- Nov 16, 2011
Jesse Kaukonen authored
- Added a button for copying render settings from Blender render due to a bug involved if changing render engine from the render engine menu instead of the button - Removed debug prints
- Nov 10, 2011
Jesse Kaukonen authored
- Removing our hardcoded redraw of the render panel due to issues with Cycles and modified render panels. If anyone knows how to append a button into an existing panel, do tell me. Alternatively, adding a panel to the top of a properties page.
Jesse Kaukonen authored
- Fixed a bug with the cancel button never triggering due to checking the wrong list of sessions
- Sep 29, 2011
Jesse Kaukonen authored
- You must now log in first before doing anything. Old system did everything in one call, while this new system has 3 calls: 1: Login and check password, downloading session information 2: Do optional session list refreshing 3: Handle file uploads to the service - Changed the UI: * You can no longer edit ore_resox or the other ore settings. These are copied from Blender's render settings directly * You can change ore parts and ore memory usage, but these are tagged as "optional advanced settings" * There is now a link to the Renderfarm.fi render panel in the main render panel. You can easily switch between Blender Render and Renderfarm.fi render * The UI gives you visible errors instead of hiding these in the console, although not all errors are visible - The preparation is performed once the user presses "upload" or changes to the Renderfarm.fi tab * This no longer stops the upload, but instead gives a warning if there are issues * If a texture is not found, give a warning * If a linked file is not found, give a warning - The file is no longer saved into the original master file, but a copy is created with the name "renderfarm.blend". - Short description field was removed. This still exists code-wise, but it's simply filled with a dummy letter. Instead, the UI asks for simply "description" and "tags". Tags might be implemented soon-ish(tm). - The old method of listing and canceling sessions is completely re-written: * The new system fetches out all the user's sessions and stores them in lists, then fetching what is required. The old system required a new XMLRPC call if you wanted to switch your selected list from one to another such as "completed" to "canceled". I removed this "list by session type" -feature entirely and simply added one list that has everything. The sessions still have the % complete next to the name. * Canceling works like before, except it gives a visible error if canceling isn't possible (ie session is already running or rejected) * There is a refresh button that fetches out new listings from the server - Particles generate a warning: * If there are emitter type particles, recommend checking particle baking * If there are hair type particles with child_type 'SIMPLE', change the mode to 'INTERPOLATED'. This seems to fix most of our problems. Also shows a note about this - Fluid simulations generate a warning about them not working at all. This won't prevent uploading. - Possibly some tiny fixes I forgot to mention
- Sep 19, 2011
Bastien Montagne authored
Plus a few styling enhancements. [[Split portion of a mixed commit.]]
- Aug 08, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- Jul 10, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- remove unused imports - remove/comment unused vars - fix for some bugs with unused vars being used
- May 04, 2011
Jesse Kaukonen authored
- Apr 19, 2011
Jesse Kaukonen authored
- Bug fix: hasSmokeSimulation lacked parenthesis
- Apr 03, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- Mar 21, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- Mar 19, 2011
Jonathan Smith authored
- Mar 04, 2011
Jesse Kaukonen authored
- Summary page now lists border render - ore.prepare now changes border render off - ore.prepare now changes full sample off, then save buffers (old was just save buffers which can't be changed if full sample is on) - A small piece of text that warns about the upload making Blender seem frozen - Bug fix: ore.prepare() couldn't be called in the old way. The new API prevents changing data during layout drawing. The original ore.prepare operator was changed a bit to not require the call - Bug fix: Completed / pending / rendering sessions didn't work. Same issue as above: cannot change data during draw functions. Fix is simply removing the problematic call as the list is already generated elsewhere
- Feb 16, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- Feb 11, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
Campbell Barton authored
- Jan 24, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- Jan 14, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- Jan 08, 2011
Luca Bonavita authored
READ THIS TO AVOID A LOT OF WORK! New way of linking to tracker pages: just use the parameter "aid" (artifact ID), to avoid a lot of manual updates later in wiki and svn. Example: ========= OLD WAY TO LINK TO TRACKER ----------------------------- Complete url of a script in Upload http://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=25349&group_id=153&atid=467 If we move this in contrib this url will become http://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=25349&group_id=153&atid=468 467 becomes 468, so we have to update this in wiki page. Later on, when this moves into Trunk, the url will become http://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=25349&group_id=153&atid=469 468 becomes 469, so we have to update the url in wiki page and svn. Annoying! NEW WAY TO LINK TO TRACKER ----------------------------- Best way to link to tracker page is using: http://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=25349 Use "func=detail" Use "aid" (which is the "artifact ID") DON'T use "group_id" (which is the project ID, bf-extensions is project 153) DON'T use "atid" (which is the "artifacts tracker ID") Like this, the url is unique, and we will avoid to update wiki pages and svn after moving pages [[Split portion of a mixed commit.]]
- Dec 18, 2010
Jesse Kaukonen authored
- Test render button - Simulations to the summary page Fixed: - Bug that forced the user to press Check Scene again even if all was in order
- Dec 03, 2010
Jesse Kaukonen authored
Added automatic external data packing to avoid problems where the user submits a session without textures
- Nov 08, 2010
Jesse Kaukonen authored
- Nov 03, 2010
Jesse Kaukonen authored
- Sep 22, 2010
Nathan Letwory authored
- Sep 11, 2010
Thomas Dinges authored
by Filiciss Muhgue (filiciss). Thanks a lot! Part 2: Extensions
- Sep 10, 2010
Nathan Letwory authored
- Aug 31, 2010
Luca Bonavita authored
- comforming after my commit in bf-blender: - removed the categories from addons names - made 'version' a tuple of integers - added 'api' field - formatted wiki and trackers pages and added where needed (empty pages are yet to be written by the authors though) - more conforming: - 1 tab = 4 spaces - please check everything is fine in case I made some gross mistake
- Aug 20, 2010
Jesse Kaukonen authored
- Aug 18, 2010
Campbell Barton authored
- Aug 09, 2010
Nathan Letwory authored
Campbell Barton authored
- Aug 06, 2010
Nathan Letwory authored
* add tests for nodes. * update poll() usage to be according changes in blender
- Aug 05, 2010
Campbell Barton authored
- Aug 02, 2010
Campbell Barton authored
- mesh_surface_sketch.py - render_renderfarmfi.py - space_view3d_align_tools.py - object_cloud_gen.py also move bl_addon_info to the top for faster parsing.
Campbell Barton authored
These scritps still need changes related to parent classes - mesh_surface_sketch.py - render_renderfarmfi.py - space_view3d_align_tools.py - object_cloud_gen.py
- Jul 22, 2010
Nathan Letwory authored
Nathan Letwory authored
Nathan Letwory authored
- Jul 20, 2010
Luca Bonavita authored
- moved renderfarm to render_renderfarmfi.py - fixed bl_addon_info: new wiki page, tracker page, category
Nathan Letwory authored