material_images[i] = image

            mesh_materials_use_face_texture = [getattr(material, 'use_face_texture', True) for material in mesh_materials]
            mesh_vertices = mesh.vertices[:]
            mesh_faces = mesh.faces[:]
            mesh_faces_materials = [f.material_index for f in mesh_faces]
            mesh_faces_vertices = [f.vertices[:] for f in mesh_faces]
            if is_uv and True in mesh_materials_use_face_texture:
                mesh_faces_image = [(fuv.image if (mesh_materials_use_face_texture[mesh_faces_materials[i]] and fuv.use_image) else mesh_material_images[mesh_faces_materials[i]]) for i, fuv in enumerate(]
                mesh_faces_image_unique = set(mesh_faces_image)
            elif len(set(mesh_material_images) | {None}) > 1:  # make sure there is at least one image
                mesh_faces_image = [mesh_material_images[material_index] for material_index in mesh_faces_materials]
                mesh_faces_image_unique = set(mesh_faces_image)
                mesh_faces_image = [None] * len(mesh_faces)
                mesh_faces_image_unique = {None}

            # group faces
            face_groups = {}
            for material_index in range(len(mesh_materials)):
                for image in mesh_faces_image_unique:
                    face_groups[material_index, image] = []
            del mesh_faces_image_unique

            for i, (material_index, image) in enumerate(zip(mesh_faces_materials, mesh_faces_image)):
                face_groups[material_index, image].append(i)

            # same as face_groups.items() but sorted so we can get predictable output.
            face_groups_items = list(face_groups.items())
            face_groups_items.sort(key=lambda m: (m[0][0], getattr(m[0][1], 'name', '')))

            for (material_index, image), face_group in face_groups_items:  # face_groups.items()
                if face_group:
                    material = mesh_materials[material_index]

                    fw('%s<Shape>\n' % ident)
                    ident += '\t'
                    is_smooth = False
                    is_col = ( and (material is None or material.use_vertex_color_paint))

                    # kludge but as good as it gets!
                    for i in face_group:
                        if mesh_faces[i].use_smooth:
                            is_smooth = True

                    # UV's and VCols split verts off which effects smoothing
                    # force writing normals in this case.
                    # Also, creaseAngle is not supported for IndexedTriangleSet,
                    # so write normals when is_smooth (otherwise
                    # IndexedTriangleSet can have only all smooth/all flat shading).
                    is_force_normals = use_triangulate and (is_smooth or is_uv or is_col)
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                    if use_h3d:
                        gpu_shader = gpu_shader_cache.get(material)  # material can be 'None', uses dummy cache
                        if gpu_shader is None:
                            gpu_shader = gpu_shader_cache[material] = gpu.export_shader(scene, material)
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                            if 1:  # XXX DEBUG
                                gpu_shader_tmp = gpu.export_shader(scene, material)
                                import pprint
                                print('\nWRITING MATERIAL:',
Campbell Barton's avatar
Campbell Barton committed
                                del gpu_shader_tmp['fragment']
                                del gpu_shader_tmp['vertex']
                                pprint.pprint(gpu_shader_tmp, width=120)
                                del gpu_shader_tmp

                    fw('%s<Appearance>\n' % ident)
                    ident += '\t'
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                    if image and not use_h3d:
                        writeImageTexture(ident, image)

                        if mesh_materials_use_face_texture[material_index]:
                            if image.use_tiles:
                                fw('%s<TextureTransform scale="%s %s" />\n' % (ident, image.tiles_x, image.tiles_y))
                            # transform by mtex
                            loc = mesh_material_mtex[material_index].offset[:2]

                            # mtex_scale * tex_repeat
                            sca_x, sca_y = mesh_material_mtex[material_index].scale[:2]

                            sca_x *= mesh_material_tex[material_index].repeat_x
                            sca_y *= mesh_material_tex[material_index].repeat_y

