- May 30, 2012
Florian Meyer authored
Florian Meyer authored
- Mar 24, 2012
Florian Meyer authored
- Mar 14, 2012
Sergey Sharybin authored
Remove module add_utils.py which fully duplicates functions from trunk's object_utils.py module and switch all dependent addons to use module from trunk.
- Jan 31, 2012
Campbell Barton authored
fix some errors with import images to planes, 1) path comparison was not expanding, normalizing first, 2) non-utf8 paths made the script error out, 3) paths were exported with absolute paths by default, had to remember to make them relative which was annoying.
- Jan 14, 2012
Campbell Barton authored
- Dec 31, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- Nov 24, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- Oct 04, 2011
Dalai Felinto authored
fix for io_import_images_as_planes add-on not working after texface patch (reported by Nathan Letwory over IRC)
- Sep 23, 2011
Bastien Montagne authored
- Sep 19, 2011
Bastien Montagne authored
Plus a few styling enhancements. [[Split portion of a mixed commit.]]
- Aug 27, 2011
Thomas Dinges authored
* You only have to do layout.prop if you want 1 property, no need for row then! * Use col, row, sub as variable names, not colsub, rowsub, row2 etc please. * Povray Addon: Still used a lot of splits, you need no split when you only have 1 column!
- Jul 25, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- May 28, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- May 16, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- Mar 19, 2011
Jonathan Smith authored
- Feb 11, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- Feb 08, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
update_tag() tags for depsgraph update only, update() executes normal recalculation and creates edge data.
- Feb 07, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- Feb 05, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- Jan 14, 2011
Campbell Barton authored
- Jan 08, 2011
Luca Bonavita authored
READ THIS TO AVOID A LOT OF WORK! New way of linking to tracker pages: just use the parameter "aid" (artifact ID), to avoid a lot of manual updates later in wiki and svn. Example: ========= OLD WAY TO LINK TO TRACKER ----------------------------- Complete url of a script in Upload http://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=25349&group_id=153&atid=467 If we move this in contrib this url will become http://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=25349&group_id=153&atid=468 467 becomes 468, so we have to update this in wiki page. Later on, when this moves into Trunk, the url will become http://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=25349&group_id=153&atid=469 468 becomes 469, so we have to update the url in wiki page and svn. Annoying! NEW WAY TO LINK TO TRACKER ----------------------------- Best way to link to tracker page is using: http://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=25349 Use "func=detail" Use "aid" (which is the "artifact ID") DON'T use "group_id" (which is the project ID, bf-extensions is project 153) DON'T use "atid" (which is the "artifacts tracker ID") Like this, the url is unique, and we will avoid to update wiki pages and svn after moving pages [[Split portion of a mixed commit.]]
- Dec 23, 2010
Luca Bonavita authored
- in wiki page urls: "File_I-O/" -> "Import-Export/" - in categories: "Import/Export" -> "Import-Export" - 1 tab to 4 spaces - some tuple formatting, just to be very picky :P
- Dec 19, 2010
Florian Meyer authored
basically completely recoded in order to use add_utils and io_utils. Also the rest of the thing is recoded. Since this was like my first script this new version is much more readable and easier to debug. As a bonus there is also a new option to align the planes in a row on import to justify a version bumb. I think i tested everything and it should be bug free. Hopefully :)
- Dec 08, 2010
Campbell Barton authored
- Nov 14, 2010
Florian Meyer authored
- Sep 24, 2010
Campbell Barton authored
- Sep 18, 2010
Florian Meyer authored
- Sep 11, 2010
Thomas Dinges authored
by Filiciss Muhgue (filiciss). Thanks a lot! Part 2: Extensions
- Sep 03, 2010
Campbell Barton authored
update for changes in rna io_import_scene_mhx.py mapto isnt working as it should since this can now only be accessed as many bools
Campbell Barton authored
- Sep 02, 2010
Campbell Barton authored
- Aug 31, 2010
Luca Bonavita authored
- comforming after my commit in bf-blender: - removed the categories from addons names - made 'version' a tuple of integers - added 'api' field - formatted wiki and trackers pages and added where needed (empty pages are yet to be written by the authors though) - more conforming: - 1 tab = 4 spaces - please check everything is fine in case I made some gross mistake
- Aug 27, 2010
Campbell Barton authored
- Aug 25, 2010
Campbell Barton authored
- Aug 23, 2010
Campbell Barton authored
- Aug 21, 2010
Campbell Barton authored
- Aug 19, 2010
Campbell Barton authored
- Aug 02, 2010
Campbell Barton authored
- mesh_surface_sketch.py - render_renderfarmfi.py - space_view3d_align_tools.py - object_cloud_gen.py also move bl_addon_info to the top for faster parsing.
Campbell Barton authored
These scritps still need changes related to parent classes - mesh_surface_sketch.py - render_renderfarmfi.py - space_view3d_align_tools.py - object_cloud_gen.py