                            # flip x/y is a sampling feature, convert to transform
                            if mesh_material_tex[material_index].use_flip_axis:
                                rot = math.pi / -2.0
                                sca_x, sca_y = sca_y, -sca_x
                                rot = 0.0

Campbell Barton's avatar
Campbell Barton committed
                            ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
                            fw('%s<TextureTransform ' % ident)))
                            # fw('center="%.6g %.6g" ' % (0.0, 0.0))
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                            fw(ident_step + 'translation="%.6g %.6g"\n' % loc)
                            fw(ident_step + 'scale="%.6g %.6g"\n' % (sca_x, sca_y))
                            fw(ident_step + 'rotation="%.6g"\n' % rot)
                            fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
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                    if use_h3d:
                        mat_tmp = material if material else gpu_shader_dummy_mat
                        writeMaterialH3D(ident, mat_tmp, world,
                                         obj, gpu_shader)
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                        del mat_tmp
                        if material:
                            writeMaterial(ident, material, world)
                    fw('%s</Appearance>\n' % ident)
                    mesh_faces_col = if is_col else None
                    mesh_faces_uv = if is_uv else None

                    #-- IndexedFaceSet or IndexedLineSet
                    if use_triangulate:
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                        ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
                        fw('%s<IndexedTriangleSet ' % ident)))

                        # --- Write IndexedTriangleSet Attributes (same as IndexedFaceSet)
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                        fw('solid="%s"\n' % ('true' if mesh.show_double_sided else 'false'))
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                            fw(ident_step + 'normalPerVertex="true"\n')
                            # Tell X3D browser to generate flat (per-face) normals
                            fw(ident_step + 'normalPerVertex="false"\n')
                        slot_uv = None
                        slot_col = None

                        if is_uv and is_col:
                            slot_uv = 0
                            slot_col = 1

                            def vertex_key(fidx, f_cnr_idx):
                                return (
                                    getattr(mesh_faces_col[fidx], "color%d" % (f_cnr_idx + 1))[:],
                        elif is_uv:
                            slot_uv = 0

                            def vertex_key(fidx, f_cnr_idx):
                                return (
                        elif is_col:
                            slot_col = 0

                            def vertex_key(fidx, f_cnr_idx):
                                return (
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                                    getattr(mesh_faces_col[fidx], "color%d" % (f_cnr_idx + 1))[:],
                            # ack, not especially efficient in this case
                            def vertex_key(fidx, f_cnr_idx):
                                return None

                        # build a mesh mapping dict
                        vertex_hash = [{} for i in range(len(mesh.vertices))]
                        # worst case every face is a quad
                        face_tri_list = [[None, None, None] for i in range(len(mesh.faces) * 2)]
                        vert_tri_list = []
                        totvert = 0
                        totface = 0
                        temp_face = [None] * 4
                        for i in face_group:
                            fv = mesh_faces_vertices[i]
                            for j, v_idx in enumerate(fv):
                                key = vertex_key(i, j)
                                vh = vertex_hash[v_idx]
                                x3d_v = vh.get(key)
                                if x3d_v is None:
                                    x3d_v = key, v_idx, totvert
                                    vh[key] = x3d_v
                                    # key / original_vertex / new_vertex
                                    totvert += 1
                                temp_face[j] = x3d_v

                            if len(fv) == 4:
                                f_iter = ((0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3))
                                f_iter = ((0, 1, 2), )

                            for f_it in f_iter:
                                # loop over a quad as 2 tris
                                f_tri = face_tri_list[totface]
                                for ji, j in enumerate(f_it):
                                    f_tri[ji] = temp_face[j]
                                # quads run this twice
                                totface += 1

                        # clear unused faces
                        face_tri_list[totface:] = []

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                        fw(ident_step + 'index="')
                            fw('%i %i %i ' % (x3d_f[0][2], x3d_f[1][2], x3d_f[2][2]))
Campbell Barton's avatar
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Campbell Barton's avatar
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                        fw(ident_step + '>\n')
                        ident += '\t'
                        fw('%s<Coordinate ' % ident)
                            fw('%.6g %.6g %.6g ' % mesh_vertices[x3d_v[1]].co[:])
                        fw('" />\n')
                            fw('%s<Normal ' % ident)
                            for x3d_v in vert_tri_list:
                                fw('%.6g %.6g %.6g ' % mesh_vertices[x3d_v[1]].normal[:])
                            fw('" />\n')
                            fw('%s<TextureCoordinate point="' % ident)
                                fw('%.4g %.4g ' % x3d_v[0][slot_uv])
                            fw('" />\n')
                            fw('%s<Color color="' % ident)
                                fw('%.3g %.3g %.3g ' % x3d_v[0][slot_col])
                            fw('" />\n')
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                        if use_h3d:
                            # write attributes
                            for gpu_attr in gpu_shader['attributes']:
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                                # UVs
                                if gpu_attr['type'] == gpu.CD_MTFACE:
                                    if gpu_attr['datatype'] == gpu.GPU_DATA_2F:
                                        fw('%s<FloatVertexAttribute ' % ident)
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                                        fw('name="%s" ' % gpu_attr['varname'])
                                        fw('numComponents="2" ')
                                        for x3d_v in vert_tri_list:
                                            fw('%.4g %.4g ' % x3d_v[0][slot_uv])
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                                        fw('" />\n')

                                elif gpu_attr['type'] == gpu.CD_MCOL:
                                    if gpu_attr['datatype'] == gpu.GPU_DATA_4UB:
                                        pass  # XXX, H3D can't do

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                        ident = ident[:-1]

                        fw('%s</IndexedTriangleSet>\n' % ident)
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                        ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
                        fw('%s<IndexedFaceSet ' % ident)))
                        # --- Write IndexedFaceSet Attributes (same as IndexedTriangleSet)
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                        fw('solid="%s"\n' % ('true' if mesh.show_double_sided else 'false'))
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                            fw(ident_step + 'creaseAngle="%.4g"\n' % mesh.auto_smooth_angle)
                        if use_normals:
                            # currently not optional, could be made so:
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Campbell Barton committed
                            fw(ident_step + 'normalPerVertex="true"\n')
                        # IndexedTriangleSet assumes true
                        if is_col:
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Campbell Barton committed
                            fw(ident_step + 'colorPerVertex="false"\n')
                        # for IndexedTriangleSet we use a uv per vertex so this isnt needed.
                        if is_uv:
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                            fw(ident_step + 'texCoordIndex="')
                                if len(mesh_faces_vertices[i]) == 4:
                                    fw('%d %d %d %d -1 ' % (j, j + 1, j + 2, j + 3))
                                    fw('%d %d %d -1 ' % (j, j + 1, j + 2))
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Campbell Barton's avatar
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                            fw(ident_step + 'coordIndex="')
                                    fw('%i %i %i -1 ' % fv)
                                    fw('%i %i %i %i -1 ' % fv)
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Campbell Barton's avatar
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                        fw(ident_step + '>\n')
                        ident += '\t'
                        # --- Write IndexedFaceSet Elements
                        if True:
                            if is_coords_written:
                                fw('%s<Coordinate USE=%s />\n' % (ident, mesh_id_coords))
                                if use_normals:
                                    fw('%s<Normal USE=%s />\n' % (ident, mesh_id_normals))
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                                ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
                                fw('%s<Coordinate ' % ident)))
Campbell Barton's avatar
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                                fw(ident_step + 'point="')
                                    fw('%.6g %.6g %.6g ' %[:])
Campbell Barton's avatar
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                                fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
                                if use_normals:
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                                    ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
                                    fw('%s<Normal ' % ident)))
Campbell Barton's avatar
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                                    fw(ident_step + 'vector="')
                                    for v in mesh.vertices:
                                        fw('%.6g %.6g %.6g ' % v.normal[:])
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                                    fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
                            fw('%s<TextureCoordinate point="' % ident)
                            for i in face_group:
                                for uv in mesh_faces_uv[i].uv:
                                    fw('%.4g %.4g ' % uv[:])
                            fw('%s<Color color="' % ident)
                                fw('%.3g %.3g %.3g ' % mesh_faces_col[i].color1[:])
                            fw('" />\n')
                        #--- output closing braces
                        ident = ident[:-1]
                        fw('%s</IndexedFaceSet>\n' % ident)
                    fw('%s</Shape>\n' % ident)
            #fw('%s<PythonScript DEF="PS" url="" >\n' % ident)
            #fw('%s    <ShaderProgram USE="MA_Material.005" containerField="references"/>\n' % ident)
            #fw('%s</PythonScript>\n' % ident)
            fw('%s</Group>\n' % ident)
            fw('%s</Billboard>\n' % ident)
            fw('%s</Billboard>\n' % ident)
            fw('%s</Collision>\n' % ident)
    def writeMaterial(ident, material, world):
        material_id = quoteattr(unique_name(material, 'MA_' +, uuid_cache_material, clean_func=clean_def, sep="_"))
        # look up material name, use it if available
        if material.tag:
            fw('%s<Material USE=%s />\n' % (ident, material_id))
            emit = material.emit
            ambient = material.ambient / 3.0
            diffuseColor = material.diffuse_color[:]
                ambiColor = ((material.ambient * 2.0) * world.ambient_color)[:]
                ambiColor = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

            emitColor = tuple(((c * emit) + ambiColor[i]) / 2.0 for i, c in enumerate(diffuseColor))
            shininess = material.specular_hardness / 512.0
            specColor = tuple((c + 0.001) / (1.25 / (material.specular_intensity + 0.001)) for c in material.specular_color)
            transp = 1.0 - material.alpha
                ambient = 1.0
                shininess = 0.0
                specColor = emitColor = diffuseColor

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            ident_step = ident + (' ' * (-len(ident) + \
            fw('%s<Material ' % ident)))
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            fw(ident_step + 'diffuseColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % clamp_color(diffuseColor))
            fw(ident_step + 'specularColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % clamp_color(specColor))
            fw(ident_step + 'emissiveColor="%.3g %.3g %.3g"\n' % clamp_color(emitColor))
            fw(ident_step + 'ambientIntensity="%.3g"\n' % ambient)
            fw(ident_step + 'shininess="%.3g"\n' % shininess)
            fw(ident_step + 'transparency="%s"\n' % transp)
            fw(ident_step + '/>\n')
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    def writeMaterialH3D(ident, material, world,
                         obj, gpu_shader):
        material_id = quoteattr(unique_name(material, 'MA_' +, uuid_cache_material, clean_func=clean_def, sep="_"))
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        fw('%s<Material />\n' % ident)
        if material.tag:
            fw('%s<ComposedShader USE=%s />\n' % (ident, material_id))
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            # GPU_material_bind_uniforms
            # GPU_begin_object_materials
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            #~ CD_MCOL 6
            #~ CD_MTFACE 5
            #~ CD_ORCO 14
            #~ CD_TANGENT 18
            #~ GPU_DATA_16F 7
            #~ GPU_DATA_1F 2
            #~ GPU_DATA_1I 1
            #~ GPU_DATA_2F 3
            #~ GPU_DATA_3F 4
            #~ GPU_DATA_4F 5
            #~ GPU_DATA_4UB 8
            #~ GPU_DATA_9F 6
            #~ GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_DYNCO 7
            #~ GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_DYNCOL 11
            #~ GPU_DYNAMIC_LAMP_DYNVEC 6
            #~ GPU_DYNAMIC_OBJECT_IMAT 4
            #~ GPU_DYNAMIC_OBJECT_MAT 2

            inline const char* typeToString( X3DType t ) {
              switch( t ) {